Dont smoke weed

Whatever you do, don't smoke weed. It's not as safe as it's suggested in the media, this drug literally changes your brains anatomy if your under 26 and it can cause several mental health issues.
I smoked weed around 10 times in a period of 3 months, my last time I had a panic attack and I've never been the same since. I have chronic anxiety for months now since then.
fuck weed

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Other urls found in this thread:

>smoked weed for 3 months
>proceeds to warn kids about it

Lol, OP is a pussy who can't handle his shit. I've been a stoner for 10 years, and it's never done me any harm. If you want your short-term memory back just take a break, like I am now for exams. If you're mentally stable weed is totally harmless.

I've also smoked weed for about a year except much heavier than you. I have had moments of anxiety but never a life changing panic attack. Human anatomy is so different person to person, blanket statements about what ganja will and won't do just spread more misinformation. I'm not trying to be a douchebag and I don't doubt that this happened to you, it just doesn't happen to everyone else.

You should read some actual PubMed studies on alcohol. Millions of people drink that and are pretty functional. Exact same thing with marijuana. Maybe you are a serious outlier on the effects of marijuana bell curve. There's nothing wrong with marijuana, but there is definitely something wrong with you.

Also, I hope you don't take any antidepressants...

At what age did you start smoking? If it was after 25 then it's less likely it will affect your short term memory in the long term.

I was about 19 or 20 when I seriously got into it, 30 now. I'm currently cramming for exams and my memory is totally fine.

Any natural drug side effect like that is not permanent. Usually if something like that happens if i just exercise and sweat a lot and drink a lot of water it starts to go away

After smoking it for one year I decided to drop it because it no longer gave me the interesting effects it did when I first started (like making everything more interesting, music and videogames more vivid and enjoyable), but rather some shallow feeling or high that I could barely notice, just a sightly different state of consciousness over my sober self.

I don't understand the appeal of smoking this stuff for years, but I guess it's probably another one of these things that only work for normalfags

fucking stoner, already forgot he posted

if youre mentally stable get the fuck out of r9k you faggot

>stoner for 10 years
lol i can't guarantee your brain is completely fucked. you probably don't even realize it

I think I've always been prone to anxiety.
I had that one big anxiety attack during my last high where I literally thought my heart was going to explode or I was going to stop breathing, then after exactly two weeks when going to sleep I suddenly have a strange thought 'what if I lose control of my breathing' and I have another panic attack, after this one I was having panic attacks day after day the whole week. Panic attacks where I literally thought I was going to die.

I've calmed down more now, but anxiety still lingers, and I get anxious just by thinking I could lose control somehow.
The concept of consciousness confuses me and sometimes I get stuck thinking, what is making me do things a certain way instead of another way.
I feel like I'm going insane.

OP I think you just have anxiety. 10 bongs isnt gonna permanently alter your anatomy.

>I can't guarantee

Looks like you're the one with the scatterbrain user. But keep swallowing that bullshit about it rotting your brain, more for the rest of us smart enough to realise it's fine.

I'm just a neurotic perfectionist, I had to correct some stuff.

I haven't smoked since last year and don't plan to do ever again

Weed is bad for you but it makes me aware of how crazy insane and autistic I am and I calm the fuck down.

>stoner for 9 years now
>probably fucked my shit up
>beyond the point of caring
I don't really have issues but I cut back a lot for the most part.

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I have had similar experiences, one time I thought I dislocated my shoulder and another time I couldn't stop thinking about being stabbed in my sleep. However, what helps me is to remember that the only reason I'm freaking out is because of my sympathetic nervous system picking up steam. Stopping whatever I am doing and taking 10 deep breaths takes me right back down to earth, as doing that stop my sympathetic nervous system.

you are right. And that's because i smoked a ton of weed in college and it messed me up badly. Ended up with bad anxiety and depression. I've also met quite a few long term stoners irl and they're souless zombies with serious mental and life issues

Remaining functional doesnt mean that you are as functional as you were before, and it doesnt say anything about the rest of the mental effects. Weed is one of the most common causes of schizophrenia as well, something that doesnt happen with alcohol for example. So there is definitely something wrong with it. Doesnt mean you shouldnt use it, you can do whatever you want, but that doesnt change the fact that it has profound effects on the mind and a persons psychology.

You've probably met quite a lot of long-term stoners who you just aren't aware are stoners, because we don't all make it the focus of our day-to-day life. Most people who know me don't know how much I smoke. Anyway man I'm totally healthy and productive. Maybe if you have self-destructive or depressive tendencies it doesn't help, but I really don't regret doing it all this time.

