Why don't you just settle for a 4/10 gf robots?

Why don't you just settle for a 4/10 gf robots?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bold of you to assume I could get a 4/10

she's not a 4/10 ffs

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You literally just have to try user

when you make these kind of threads you're supposed to post well above average girls not an actual 4/10

But what's the truth

They're originally too autistic

I need at least a 9/10 to compensate for my low self-esteem and wasted teenage years

That's probably why you don't have a girlfriend

Can't even settle for a 1/10
too ugly for like 98% of the females
so that leaves me with 1-2/10s
Flying is more realistic than being with a girl im attracted to
Its over for me

>you can still tell its a man though the heavy smoothing filters
that's just sad

Wtf she is super cute
Like 8/10 minimum

That's right, and I'm also too lazy and weak-willed to do the work it needs to be done in order to get one

They look the exact same on omegle

this. us 1- 3/10s are doomed

Because I already settled for a 10/10 wife

Attached: mylove.png (347x615, 400K)

>the strongest filters ever

This bitch ain't even in frame lmao

Because I've got a 6/10 wife that's on the spectrum like me.

I posted her pics on Jow Forums today

Cause she prefers a random on league countries away

Who is she tho? Elaborate

I don't understand user, why?

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She posts here sometimes
She's 20 years old and a hiki

I'm not the only one

t.incels seething
envy is one hell of a drug

4/10 women are still trashy whores and they don't want 4/10 men.

Would any robot here be willing to settle for average gf? I am fairly thin, but my face is definitely average and I wear glasses.

That's so strange, I don't even post on Jow Forums very often
it's always the collage too

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We're gonna need some pics user

I want to see erin's cute peepee

I don't want to be banned, I am sorry.

There are lots of prison gays on Jow Forums so it's not surprising

Probably yeah but you gotta deal with me being ugly

post discord
obviously unoriginal

Where do you live? Thank you very much, I can be attracted to anyone so I don't mind it if you are truly ugly. Can I ask one question though: are you a lolicon?

Erin/Lynn/Miki... man she has too many aliases

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add me on discord and i'll let you know:


>asking a guy if he's a lolicon
you seem pretty based

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I'd kill for an average gf as long as I knew she loved me.

I live in europe. And I mean, I dont care about how the other person looks like, since I care more about personality and how the person really is you know?

And that question, depends, why you ask? Ive read a couple of doujins and have some

you're forgetting a couple desu
that's strange but it makes sense, it's a russian posting me though so Putin is going to be angery

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Who is this person even, red pill me user

Well, I am sorry then, but not being a lolicon is my only requirement. I know it's not something you can control and demanding it is not fair, but I really can't overlook that. I am sorry user. I hope you will have a better luck next time, you seem like a kind person.

huh? you have more? how many aliases do you need?

I'm not a lolicon and also ugly, do you happen to have a discord, user?

Because 4/10 fembots have shown no interest in 3/10 18 yr old blakcbot me

I have a couple other ones, not counting the ones I used as an underage

When you have bangs that long it looks cute up close but from far away you cant see their eyes and it makes their nose look giant and looks really retarded I know from experience. Cut them please

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That girl looks famiIiar

Attached: D20C000D-6E4B-4D00-B327-56B8D5175072.jpg (1280x2560, 746K)

Post more pics of that person (not yourself because you can get banned for it)

cool, tell me more on discord then

Huh, sorry, I am confused, are you this user ?

which person user?
hey yeah I think i've seen them before..
I don't have the money to cut them right now, I'm planning on getting them cut next week when I get my neetbux.
they look way better properly trimmed but thank you for the advice user

Nope, just some other user passing by

Are you a mtf trap sissy?

I would choke her and fuck her boipussy but something about her makes me think she is incapable of love.

In the op pic, cookie

Are you actually looking for a relationship on here user? Girls with glasses are really cute to me, I doubt you're just average.

oh someone else already did I'll probably take another pic when I get my bangs trimmed like that other user said.

this, there's just something off about her when she talks in another thread

How are you getting neetbux? what mental illnesses?

I don't know if she is, I find her pretty attractive, but certainly not 'conventionally' so.

Still making a hash of it though it seems, think she might still be too good for me.

I get neetbucks because I have a history of panic attacks, same reason I'm a shut in
what seems off about me?

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Are you really going to cut them?
Also, come here, say something

Why are you on here posting selfies? People like you consistently drive this board further in the trash.

I'm totally gonna get them trimmed, I just have to work up the energy to go to the salon
and okay

My discord is drblythe#4083 if you'd like to add me then.

I see...
Thanks, I wanted to see where you were from

I'm sorry user
I posted them casually in threads which a lot of people do, and then some people started using it as the op pic

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No one posts selfies on r9k casually. It's literally stickied not to post selfies. You replying to these threads and answering people's questions isn't helping the problem at all either. I don't know how r9k became the place to go for lonely girls to get orbiters.

you could have just asked.
just because there's a rule doesn't mean people don't break it, people still put original at the end of posts but that's a bannable offense on r9k, also i've literally seen other people post selfies but okay.
>me replying is a problem
I don't understand

It's painfully obvious you're just trying to join the legions of e-thots that got orbiters on here. It wouldn't even surprise me if you made this thread. Does it seriously not bother you that people saved your pictures and are posting it around?

Because in my experience 4/10s are often just as shifty and slutty as Stacie's. But they are uggo lol, so no benefit.

It doesn't bother me, it's the risk I took by posting a photo in a thread, I was a bit embarrassed at first people were posting me but now I'm not bothered by it.
still weird to see myself in the catalog though...

All I care about are loyalty, hygiene, submissiveness and a willingness to adjust to my lifestyle and do your part

They posted them in a ton of threads after being told it's against the rules and acting like they didn't know. I've also seen her face spammed in OP posts constantly the past couple weeks and every time without fail she comes into the thread 30 minutes after it was created and starts making uwu cutesy posts replying to everyone who acknowledges her.

You're right about what she's doing and I'd also put money on her being the one making the threads.

ok dumb retard

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It's literally not me, of course I show up in a thread, on a board I go on with a picture of me in the op, I'm a shut in and spend the majority of my day on imageboards.
I think it'd be weirder for me to not show up user.

please post peepee erin please

please be my gf erin please I want to worship your feet

Stop denying you don't love the attention you're getting. No doubt in my mind you're gonna continue to post more pictures and try to get an army of incels.

That's for marriage user

>waaaa stop liking getting attention because Im a mutant faggot who will never get any

Good for her.

I don't care if she's getting attention anywhere else, I don't understand why she has to come to the board made specifically not to have these types of posts and try to get it here. It's literally in the rules not to do what she's doing, but "everyone else is doing it so i can do it too uwu"

He's not saying to stop liking getting attention, he's telling her to stop acting like she doesn't like it when she clearly does. No female/trap posts their face on a board full of lonely men if they aren't absolutely desperate for attention/validation. She plays up the whole "uwu so innocent pls don't give me attention" schtick when the reality is she's a massive attention whore who won't stop spamming her face.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


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