Reminder to fembots

Talk to your local incel today. You don't need to have sex with him or date him, all you have to do is give him the slightest amount of attention. Have a short conversation with him and smile. That's all you have to do. The smallest act of kindness could stop a mass shooting, rape, or suicide.

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Why would I do that when I could talk to chad?

Chad won't shoot up a school if you don't talk to him

I don't care lol. It's not like he'll shoot me. I mostly skip school to go over to chad.

>expecting women to do something good for society

ITT: Men roleplay as women

I know zero incels irl, but I would gladly talk to them. The only one I suspected of being incel turned out to be a manwhore.

He likely will shoot you. Statistically, at least a good handful of incels have made you their subject of adoration. They think about you every night, and masturbate to the thought of tying you up and raping you. They probably even know where you live. If one does go berserk, even in the rare event he doesn't kill you, he will make it clear that he wanted attention from you and you alone. Your name will be in the news, and everyone will know it was your fault.

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>could stop a mass shooting, rape, or suicide

Women want these things to happen so that a) the ugly man will be out of their lives (arrested or dead), and b) so they can virtue signal and make themselves look like sensitive caring people

Damn, sounds like you've seen this happen before

>everyone will know it was your fault.

no, most people will see her as a victim of the crazy incel menace. He will have utterly no sympathy from anyone except r9k and incel communities.

I'd probably shoot the fembot first for not giving me coochie

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Unironically everyone even incels ghost me for being too clingy and sending too many messages.
[Spoiler]i sent 16 to a guy and he got upset and made fun of me[/spoiler]

I wish even 1 girl would send me a single message let alone 16

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>tfw I have incel eyes
Nice. But like this guy said , the aftermath for her will actually be positive.

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It won't make a difference, my issues are derived from existential divinity horror

If I talk to one he will either become a creepstalker or shoot up the school. Incels are best left alone in the basement.

He was from this board, not at all chad
I was just having fun talking about stuff I was interested in but it bothered them I guess.
If I don't have a friend who wants to spend all day with and talk to I don't know what the point of a friend is.

I'd tell you to see a psychiatrist but they're as fucked in the head as you these days.

not a fembot but, why the fuck would i want to have anything to do with someone who's likely to go and rape or shoot someone. you choose your own path in life. being kind is cool and all that but nobody fucking owes you anything

why do i always end up talking to fembots who end up ghosting me and not the obsessive lonely ones. life isn't fair

Yea I feel that user usually what im interested in doesnt interest others so they just stop talking with me

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Reminder that plenty of us blend into the crowd. That guy who is always cracking jokes but is actually really smart? Never had a gf. That handsome guy who is kind of introverted but very nice when you speak to him? Hasn't kissed somebody in over a year. That artsy, stylish, skinny guy with long hair and a perfect nose? Hopes that someone will like him for his looks cause no one ever did for his personality. The loud brute who cares for his friends and makes everyone feel safe? Has only hugged the pillow this year.

Find the incel. He's out there and looks normal. But maybe, if you talk to him, for a moment his eyes will reveal the pain he feels, betraying that fake smile he's rehearsed so many times in front of the mirror.

>can't even do spoilers right
You deserve to suffer.

Thank you women for keeping the incels in check while we arrange the needed cleansing

>these attractive guys just blend into the crowd
user, pls.

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How do I know that an ugly black girl talking to him when what he really wants is a qt pale whie/asian girl won't just make him even more angry at the world?

I know many of those types, and guess what? All of them already have/had a girlfriend.

This is so retarded I don't know where to start. Incels are not like you described. Incels are very easy to identify if you can catch one in the rare moment he leaves the house. An incel doesn't have a job and almost never goes outside. All those guys you described are normies or volcels.

pls be in europe. i need a fembot gf who's just as obsessive and clingy as i am

because the obsessive lonely ones are less pretty and not even robots want a 5/10
it really hurts, I just want to have good friends who care and wanna talk

you dont have to be an ugly black girl online

How are you even supposed to eventually hook up with your user friend? That's the end goal, of course.

are you in quebec? please be

This. On the internet, you can be anyone you want.