>Weed is most common cause of schizophrenia
Please post your sources for this information. If any of these sources are Tucker Carlson publications please reconsider what you consider creditable scientific study or fear mongering bullshit echoed by the willfully ignorant.

I've smoked weed for years, started when i was 15-16 and got high several times a week for the next 5-6 years.
I'm 35 now and haven't smoked any for about 7-8 years. I never had any serious issues with it. Sure, during the time where i was almost permanently stoned my memory was shit but that cleared up after i cut back.

How much weed was a ton? At what age did you start in college?

Im not gonna take you seriously when you misquote what i said. I didnt say weed is the most common cause of schizophrenia, i said weed is one of the most common causes of schizophrenia. Big difference.

What a pedantic little cunt.

You should smoke some weed man, it might mellow you out a bit.

Alcohol cause dementia at a profoundly higher rate than marijuana supposedly as you claim is "one of the most common cause of schizophrenia", which is a genetic condition. /quityourbullshit

Also, still waiting for those citation hyperlinks please.

I smoked basically everyday since 13, gave up 2 years ago with only a few days of feeling down. Its not all that bad. However my lungs are kinda fucked from about 12 years ago when a drought caused idiot dealers to start putting glass beads and other crazy shit in the weed including spraying it.

I had to put down the bowl in January because of a similar experience, it was so bad that I couldn't fall asleep without passing out from exhaustion and even looking at the veins in my wrists would cause my heartrate to nearly double because I thought my blood pressure was too low and I'd die. After a few months of sobriety and reassuring mantras I can now get a decent high and only have mild insomnia for a couple of days after, just test the waters every now and then and you should feel the panic lessen. Another big factor was realizing that even after so many panic attacks where I thought my heart would stop, it never did, so there wasn't anything to be afraid of.

So were you having these panic attacks when trying to get high or even after you got sober?

schizophrenia is not solely genetic. Many many people develop schizophrenia despite not having a family member with it. It does run in a family, but it is also acquired. If you have a relative with schizophrenia and you regularly smoke then you're playing a dangerous game. Even if you don't, it's just a dumbass thing to do.

According to you, let's look at the methodology of this study...

I looked at your citations and your correct in that schizophrenic is not 100% genetic, but only significantly so! And guess wha t else your citation didn't mention... marijuana! College, huh? Undergrad, right?

>However my lungs are kinda fucked from about 12 years ago when a drought caused idiot dealers to start putting glass beads and other crazy shit in the weed including spraying it.
This never happened

I smoked weed regularly from junior year of high school to junior year of college, then I stopped because it stopped getting me high and I just decided to quit altogether. The main problem with marijuana is it makes you content with being a loser with no ambition and we live in a period of time where it is easier than ever to just do nothing and still feel content. It makes weeks feel like days and months feel like a week. It's, in my experience, the ultimate time waster which is the last thing anyone needs when we are surrounded by time-wasting activities.

If you dont have willpower or self-control dont smoke weed. You'll become an even bigger faggotron.

It's a well-established fact that marijuana increases your risk of developing schizophrenia.

Of course, I've seen the types of arguments you guys make when presented with counter-evidence. So please tell me how this is a government conspiracy to prevent the population from turning against authority.

It did and anyone who was from my country and smoking at that time will back me up was around 2007-2009

I smoked weed every day for almost 3 years. All I wanted was to be included. When I lost all my friends I just smoked it out of habit and because it made me feel ok with being bored and unmotivated. I liked it in the beginning but now it gives me nothing more than anxiety.
I wasted the most important years of my life.

These studies both deal with adolescents. How is this relevant to anyone you would be addressing on Jow Forums? How is it relevant to you? How old are you? I never mentioned a government conspiracy, although if you do not recognize the prison industry and big pharma lobby groups and PAC donors as a direct link to marijuana laws, in lieu of public safety reasons, you are very misinformed.

as a daily user can confirm, mild schizo now ama

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I don't understand why anyone would smoke weed something that literally CHANGES THE BRAINS ANATOMY just for a peculiar sensation that isn't even that great.
Why would anyone smoke this if they already have a healthy happy life.
Why is this pushed as something benign.

Here is a rebuttal to your argument. The article has hyperlinks to the published research the article cites.

Before weed, I was a lazy anti-social loner that wanted to be left alone, after weed I was a lazy anti-social loner that wanted to be left alone, only diffrence is, with weed and accompanying drugs I enjoyed myself much more for most of my 20s.

