Have you ever met a female that isn't a total NPC?
Have you ever met a female that isn't a total NPC?
In my world females are not even Cs, let alone PCs. To me a female is literally just a smelly asshole.
>music producer
>and no it wasn't normie shit music
She was one of very few. No others really come to mind.
normies like normie shit not because they are brainless drones who cant think for themselves, they make a conscious effort to seem as normal as possible. Two of my friends are insanely normie and they try their hardest to follow all the norms, avoid all taboos, the other day one of them asked me if we should do that #trashtag shit, they also care a ton about the newest marvel/disney movies and shit. You have to realise its all a facade, they are just like you except they prioritise seeming normal over being a unique person and so they mold their whole existence after social media and what is considered admirable. Most of the autistists on this site dont realise this, being as normal and bland as possible is a skill that all normies have to learn. I only realised this when I got high and had an out of body experience.
Song should be "sweet but psycho". Literally 50 percent of girls has it because "hur durr im soo sweet but also a devil xDDDD"
Fucking unoringal braindead thots. You either love women or understand them. Fuck them and their pussy. I will become a millionaire, buy a few hoes and humiliate them openly for being nothing but a meat commodity. No other reason to waste time on them.
yes, one of my best friends is female and she has just as much character as anyone else i know, if not more.
>humiliate them openly for being nothing but a meat commodity.
What's sad is that women actually like that and get horny be getting treaded like a meat commodity
Once, she was a genuine beautiful caring and sensitive soul, i dont like using normie buzzwords but she was described perfectly by the word empath. She just seemed to know how others were feelinng
yeah online, most of them were autistic or degenerate though
no because women depend on the tribe to survive so they need the tribe to accept them.
>I will become a millionaire
No you wont though
yep, that sounds just like the time I started thinking about timetravelling when watching a 3blue1brown video about vector transformations
its true tho, in order to have a healthy social life and spread your genes you have to fit it in with the average person.
Yes, my loving gf of which I'm going to show this post to and laugh at y'all with
absolutely in regards to it being beneficial to fit in, but not every "normie" hide their rare tastes or the ones I know are damn good at hiding it
In anime.
Yes. Student, redpilled af , very kinky mind with interest in some nasty fetishes while looking perfectly innocent on the surface and still a virgin at that time (Or claimed so, not like I got to check first hand)
Very well educated, bit autistic and into most chan-shit you can think of.
Surprise surprise, she had a bf.
let me guess she was asian and her bf was white.
No she was white, so was the bf.
yea. she was quite crazy and also a hair dresser (surprised? kek), she went to prison for a year for beating a girl up. its not a meme all hair dressers are fucking nuts.
>very kinky mind with interest in some nasty fetishes
Think of any more sexually deviant girls on Jow Forums and you will probably not be far off. She probably got more loli stuff then me saved, lel.
>Have you ever met a female that isn't a total NPC?
no, they all getting dicked down.
I think there are like four schools of people
bronies, furries, people that dont realise what they are doing is stupid/out of the ordinary, these people are becoming more common as a result of less bullying
>people who act normal but dont do it consciously
these are the types you are talking about, they might have one or two strange interests because they dont go out of their way to hide them, but they are still relatively normal people, they like genuinely like marvel movies, etc
>people who think adhering to social norms is weak-minded and boring
people like OP and most people on r9k who think they are somehow above everybody else because they dont participate in normie gimmicks
>people who dont naturally adhere to social norms but realise you need to, to have a healthy social life, so they pretend
these are people who dont like marvel movies but will watch them anyway because they know everybody will be talking about it, or people who are following sports despite not caring much for it, these people are smart and have good self discipline
number 4 is the true redpill
Nice cope, most women just can't think for themselves and follow the herd
Yes I've met a women that did not have social media, despised partying and normalfag activities in general. I really liked her but she wasn't very attractive unfortunately.
I mean there's always the extreme exceptions, but that doesn't change the fact that almost every woman is a total NPC
Yeah I kinda regret not going for it. But what kind of woman you attract also depends on how you present yourself.
you are number 3
Nah, I'm none of those, the closest one is number 4 I guess
My big sister would be the biggest PC Jow Forums has ever seen.
Drugs? No problem. Black people? Niggers. Jews? Kikes. Laws? Made to be broken. Oxymoronic stance towards relationships.
That is the operating word here.
Some of us get lucky on finding the few others while still having the shit fate of never being loved by them. Or only as a 'friend', which is far worse honestly. Like winning the lottery and then seeing your ticket disqualified
Is that so hard to believe?
>Some of us get lucky on finding the few others while still having the shit fate of never being loved by them. Or only as a 'friend', which is far worse honestly. Like winning the lottery and then seeing your ticket disqualified
>Is that so hard to believe?
Supply and demand, almost everyone wants a non-NPC gf yet there's so few of them so they can be very picky
Most women I know have more events and interests than men. Most racists and misogynists tend to be NPCs though.
If they were at least only picky.
Often they think that leading you on first and then later going "whoops I had a bf already, sorry" and offering you platonic friendship is a-okay.
>Most women I know have more events and interests than men.
Parties, Netflix drugs, alcohol, tattoos, instagram and snapchat is about 90% of most females personality
It's literally impossible to be both a white female and not an NPC. Asian females are the only possible non NPC females.
cool im a minority
Shit you must be in the 0.0001% of all females then gratz
So what are your interests then femanon?
thanks im taking pride in that even if it means ill never have female friends
games, anime and music mostly
talking about politics is also fun
>talking about politics is also fun
This, where do you stand politically and what political commentators do you like?
>t. Incel with being sexless as a main personality trait
>games, anime and music mostly
Are you white?