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>not even robots want a 5/10
you are very very wrong and i can prove it to you if you want

South east ontario
Everyone tries to prove me wrong, everyone fails

I have done just that and he turned out to be a slut looking just for sex. It's better to just find a respectful normiw boy who would love to marry and have kids with a girl.

yeah but robots are gay and trannies
why waste my time bro

Dude, giving a guy SLIGHT attention and then cutting him off is even more likely to make him start shooting something up then simply not acting like a raging bitch by pointing at him and going "ewwww what a ugly" on the street.

Most of them know shit won't ever work out, feel certain that girls will never feel anything nice about them and just want to be left alone.

Because it's a kind gesture, and can do real good for the world. All you have to do is talk to an incel for less than 5 minutes and smile at him, and you could be saving lives.

This. Giving hope only to tear it away is worse than letting a person rot in despair.

mang even if you're ugly i can look past that if you're a nice person. i'm not superficial. i fell in love with a girl with a huge jew nose so i'm not fazed by anything at this point besides we could just be frens. it doesn't just have to be a romantic thing or anything. i'd be nice to talk to someone who wouldn't end up ghosting me for once

whats your contact? you sound like a reasonable person

I'd be happy to talk with you, femanon. But something tells me you're underaged.

thats a really unwarranted and inaccurate assumption out of nowhere, but suit yourself

Kind of experiencing this now. Met a girl who was actually attracted to me, almost infatuated for a short time, but it wore off when she got to know me and now it's basically over.

Before her I was pretty content just living my life, working on transitioning in to a new career I enjoy and so on. She made me realise I crave something I'd been ignoring and now I feel constantly lonely.

this wasn't memy contact is [email protected]. hope you're cool with email

Bold of you to assume I know a single person in my city.
Always hung out with autismo boys in school and college, tried to teach them some things and give advice, especially since I was older than them. They were not interesting, though, it really felt like entertaining a younger cousin, but the one that's also horrible with words.

>Incels are very easy to identify
Absolutely wrong

>no message in my inbox
nice one user. why did you have to jump in and scare that fembot away

OP is a nigger trying to do damage control for the soon to be dead niggers

>south east ontario
Nice, me too,
What do you normally chat on? I've been in a chatty mood lately and no one can talk enough to satisfy me

That is the bullshit about "when you stop searching she will come by herself"

Yeah, you lose all hope start arranging yourself with it, and yes! She comes.
For a month and then she sneers and leaves again and you are fucking floored. But yet filled with hope that she was NEARLY the right one and there could be others... so you have hope again and a lot of pain and start trying and get reject a lot and feel like dying.

Until you give up and the whole shitcircle starts again because another girls notices you for 2 weeks. Fuck.
And while typing this I am quite glad that I do not own a gun

Use that feeling of unease to better yourself, even if it's just a little bit. That way, next time you meet someone like that they might choose to stick around.
These feelings are natural and the reason your ancestors managed to make you. Don't try to hide from them and forget about them, but use them for something positive instead of violent evil shit. Don't give up on yourself, user.

discord, post yours and i can add

It is far better to give up.
I want that hope to DIE and never reappear.
Because while it is around, I will only prove vulnerable to the next damn girl thinking about tasting a McIncel meal that quickly ends in the trashcan

Pain is a natural response of your brain telling you something in your life is not right and needs to be changed. When you put your hand on a hot stove, you feel pain which tells your body to move the hand away so you stop burning yourself.
The pain you feel from rejection comes, typically, from the idea that you are not good enough for the other person. You can choose to ignore this pain and drown out the symptoms, or you can address the root of the issue and try to improve areas of your life you're not happy with. The pain is your brain telling you to change because your current situation is holding you back from a basic human desire

Wrong. It is not BETTER, but EASIER. You can give me 1000+ justifications for why you think it's better for you, but really they'll all be excuses to not deal with the real issue. I know, because there's many issues in my own life that I avoid addressing in this same way, including my social/sex life. However, every once in a while I find these situations that give me a bit of hope, and gradually I've bettered myself where every time it happens now, I'm more hopeful and confident that things can work out.
If you're worried about being vulnerable and emotionally weak around women, that's understandable. Many have that issue, but it can be overcome with some effort.
Watch and read some stuff on how to interact with others and how to talk to women. There's certainly a lot of bullshit to sort through, but if you take a bit of time you can find many great resources aimed at helping guys overcome these issues.
And just keep talking to randoms for practice, you'll get used to being rejected and might even eventually turn it into a game.
It's definitely a lot of effort, but you don't have to settle for this self-hating identity your whole life; no one does. Keep trying to better yourself, and you can absolutely find someone. There's literally billions of women, and you've probably only met very few so far.

