How come women always vote against the interest of the nation and they like policy that will weaken the nation?
How come women always vote against the interest of the nation and they like policy that will weaken the nation?
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Because it sounded like a good idea on paper.
They shit test. Not a person, but the entire society. Too bad they are too stupid to realize this will actually be bad.
I shall be in that valhalla with women like this that love me
hatred is for me in this world
because they are emotional thinkers and not logical thinkers.
have el sexo
It's the same concept of a shit-test, except applied to their societies on a macro scale. If the society is not strong enough to resist feminism, it deserves to be taken over(and it inevitably will be). Darwin was right.
if a woman votes for migrants/socialism and she gets her way then the invading men will overwhelm the weak natives,and women love strong men
if the new men fail and are butchered/removed by the natives then this proves to the woman her men ARE strong and worthwhile
either way,its a win-win for women
This is the dumbest electoral take I've ever seen. Answer this OP is it possible for a nation to have interest that it's citizens do not? If so why should a citizen vote for the self-serving nation over their own interest. Literally asking people to hobble themselves.
Nevermind these are the dumbest takes.
>nation's interest: carry on
>your interest: bring on murdering backwards invaders that will replace you
Democracy is a mistake. Back to r*ddit cucklord.
They don't have loyalty to a nation.
It's a shit test. If men of their nation don't stop the invaders then they'll gladly be conquered by those invaders. No loss to them, they'll just have stronger more alpha conqueror sons now.
Imo they really want to see society break down and get to enjoy watching us fight like pack of dogs, so they can get fucked by the winners.
To most of them it does not really occur at a basic level that their own safe "non-combatant" state is only a feature of the very same society they try to break and that they will be the first targets, not privileged safekept onlookers.
Others delude themselfs into being a stronk wymen who is able to stand up for their own once that happens. (anyone remember that hairy "1000 nazi scalps" antitfa cunt? lel)
Should get a load of fun when shit does get so far, but at least those rape fantasies many have are likely to come true then.
nature made women emotional so they would have babies so women are making voting decisions based on emotions and not on critical thinking.
they weaken the nation because they want to be conquered
i have no idea and i don't really care
>nation's interest: just to exist
>not to serve the elite of that nation even if it ruins the nation itself
Holy shit, you're like a baby. You literally have no actual political analysis, you just read pol memes.
Dunning Kruger on full display right here. You assume critical thinking is used by any voter, you assume emotional voting is bad, you neglect any material analysis, and you have no clue how power, politics, and interest intersect. You're so bafflingly stupid yet claim your votes are rational products of critical thinking. You should be shot dead.
Have you swallowed the honk pill brother?
Women are aware ridiculous concepts such as "nations" must be trascended if we want to survive as a species.
We'll owe women a great deal when they get humanity out of the mess males and their childish notions got the planet into
This sounds like something some retarded boomer mom would say
6/10 bait
>muh happy gay utopia, everyone is really a nice persona at heart who just needs to meditate moar
Oh boy, you are a hoot. You went from safe suburbs life straight to racemixer college and have it all figured out, right? BLM sticker included.
Follow your own advice and meditate more
Did you learn that on your 1st or 2nd year of polisci, cuckie?
they are more susceptible to jew-controlled media brainwashing
>You're so bafflingly stupid yet claim your votes are rational products of critical thinking.
Men are more then women if they are not thinking with their dick but unfortunately men want to get laid so they vote for what whatever the wife wants.
idk man, as long as I can fuck her i don't care
>>nation's interest: just to exist
>>not to serve the elite of that nation even if it ruins the nation itself
Then why do you imply that a citizen's interest is different from the nation's? Maybe different end goals, but the methods to get there are the same. Total control by state seen as total safety by the people stupid enough to permit it.
If whores vote for destruction and men opposite it, women should be punished, only viable solution. The elites and your illuminati altough legit yet not relevant bullshit can occupy your feeble mind after destruction is avoided, wife's boyfriend's cum guzzler.
when your tribe is invaded and defeated, the men are slaughtered, and their lineage ends. but the women that welcome the invaders are accepted and bred - their genetic lineage continues. women surrendering is benefitial.
look at french women at the first half of ww2, and german women in the second half. its just good strategy for the men to die trying, and for the women to surrender and colaborate.
>they vote for what whatever the wife wants.
Never understood this. When people are given promises to vote for someone, be them from the party, a relative, friends, etc, how can they even know you did? Tell your whore you'll vote for immigrant lovers jew party and vote for Hitler. Not only spineless, but stupid too, the people that can't do this.
a lot of us dont follow politics and have herd mentality...ddfdsfw
Women want to destroy capitalism and our economy, they want to expand the welfare state at the cost of the family, they want everything to be free, they want open borders etc. I'm glad the men haven't lost all dignity yet and let women rule
I remember women starting a trend of not dating trump supporters. this is how men get control and manipulated by women.
>is it possible for a nation to have interest that it's citizens do not?
Yes, actually. If the individual has the goal of being rich, for instance, it's in his interest that the government give him as much money as he wants, but if the government does that to every individual that has such goals, it would lead to inflation and ultimately the collapse of the economy.
So, yes, the national interest might differ from the individual's.
>This is the dumbest electoral take I've ever seen. Answer this OP is it possible for a nation to have interest that it's citizens do not? If so why should a citizen vote for the self-serving nation over their own interest. Literally asking people to hobble themselves.