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>Smokes marijuana every single day for five years
Didn't mention you were discussing extreme chronic and compulsive abuse of marijuana OP. Kinda misleading from your original post, huh? You should get a job a FOX News.

It's not like you'll be doing anything important with your underwhelming pleb-life anyway, you retard.

Just posted that yt link to show the young turds claiming weed is harmless as an example. Posted another one of Conan O'Brien normalizing weed as a benign cool substance.

your brain doesn't stop developing until 25. Considering schizophrenia is a mental disorder and weed affects your brain, whether you're 21 or 16 is irrelevant. Unless you're over 25, you will be at risk for developing schizophrenia.

Note that one of the studies I linked wasn't even done in America. The effects of American politics are not a factor in that study. Even in the American study, I think it would be deceitful to imply that there was an intent to mislead the public.

If you do not abuse the shit out of something compulsively every single day for five years it is generally harmless. That is what this video is saying. A person has to go to extreme overboard to get the results you are proclaims like those results happen all the time to every marijuana user. It is an ill informed position and you not understanding that demonstrates you have poor abstract thought and critical thinking skills.

Hello OP!

I have smoked weed for like 10 years now daily, when should the negative effects begin to manifest?

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>Unless you're over 25, you will be at risk for developing schizophrenia.
Where do you get this fucking bullshit?

You should only use marijuana as an adult OP, not as an early 20s man-child experiencing social rejection like he's never know during his first year of college.

He was able to find two studies saying so in the entire depths of the internet user.

dumbest advice ever....herp derp weed dose nothing bad for me, therefor its safe for everyone. ........weed does different things to different people. anyone who says its safe for everyone is ignorant

Dude, I read already quite a few studies that prove decisively weed changes the brains anatomy at the first toke on people under 25.
The endocannabinoid system is used to regulate the development of the adolescence brain, shooting THC at it during brain development fucks it up.

People with nervous disorders should not smoke pot either, because apparently just the act of being alive is too much for you to bare.

I am not arguing that. OP clearly stated that every person should not use marijuana in his original post, his evidence only prove a small percentage of people are at great risk from using marijuana. That is where our disagreement lies.

>changes the brains anatomy
citation needed

Not OP, but here is a recent article showing this in a good way.

It basically shows THC therapy improving brain cell loss rates and memory function in mice with mouse Alzheimer's disease.

Don't know where I read that exaclty, here's what I could find:
>"This study suggests that even light to moderate recreational marijuana use can cause changes in brain anatomy," said Carl Lupica, Ph.D., of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "These observations are particularly interesting because previous studies have focused primarily on the brains of heavy marijuana smokers, and have largely ignored the brains of casual users."

>The researchers found that the more the marijuana users reported consuming, the greater the abnormalities in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala on the MRI images. The shape and density of both regions of the brain were also different between marijuana users and non-users.

>The brains of those who smoked only one joint a day or those who smoked only once a week were changed.

>"This study raises a strong challenge to the idea that casual marijuana use isn't associated with bad consequences,"

>Out, out, brief candle! Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

What are those changes? The amygdala controls how afraid we are of different things. I think yours is very overactive, and that gives people /pol ideologies and great susception to sensational fear-mongering misrepresentations of data as well as making huge blanket statements on subjects with many different degrees of nuince, like how a chemical will effect every sing person individually.

>, like how a chemical will effect every sing person individually.
If you're already healthy,
why would you even try weed when there's a change you might be one of the individuals that might get fucked in the head forever?
It's simply nor worth it, hence you shouldn't smoke it.

That's wild how you can somehow understand every other person's perception of reality and what they make the choices they make. Why would anyone ever drive or ride in a car when you can crash and get fucked in the body forever? It's simply not worth it. I wonder what the ratio of US car crash victims to marijuana-induced schizophrenia is? For the year? Since cars were invented? You are a pompous jackass.

fuck stoners you fags smell like shit and look creepy as fuck when you are high.

If i have anxiety disorders would weed make it worse?

You are still not answering my questions, you are deflecting with empty, substanceless statements. You really should work at FOX.

But driving cars IS worth the risk, and smoking weed isn't.
Problem isn't just schizophrenia, it's psychosis, depression and/or anxiety disorder, addiction, loss of IQ especially when in adolescence.
Bro, I'm not a jackass, my post is about warning people here of the danger this shit drug has, as someone who had problems with it myself.

I couldn't smoke daily. I've made it something I do purely on the weekends, but I look forward to it everytime.
Plus I can only do it when I'm at home, cause I can't do it in my college dorm. The guys in the room across from mine got busted by the cops two days ago, so I'm really glad I decided to leave all my shit at home. but yeah, OP can go fuck off, it might be dangerous for some but I have zero problems with it. Thus far, I've used it completely responsibly.

idk, I've always been anxious and paranoid, for me it made it worse. Although, I should add when I had the panic attack I smoked way to much, I could barely walk.