Biscuits #5624

I suck at comforting people. I can't appear caring or loving.

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I can't even talk to a cashier and you want me to talk with incels

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>lelel just improve yourself moar and play "any pussy is okay" number games, bro
No, I won't.
I want to be fucking left alone or be wanted as I am, got it? I am not changing myself for your convince or helping to keep this shit-tier society up by showing effort

Does anyone have this image but its just wojak goinf :I

Or i could buy him a sexrobot

Not even necessary, you would be surprised how much effort we would put for reliable pussy even artifical ones.

Asuming you are born XX, all you need to do is be another voice actually asking for their development instead of working against it like so many females.
Or you could try loving even one of us fully, but I am though attempting to even ask for THAT at this point

>I want to be fucking left alone or be wanted as I am, got it?
Well, you can keep telling yourself that, but the way you're reacting to me and to rejection in general says something very different.

>I am not changing myself for your convince (convenience?) or helping to keep this shit-tier society up by showing effort
Ok, I mean, I don't see how you working to improve your own life is gonna have any convenience for me. It's actually better for me if every other guy just fucks off and frees up the competition, but I really just wanted to help others who are going through what I've gone through and what I continue to experience intermittently. Ultimately I can't force anyone to make this change, and if you want to just keep being a crybaby, all while complaining that no one likes you, there's really nothing anyone else can do about it.
And if all you got out of my posts was "any pussy is okay", then you really didn't read into my message. If you truly, TRULY wanted to be left alone, you wouldn't come on here and publicly bitch and moan about how poor little you gets rejected by the one person who happened to pay attention to you one time. I actually don't blame her if this is how you normally behave, and frankly it's pretty funny that you accuse me of telling you "any pussy is Ok" when you yourself are getting so hung up on the first meathole to give you the time of day.
Improving yourself and finding a romantic partner goes beyond just having sex, but you'll never understand that in the unhealthy mindset you subject yourself to. Learn to actually listen to other people, instead of jumping on them for daring to challenge your pathetic life style choices. Otherwise, fuck off and go be alone. I spend many days and weeks totally alone because I don't want to deal with people, but I don't come and cry about it on here afterwards.

My reaction stems mostly from 'helpful' people like you who are salivating about muh improvement but not being able to point to any tangible end result.
You are not helping people, you are prolonging suffering they endure to keep up the status quo.

Also nice deception, that you make your own assumptions about how my life MUST be and how often I went by that loop while attempting to hide that with a suggestion like
>And just keep talking to randoms for practice, you'll get used to being rejected and might even eventually turn it into a game.
you damn well are doing nothing but telling us that any girl who bites should prove good enough for us, we need to simply play the PUA fags number game.

Sorry but what tangible end result do you expect me to point you to? The end result is something very personal because everyone wants different things, but I'm giving you general advice because I don't know who you are and what you're personally seeking.
I can give you more specific advice if you want, to the best of my abilities, if you actually explain your situation better, but you just get emotional at the mere mention of self-improvement. You want more specific advice? With what in particular? My main goal was just to dissuade you from giving up, because you can work towards any personal goals you have. Am I suppose to read your mind and tell you how to completely fix your life?
>you damn well are doing nothing but telling us that any girl who bites should prove good enough for us, we need to simply play the PUA fags number game.
Not really. Again, if you think I'm telling you to settle for the first person who talks to you, you really aren't getting my point. I've spoken to hundreds of strangers, both online and irl, and I can safely say almost all of those conversations led to nothing. But I have gotten significantly more comfortable talking to people now and can choose to be social if I need to be. I'm no longer stuck hiding from human interaction because I don't know how to deal with it. I also handle rejection a lot better, so now I can talk to someone I actually like (which doesn't happen a lot) and if it doesn't work out, I can move on, learn from my mistakes, and try again.
I will never advocate settling for some random roastie you're not happy with, but if you don't practice just having conversations with randoms, how will you ever find someone you actually like?
Again, if you don't want to make the effort, I can't force you to, but I really hate seeing people complaining about how hard they have it while refusing to do anything to actually improve their lives.