Yeah, my GF does increible voice acting. she has a naturally high tone of voice but when she does one of her male voices she actually sounds more like a man than i do. she has so many interests it makes me feel like a failure since all i can do is game
>where do you stand politically
centrist but i do hold strong opinions in social politics which i guess contrast to put me there
dont know enough about economical politics to have strong opinions on those
>what political commentators do you like?
sadly i rarely look into my own interests, i still need to look into political commentators
unsure if she counts but ShoeOnHead has pretty good opinions
>t. I'm a 30 year old virgin, but at least i'm not an incel
Fake non NPC. You are an NPC.
>i do hold strong opinions in social politics
Are you a tradcon?
origano comnent
Dude, how do you know if you're an NPC?
partially, i hold conservative views towards relationship related topics (e.g. casual sex is degen tier and should be kept for emotionally filled relationships only)
but at the same time im accepting of trans people, homos and black/coloured people
fuck neopronouns and non-dysphoric people and left extremists though all that tumblr bullshit is horrid
You won't.
If you are one, you are next to unable to even question yourself about being one and would find the very idea absurd.
If your life is centered around Netflix, parties, drugs, alcohol, casual sex, instagram, snapchat and you get your news from comedians on talk shows you're an NPC
I follow a routine every day like an NPC, doctor's orders.
NPC is just a synonym for normie? I don't know, I think anyone can be an NPC but they don't know it. They just lack a certain spark.
>NPC is just a synonym for normie? I don't know, I think anyone can be an NPC but they don't know it. They just lack a certain spark.
Bruh, how have you not known about the NPC meme?
I do know about it. I just never got a hard definition. it's like Jow Forums calling people jews for disagreeing now.
Fuck thats hot
Where do you find girls that want to be treated that way?
Yes. You're a shut-in and your idea of women is based off of what you see on Tinder. Normies don't even like Tinder. Only the lowliest degenerates use Tinder, and that includes you.
I think when you look at susan b anthony and betsy ross who designed the flag you must admit that some women are pc's, but I would agree that they are getting rarer by the generation, along with male npc's.
>I think when you look at susan b anthony and betsy ross who designed the flag you must admit that some women are pc's, but I would agree that they are getting rarer by the generation, along with male pc's.
Most people in general, but especially women try to act as normal as possible, doing only the safest things in public. The worst thing for a normie is for someone to think they're weird. I've found that once you get to know people they drop their guard and act a little weirder. My gf was a typical thot when i met her, but as we got to know each other she got more and more nerdy to the point that we play minecraft together and watch anime. But when she goes out in public, she's instantly an NPC again.
I would rather die than watch capeshit
I have indeed met women that are not NPCs.
Yes in school
>Half black half white
>Had big ass afro and didn't tame it at all because she didn't care what anybody thought
>Hoodies and sweatpants everyday with generic sneakers
>Was really smart
>Only cared about weird obscure anime and vidya
>Had a android unlike all the other apple thots (her own choice btw she had money)
>Completely asexual never expressed interest in a male or female
>Walked on her tippy toes everywhere
looking back on it she probably had high functioning autism sometimes I wonder if she browses this board if she does than godspeed Ivy
Your a smelly asshoie
I've never met anyone I'd attribute a higher level of self-awareness to. Of course I rarely meet people and I'd prefer to keep it that way.
Kill yourself, normalfag. You're just coping cause you know you're an NPC yourself.
this post wont age well
this post confirms you are number 3
My cousin married a genius chick who has published elite papers in journals, she's based af, turned down a big money job because they wouldn't also hire him and prioritizes raising a family and supporting him in his business endeavors
Based Chinese tradgirl god tier wives ftw
Unironically my mentor / supervisor at an it company. She's been working there for 12+ years and she's like an oracle. Knows everything and makes you feel like the npc. She truly is, unironically, the first strong woman I've met. Also not that bad looking for her almost being 40. Looks rather something between 25 and 30. Probably because no kids
a million by age 60 isnt that much user
is this a larp and also an original comment
Do you know that the nonwestern world exists?
Yeah, but the asians are already short on qts thanks to old chinese policy and noone cares if the rest exists.
Literally everyone here is an NPC but we're all too arrogant to notice. Instead of the Whiterun Guard, we are the beggars on the streets. Just because we are slightly more unique it doesn't make us any more special or noticeable.
>but when she does one of her male voices she actually sounds more like a man than i do.
I bet that makes for some great sex. Does she peg you often?
Girls are all just the same to me. Whether that is NPC or not doesn't matter. They just literally are always the same no matter who I meet.
When you think, you have that inner voice with which you talk with. Then some "study" or fuck knows what popped out claiming that suprisingly big percentage of general population lacks that inner voice. That's what started npc meme.
>All that tumblr shit is horrid
>I like homos and trannies
take this pill guys the future of this happening may come fucking trust me guys im not insane
>You either love women or understand them.
The black pill
Yes, two
One was a turbo autist named Autumn, she was beyond odd and already into deep internet culture/anime/good vidya back in like 2009, also very pretty and nice, pretty based desu.
Other was a neurology major I met in uni, into reddit and some normie media but very career driven, dedicated, and smart and very qt, also very kind and bubbly, genuinely admirable woman.
Everyone who isn't a friendless internet loser is some degree of normal or other, but I see your point opie. There are still worthwhile womyn in this world, but they are a rare breed. The trick is finding them and not being fat
This list is spot on but only applies to males
>thanks im taking pride in that even if it means ill never have female friends
Ah, so you're a slut
>Normies don't even like Tinder.
What planet are you from?
My wife and kid are both pretty awesome. My newest mistress is delicious too
None of that shit you listed matters. All that matters is whether or not they're a virgin. They'll pattern themselves after you when you marry and impregnate them.
just because they don't like it doesn't mean they don't use it religiously knobhead, they need that dopamine hit