Oh gee. I finally get the PRIVILEGE of going outside guys. I get the PRIVILEGE. After 8 god damn months...

Oh gee. I finally get the PRIVILEGE of going outside guys. I get the PRIVILEGE. After 8 god damn months. The sun is finally shining and i only have semi freezing arctic winds instead of -40 degree fucking BULL SHIT. GOT 3 WHOLE MONTHS UNTIL ITS FUCKIN COLD AGAIN

It is a privilege to goo outside, its a fucking privilege. Now i only have to cover my face wear pants and a hoodie instead of scarf, pants, jeans, hoodie, mitten, gloves, coat, 3 socks, 2 extra pairs of pants, hat, hoodie

Oh no wait i still need fucking gloves to ride a bike. Fuck god. Fuck my life. Fuck this shit. Fuck anyone who lives in cold climates. Fuck the whites. Fuck everyone

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No guy. Fuck the Universe
or System. Either way its the same people

My dream is to live in the cold
I'm very pale and well suited to it, me a husband and lots of samoyed dogs living in northern Alaska

Yea until the cold dry air makes you look 40 years older and you go insane

Lmao. Niggers can't handle the cold.

I never go outside anyway and i'll use a good moisturizer

Dude who can. My town is 98% white and i dont see a single fucking person out in the cold. Literally no one likes this shit its fucking hell

Doesnt even matter. Most people are retarded and use synthetic moisturizer and one cold fucking wind blast from the outside when you open the door immediately kills all humidity in sight and being trapped inside with 0 fresh air is unhealthy as fuck

Hey OP, you still on probation?

Have you finally come to terms that you deserve it?

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I was about to say, where you been bruh bruh?

this is the beginning of the 6 months of the year where it's too hot for me to go outside
sux dawg

Why do you keep complaining here?

You remind me of that guy who kept whining about league of legends on /b/ for years (I don't even go on /b/ any more so no idea if he's still around). He posted so regularly that everyone recognised him, and he never took anyone up on their advice, he just wanted to complain eternally.

People have given you a lot of good advice but you always have some excuse. I'm a huge hypocrite because my life is a huge failure, but the difference is I'm not complaining about it or ignoring advice, I've accepted it.

Either accept your shitty life, or try to change it. Those are literally your two options. What is complaining achieving for you?

Attached: 123590-Oh-Shit-Not-You-Again.jpg (500x449, 126K)

Haha fuck you nigger, you're trapped up there and meanwhile down here in florida it's been great weather for the past 8 months. Ironically, this time coming up is the only time of year when it sucks to be outside because it's too hot.
Maybe god punished you because he knew you would eventually come here and be an obnoxious fucking spammer

As long as your air conditioning doesn't break, you don't stray into the 'wrong neighbourhood', or get attacked by an alligator

The only one that's plausible is the first one and has only happened to me once in my life, regular maintenance and checkups on AC isn't very difficult

So you know not to go to the wrong neighbourhood

What happens when your neighbourhood starts becoming the wrong neighbourhood? Do you just sell up and move, or stay as the crack dens pop up all around you?

I don't live in the city though, crack dens popping up isn't really something that happens. Everyone knows where the "wrong neighborhoods" are but they stick to themselves mostly

>google 'florida man' or 'florida women'
Isn't there always a chance you just get randomly attacked or killed?

That mostly has to do with how police reports are all completely public to reporters, makes turning any old florida man arrest into an easy news story. Not really more of a risk of getting randomly attacked or killed than in any other part of the country.

What's hell for a dumb nigger, is privilege for a white robot. Nothing I would love more than to live somewhere isolate and not worry about survival.

Give me literally one way t do it

You already know there are ways, it's just a question of the will. I could type hundreds of different solutions to your predicament and you will come up with an excuse to counter each one of them. People who want to change ignore the excuses and make it happen. You don't want to change your situation, user, not really.

I dont think you have been following my lore..

>down here in florida it's been great weather for the past 8 months.
Fuck you. You speak lies, Mr. user.
I hate this stupid hot muggy weather. I want to leave and go somewhere where the weather actually gets cold.

Other than in 3-4 months in the very middle of the year the weather in my area pretty much always hovers around the 70s

if you want to walk around nearly naked then fuck off to the jungle with the penis gourd niggers

70 degrees isn't cold.

I never said it was. In fact I was bragging about how good the weather is here, so that previous post was 100% positive.

>In fact I was bragging about how good the weather is here
I know. And I disagreed, because I hate how it never gets cold here.

Posting on /x/ I think his thread's still up

Why are you complaining? If you think it's cold, get some fat on your body and take cold showers to turn it into brown fat.
It's more compact and keeps your body warm really well.
The snow hasn't melted yet where I live, I hate summer warmth though, I can't do 18c+