It's called the whitoid smirk

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For ex. if you actually had a loving gf you never see leaving? Then you might actually be able to point to a tangible end result.
Not that you could prove it here, but you get it.

All that you try suggest to guys here is sticking their dick into a meatgrinder long enough that they are either get numb to the pain or kill themself over it.

Which frankly sounds more like you are recruiting more targets for girls with own issues then helping the guys out to me.

Also if you ahte people complan but not change you come HERE of all places? Now that sounds fishy or very dumb, that is nearly the mainstay of the board

If you are still around user dont be too shy to add me too, berry#1696

Ok, the tangible end result in my case is that I've become much happier with my life after taking steps to improve it. I haven't gotten a lot of results yet, but I'm also better off than I was years ago. I can't do much to convince you of this, but I wouldn't be coming here giving advice to other anons if I didn't feel like I've found happiness in my own. I did have a gf I thought I was gonna get married to at one point, we were even living together. However, I got too clingy and protective because I was still inexperienced and the relationship ended. I've learned a lot since then but haven't found any girls like her so still no lasting relationships. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be, but am talking from personal experience when I preach that it's better to keep trying than to let a failed relationship or harsh rejection make you give up forever.

>they are either get numb to the pain or kill themself over it.

People are actually gonna be less suicidal if they go out and keep trying and start seeing that they do have a hope. You're the one who's promoting the toxic idea of giving up on self-improvement and never being with other people. Do you honestly think shutting off from the rest of the world and telling yourself you'll never be good enough for anyone is a healthy way to deal with depression? I'm promoting hope because I've found it in my own life through a bit of hard work and self-motivation. I may not have found the wife and family I'm looking for yet, but I'm also not depressed and emotionally numb anymore.

I come here because some less stubborn anons sometimes just need a little positive reinforcement and actually listen to this type of advice. I know because I used to come here and cry about how hard life was when I was younger, and it's posters like me, not negative shitheads like you, that eventually convinced me to try and fix my life instead of giving up and reveling in sadness.

I mean, for fucks sake, this is a thread meant to talk about the power of a little female attention in a struggling incels life and how helpful that can be for someone, and you come here talking about how it's better to just give up on women or people altogether?
Which one of us is really the fishy one here? If being a sad pathetic fuck is a mainstay of the board for you, then go to one of the other dozens of threads where your ideas can be echoed back to you. Instead you choose to come to one of the few threads on this board that's meant to be positive and shit it up.
I come here to expose negative, unproductive assholes who do what you do, so that others don't fall for your nihilistic nonsense.

Reminder to robots. Dont rape, shoot up or commit suicide.

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It's much easier to not do that when you are happy

I like my 'toxic ideas' (lol sjw speech much?) because they work for me. At least as long as no girl thinks playing bait and switch with me again is a nice thing to do.

So I will not be moved from them if you can not offer more than empty platitudes about shiny hope and a "It gets better user", sorry bro.

Its much easier to not do that when you're not a psycho.

>I am just looking to help you all really
>I come here to expose negative, unproductive assholes who do what you do, so that others don't fall for your nihilistic nonsense.

Hm, going from "I am just a cheerful helper, really!" to "you better only have the right thoughts and i decide which those are!" police, interesting jump you make there.

>demand female attention to prevent you from being a homicidal asshole
Neck yourself loser

Seeing how many female adore real homicidal assholes, you have little room to complain.

>women like guys I don't like so I should be allowed to control them
Kys loser

Need to have another pic of a shooters fanmail in their jailcell posted?
Sorry I can't be assed, maybe somoeone else will.
You can also stay in denial of it, no skin off my nose.