Because people don't understand what benefits them, especially women, why do you think that refugees are accepted in Europe like they are? They increase crime and are a net drain to the economy, yet women love them. Another example is that commies still gets votes in 2019 which is a clear example of people voting against their own self interest
>why do you think that refugees are accepted in Europe
They aren't, you low IQ Burger Jow Forumstard.
they fuck shit up and expect us to fix it. it's just a big societal shit test. they're fine with savage immigrants coming to their country because it's feel good bullshit, and then those immigrants start fucking the country up and then they look at us to fix it. they're fucking stupid
Evolutionary psychology.
Imagine not having sympathy for people fleeing warzones.
Basically its natural selection. Women constantly undermine men to test their weakness. Strong men will keep women in their place and prevent them from undermining them(having power). Strong men breed stronger offspring who go on to reproduce more etc. Its actually really simple.
Imagine wanting to make your own peaceful country into a wartorn shithole exactly like those warzones they're fleeing.
Protip: not even other brown people want to be around brown people, and will literally cross the entire planet to avoid them, because brown people are shit and ruin everything they come near.
That's the most perfect woman possible
Their interests involve big black cock. They are voting in favor of these interests.
>western street chock full of coons that were suddenly 'syrian' when it benefited them
Lie some more, jew.
Shlomos aren't very good as psyops but you're the weakest I've ever seen. You're posting jewish pro-rapefugee propaganda in hope to get some shekels but even jidf won't think you are doing a good job.
Refugees or not, you probably don't want this happening.
why is every urban basedboy dating or married with children then?
>that denial
What is wrong, got your dreadlocks strung too tight,leftist faggot?
>They aren't, you low IQ Burger Jow Forumstard.
They are, if you lived in Northern Europe and are older than 18 you have literally went thought a demographic shift and year after year refugees have become a bigger part of the population
It's to be expected that capital cities have a high traffic of people from all over the world. But we made the mistake of letting too many live here permanently.
Imagine pressing a knife into her stomach
I live in Northern Europe and have no idea of what you're talking about, Shlomo.
>Imagine wanting to make your own peaceful country into a wartorn shithole exactly like those warzones they're fleeing.
Women want countries to become wartorn and destabilize them to make men fight each other and then they will mate with the victors
>I live in Northern Europe and have no idea of what you're talking about, Shlomo.
What, do you live in a small shithole city or something or do you consider countries like Estonia to be apart of northern Europe? What Norther European country are you from larper
Then you are fucking blind, you can walk two feet in a german city without seeing a nig or a dunecoon. The french and english have it even worse.
And do not get me started on lol sweden.
Because women are NOT logical thinkers, r9k knows this, it's not news.
So they see a picture of some dumb kid from a warzone and get all weepy and whiny and want to save the little shit.
They NEVER consider whether it might be unsustainable to import millions of poor people, they don't consider ANYTHING besides their emotions at that time.
tl;dr women are stupid
kek, he was clearly a amerimutt larper
Women vote with their emotions not their logic, they were biologically programmed to care about emotions since their job is to raise babies so it only makes sense that this is the case
Because they are easily manipulated by using calls to emotion. Simple really.
Divide and conquer.. Girl power.
Female is stronger if they are united into social pressures and norms, but no one else can do the same, or their I consistency and unsustainable expectations and irresponsibility starts showing and the female privelege and exploitation party comes to an end.
Women corrupt nations that don't have a strong ethical system to see bullshit when it's happening.
I'll meet you at the edge of asgard
Typo edit: "I consistency" = "inconsistency" instead
What a based city
Compare to boring, uniform places that can only produce shameful stuff like lolcows and anime.
Why should I give a shit about nation states?
>Why should I give a shit about nation states?
You should give a shit about you country because you, your family and your irl friends live in it
[How/why/etc] [broad group] [specific habit attributed to entire group] [politic reference] [samefag first 3 responses]
Quality troll thread. 4/10. Someone post the troll line meme.
That doesn't explain them at all.
They don't want us to win.
What if the only reason for me to care about it is what you just said? I hate almost everything about it and would leave it if it is to be invaded.
Because they don't have men keeping them in check. It's not womens fault, they are just fulfilling their biological function.
>I hate almost everything about it and would leave it if it is to be invaded
Sorry for not giving into herd mentality.
>Sorry for not giving into herd mentality.
So not standing up for everyone you love and your home is preferable to standing up for the people and things you care for?
There is nothing to care about here, especially not the people.
I've changed a country once and I will do it again.
>There is nothing to care about here, especially not the people.
Hope you get out of your depression user and find some friends, get a home and start a family so you can start making roots in a country
My friends share my thought.
I've heard Finnland's nice.
All the galaxy brained alt-right retards thinking their youtube video political philosophy is something deep and unique and noble are giving me a good laugh. Yeah, you're the political genius, the guy who could barely finish high school or uni, not the literal brilliant people who are your masters. Its secretly you and no one will admit. AHAHAHAHA LMAO
Yeah, it's the happiest country on earth, idk how accepting of foreigners they are though
About normal for a western country in terms of accepting foreigners. They value their privacy more than most though. They are definitely multicultural.
Aye, brother! It's been great
Are you okay user?
>perfect body and 10/10 looks
>gets a tattoo
Why do women do this? Is it ironic?
>value their privacy more than most
We'll get along just fine.
>Why do women do this? Is it ironic?
To show the world that they are whores, tattoos are probably the biggest red flag out there
To show how muuuh independent they are by ruining their bodies
Because women are incapable of making rational decisions that will benefit society
Because they're generally idiots.
>it's not possible to inadvertently vite against your own interests
now THATS a hot take user
This. All the SJW shit comes from actual good intentions but people do not really think them through.