I smoke around once every two weeks, sometimes once a week, on the weekends.
Am i gonna die?

>Am i gonna die?
Maybe you should pick up smoking tobacco if you're afraid of dying, I hear only 40% of tobacco smokers die

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>implying causation

And you should stop smoking too.

Sounds legit anons, dumping my weed on the toiled as we speak, thank you

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I smoked pot for ten years from age 17 up. About an eighth up to a quarter every week. My mental faculties are remarkably slower, especially with english and math. Binging on junk food, being sedentary and socially isolated is what's destroying me, and weed makes it a fucking blast.

Schizophrenia is a biological disease. You literally cannot catch it. You get schizoaffective disorder at the best. What is this, Jow Forums?

I guess I should have read your further posts. I figured as much that you believe it to be a mental illness. I'm just confirming your current suspicions (if you will [guesses, ideas, etc.]) that you created after reading my reply.

fucking based
fuck neuronormies

Weed destroys what little ambition any robot may have. I speak from experience. I had to stop because I have no self control.

Just like alcohol, weed can hqve severe effects on certain people. We have very little information on long term weed consequances.

>I had to stop because I have no self control.
how did you pull off stopping using it with no self-control?

I got sick of being a degenerate stoner. I didn't really have to try to stop. I just did once I'd had enough. Keep in mind I smoked everyday for years so I guess it just got old. I know that since I haven't smoked in months if I started again I wouldn't be able to stop. This is my second time quitting. I thought after the first time quitting for a year I'd have the self control to enjoy responsibility but I know now that it's not the case.

I don't like Cannabis. I had a bad trip last time and made retarded choices the next day. Out of the 40+ times i smoked Cannabis, i always done something really fucking stupid or out of my comfort zone.

LSD is my favorite drug. I never do stupid shit on LSD. I could take 300ug and do some meaningful introspection on LSD.

Cannabis just relaxes you and makes you high as fuck that you do things you never did before which is a pro and con. There is some introspection in Cannabis but i never had a positive trip on Cannabis.

I always lied to myself when i'm high.

>smoked weed for 7 years
>just about every day with the odd T-break
>stop last year
>guy offers to get me some weed, accept because why not
>smoke for the first time in almost a year
>intense paranoia
>hear voices that may or may not be there
>start hearing voices in video game music that have no vocals

From now on I'm an alcoholic

Ankle jfksks

I have this sometimes but I find it fun. I hear and see shit while high on weed all the time or sometimes since I never smoke alone it's my brain forgetting an entire conversation I just had and making me think I heard a voice. Quite fun shit.

Honestly I want to die and already have a miserable enough life. Weed just makes it slightly more tolerable until I can get some Ayahuasca.

>hear voices that may or may not be there
probably just the wind, unironically

I have no problem with weed but like others said I had to cut back significantly because it made me ok being lethargic and content with doing nothing.

Maybe that is a problem and could be considered a negative side effect?

From my perspective, weed changed my life for the better. I can see where you're coming from though. I have had extreme anxiety episodes and moments where i literally thought i was going crazy. But i saw those moments as revelations. Now i see life as something whole and immense rather than focusing on small things.
I don't smoke every day either. I don't use it for when I'm bored or for social interaction. I smoke when i wanna feel differently and enter a new state of mind.
I think it depends on every person. My mental state wasn't good but weed didn't make it worse, where for you that wasn't the case.
In the end it's a drug, and it's better to just stay away from it if you're not sure

>Maybe that is a problem and could be considered a negative side effect?
Depends, if I am trying to relax and pass time its great. If I am supposed to be working on something time critical it can be a hindering factor, unless I get even higher

Driving to Wal-Mart or McDonald's is worth possibly dying for to you? I know that's just your weed-schizophrenia talking.

420 dank blaze it you dumb fucking nerds

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don't know what the big deal is, it's basically placebo. smoked it several times, only felt some very mild alcohol-like effect for a few seconds after inhaling, that's it, while everyone else was pretending to be high. it's useless, coffee is more of a drug than this crap.

>Lol, OP is a pussy who can't handle his shit. I've been a stoner for 10 years
lmao this is LITERALLY how druggies talk. Heroin addicts will call you a pussy for not shooting up multiple times a day.
Don't do drugs

It's obviously 1kg. If I float above the scale its not gonna measure my weight.