Well of course they work for you, because you don't have to work for them. They're easy to achieve.
>At least as long as no girl thinks playing bait and switch with me again is a nice thing to do.
Well you can't control what other people do, only how you react to them. There's always gonna be attention whores, but your answer to them is to just write off all women entirely instead of just brushing off the bad ones?
You can tell yourself my advice is empty, but I'm speaking from personal experience, so it doesn't really affect me if you listen or not.

yea I start off helpful if I can. I sincerely responded to you at first because I wanted to encourage you to not give up and actually offer specific and concrete advice if you wanted it, but you've just been a whiny omega who acts like an entitled brat. but expects people to just accept him for how he is instead of even trying to make an effort. I'm still willing to help others who are willing to constructively share their own problems or solutions. You seem to be neither, since you just come here and spread your brainlet nihilism. and write off any attempts at positivity as "false hope" and "empty platitudes". I can call your ideas "false doom" and "lack of experience" and it means just as much.
If you feel like I'm policing you, you really are pathetic. I hold no authority over you. You seem to feel free to come here and tell other people that giving up is a good idea, so I have the same freedom of coming here and calling you a retarded failed abortion. I want to help people willing to help themselves, but I have no obligation towards lazy degenerate retards that just bring others down with them. You want to convince yourself you're unlovable and have no hope? That's fine. then that's how me and everyone else who actually puts some effort into their lives will continue to treat you.

>my personal anecdotes are proof, yours are all lack of experience

Are you even self aware at this point?

>teenage terrorists said we should change socoety the way they want, and they scare me, so let's kneel before terrorists
Kys traitor

>le terrorists
You mean like people telling other they should kill themself all day?

>Well of course they work for you, because you don't have to work for them

And you would totally work on yourself if your own sorry ideas were actually getting you somewhere? I sort of doubt that one, but it is the internet, you can lie

Define terrorism, user. Because you're not sure what it means.

Exactly the opposite of what you're suggesting, actually. I never said your own experiences aren't real or haven't been painful.

>and write off any attempts at positivity as "false hope" and "empty platitudes"
My point here is that you've been doing exactly what you're criticizing me for with
>>my personal anecdotes are proof, yours are all lack of experience

I never denied the validity of your personal experience. Me claiming that they were just lack of experience would be the same as you saying my personal experiences are "empty platitudes", which you did.
The main difference here is that my choices and experience have given me positive results, which I've briefly explained already, while yours seem to have made you bitter and hateful of everyone else.
Are you implying that my advice doesn't actually work for me and you know this because I'm on the internet?
Like I already said, I know what I'm advising works because I've had SOME success with it, and have continued success as I continue to try and better myself. Is it really so absurd to you that self-improvement might actually lead to a happier and more productive life and that it's not actually all just a meme?

Do you see how you're literally writing off my advice and personal experiences as "sorry ideas" that you "sort of doubt"? You tell yourself my ideas don't work based on absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, the best end-result you seem to have achieved in your own life is what? Giving up on women?
I don't really care if you want to be a loser your whole life, and you're free to express your ideas just as much as anyone.

This conversation with you has honestly been the lowest point of my weekend. Enjoy being miserable and forgotten.

To anyone that isn't a low-test brainlet and reading this thread, hopefully you can understand some of the points I've tried to make here. I might come back later, but I'm getting tired of trying to explain myself to this retard:

>Like I already said, I know what I'm advising works because I've had SOME success with it

That is nice for you, but at same time you try to dismiss my success (getting less tangled into womens few flaky approaches, not much but you bet I like it a load better then being needlessly hurt again)
by claiming I would only do things my way because it requires "no work".
(false btw, not getting dragged into a women social baiting games is sometimes hard af)

At the same time you try to glamorize your own efforts by how hard you worked for them and wax on about "continued successes" and how productive you were, while it seems that all that didn't get you any of the desired endresult.

>I really do not care
>That is why I continue to whine at you
Nice logic there.

>This conversation with you has honestly been the lowest point of my weekend

I am starting to be pretty happy to hear that, because you come across as a pretty self-righteous asshole.

when nobody cares about you, why should you care about anyone else? lmao normies think they can just treat people like shit turning them into psychos and not suffer the consequences. self-centered much? yikes