Have you listened a lot to him and did he help you?

Have you listened a lot to him and did he help you?

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yes and yes, although i dont agree with him entirely on individualism. hes a smart goy.

I find myself to feel much better when i try to follow his advice, but i doubt if there is any correlation, i might just be that when i feel better, i listen to him.
Honestly, im in a bad place rightnow, i know hes right and i should listen to him but i just couldnt do it

He's fucking shit as a philosopher, and his politics are fucked. But I suppose someone has to whip the neckbeards into shape

he makes me feel like shit. gives me existential thoughts

I find his voice pretty unbearable and his obscurantist jibberish makes me zone out really quick so I never listened to him for much longer than a few minutes

Professor Clean your room

Professor Kermit the Frog

Can anyone take him seriously after Slovenian Sniff Man BTFOed him?

>Physician, heal thyself

He seems mentally ill, honestly

Isn't he on antidepressants despite taking his own advice?

He helped me quit smoking and drinking. He helped me with a lot of things. I don't care what people say i'll always be gratefull for that.


He is almost everything bad that people say about him. Just take some ooga booga Freud texts to these peasants and they go W-WOAHAH!HHA H!! But who am I to say if it's bad if it helps them. I just hope they don't adopt him as cult figure and tattoo his face on their back or something.

>tfw realize most people are too dumb to genuinely understand Peterson because they're also too dumb to understand evolution
>tfw realize he has merit but refuse to acknowledge him because of how stupid and insufferable his fanbase are

>too dumb to understand peterson

not sure that's really possible user

he's babby's first intellectual

One of the Ptahhotep Maxim says:
"Don't let your heart get big because of your knowledge.
Take counsel with the ignorant as well as with the scholar.
(For) the limits of art are not brought,
(and) no artisan is equipped with perfection.
Good discourse is more hidden than green stone,
yet may be found among the maids at the grindstones.

Hear what he has to say, listen to the good, discard the rest.

I feel like a tard but who is that?

Yes and somewhat yes
I'm getting more organized and focused towards what gives my life meaning

Yes and yes. It's like he puts my thoughts into words

Doesn't he just speak about things that should be common sense in a way that appeals to people?

Yea. But not his easy surface level advice.
He lead me to watch his whole lectures on maps of meaning and made me understand metanarratives and metaphysical truth.
I used to unironically want to kill myself because of existential nihilism, but he made me understand that the human condition is not necessarily meaningless, and that existence itself is a spectrum. Granted, some of this are my own thoughts but he pointed me in the right direction. Now I have overcome nihilism in large part thanks to him.

Im thinking about actually putting a thanks to him among others into my phd in AI

I want to like him, but I feel I can't understand what he says most of the time.
I think it's why Cathy Newman started the whole "so what your trying to say is.."thing: she couldn't figure him out either.

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He da deval, do black magic and curse ah-ur peepole an make dem tink dey ar lobsta.

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i no longer blame the world for leaving me out, i blame my brain for being defective and requiring extra effort on my part.
fuck life.

He's really good at talking a lot without actually saying anything.

he's good for practical advice and dropping red pills about genders and stuff like that, but once he starts going into religious and philosophical stuff he just becomes eye rolling

Legit thought that was Mr Stark for a second

No, Peterson mostly phrases everything in a way as to say "I didn't say that, I said _____" when he is clearly implying a specific worldview. I prefer my motivational talkers to not be transphobic. CT Fletcher is a pretty great motivator, does wonders.

I am ready to kill chaos dragons and lobsters

>I prefer my motivational talkers to not be transphobic
Not wanting to have the state mandate you to use preferred pronouns makes you transphobic now?

Produce the date Jordan Peterson was arrested for refusing to identify trans women as "her".

he is a coward Goebbels is the only man with a good opinion

>Have you listened to a lot of him
>did he help you?
No because im not some retarded manchild that needs someone to tell me to wash my ass and seek out struggle to improve myself.

Wym user? Why is it wrong to not want a law like that being passed even if it isn't enforced at the moment?

Then the state is not mandating you to use the correct pronouns. Thus the argument is morally wrong as it's predicated on falsehood.

self help for pre-adults

>Then the state is not mandating you to use the correct pronouns.
Yes they do, also it's preferred not correct pronouns. However luckily the law isn't enforced

Cite portion of the law that states calling someone an unpreferred pronoun is illegal.

>Cite portion of the law that states calling someone an unpreferred pronoun is illegal.
Not a lawyer, but JBP was in front of the senate and spoke about this problem with the bill. I don't think they would have a senate hearing if the guy didn't speak the truth about the law

>I don't know the law I'm talking about because I'm not a lawyer, but this other person who is also not a lawyer said so so it must be true
Wanna know how I know you're retarded? Because you take people at their word and make assumptions that I'm not making.

I guess the senate just takes in everyone and has a hearing even if people don't know anything about the new law

How can you take a depressed religious intellectual who takes anti-depressents seriously?

I find him really arrogant and he raised a psycho daughter who eats ONLY meat and thinks a salad gave her arthritis.

no, and won't be happening after he got btfo by zizek lol

He says he finally stopped taking them after going on an all beef diet with his daughter. And the reason he went on one is because she did first, and it alleviated some of her health problems.

Now you're getting it. Politics is a popularity contest not an intelligence contest.

No but thats on me.

Ironically, the only people I've seen criticize Jordan Peterson are literal socialists (butthurt that he rightfully criticizes their flawed systems) and people that are offended that he isn't 100% PC on topics from fiction to trans shit to psychology. Basically uberfags and failed normies.

If you get assblasted by the shit that Jordan fucking Peterson says, good luck in your life bruh. You're going to need it if you're that dense. But then again, I don't expect anyone on r9k to get that.

Yes, but no.
You can't fix what's wrong with me, he's already stressed how hard it would be.
I wasn't socialized at as a small child.
I always feel ostracized.