Go on date with asian girl

>go on date with asian girl
>she splits the bill
Is there any point in white women anymore?

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producing white children who look like you, won't be completely rejected by all women, and won't be mentally ill and hate you and your wife?

you are now obliged to tell us all about her and your date user

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White women have revealed themselves as worthless.

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t. the fathers of future elliots who will despise you

she was very nice and drove me home because it was rainy

you are fucking stupid, kill yourself you spineless beta male. you only want a flat faced gook because they are low hanging fruit.

thats cute honestly. hope it works out for you two!

Reminds me of the time I met two Korean girls who invited me for a cup of tea in a nearby cafe and I payed the bill on my way back from the toilet without them knowing. Needless to say they were angry once they found out.

I'm not going to have children until China has fertility clinics that offer embryo selection based on polygenic scores for intelligence, diseases and psychopathy.

Asian women are consistently rated the most attractive women in the dating pool by all races of men in studies.

no, they are the most easy because they give it up for any white guy

show the proof

at the expense of outing myself as a newfag, can someone actually explain to me what "t." means specifically, what's the usage, and where it originated from?


Who/what's an Elliot?

That means it didnt go well and she doesnt like you that much.

t. newfag
your future son

But I'm not OP and I'll never have a son

Salty incel tears, drip down from the heavens. If an Asian girl noticed you in the corner and hit it off with you, you'd have a damn heart attack.

They are attractive. Just mute the sound.

>calls others incel
>dates asian women
you are only dating her because you failed to get a white woman

the only people that want white women these days are niggers lmao

cope. chads don't go for asians. only people who fail at life.

like pigs cheering their own slaughter

FUCK OFF white roastie, you're fired

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It's an abbreviation for the Finnish word "terveiset" which is used to sign off at the end of a letter the same way we use "regards" at the end of a letter in English

Finnish anons memed it on Jow Forums a long time ago and "t. [person]" as it's used on the chans basically means "speaking as a [person]", usually it's used in that manner facetiously like in though

That's awesome OP and I agree with you but mentioning asian women in a positive light of any kind is just enough to trigger the asian guys as you can see. They'll spam your threads non stop because of their insecurity lol.

t. white guy also married to an asian woman.

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just abort the males
it really is that simple

desu hapas are generally all right. It's really just up to the parents to raise them properly like with anyone else regardless of race.

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They are not right. I don't think any amount of parenting can fix this. There is something deeply disturbed about them, no amount of good parenting can fix their inherent psychopathy.

I guarantee you she didnt really want to split the bill, she just said that hoping you would man up and pay for the whole thing. Your autism got the best of you

male hapas are considered to be the bottom of the dating pool
it would be cruel to create someone just so they have to suffer that fate
just abort them, have female hapas instead. that way they'll even help out another lonely white boy. it's like repaying your debts to the universe.

look at the pic I posted. Elliot is literally the only hapa school shooter in history.And his kill count was shamefully low. 99% of the time it's full whites or asians.

Trust me, that's not true. The problem is there are indeed a minority of loser hapas and they cling to that reason for their failures and make shit like r/hapas. Same with a lof of white guys and r/incels or Jow Forums. Same with asian guys and r/asianmasculinity. Everyone has a cope.

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a hapa with a bad aim

Shooting or not doesn't matter. hapas are dangerously mentally ill. Even if he doesn't shoot anyone, he will see you with absolute vitriol. Out of every single hapa that has ever posted on this site, I don't think a single one loves their parents genuinely. They see you as spineless cowards and blame you for all their problems.

these people are models because they lived in asia. in the west, they feel persecuted.

would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?

Hapas tend to be pretty based aside from Tenda who spams the shit out of these boards. The only ones who are ever bad are the ones with a mega boomer dad and a gold digger bride. Any normal healthy white/asian couple will produce good kids.
you are out of your damn mind if you think any of these people would have trouble scoring in the west. But they do have the added bonus of being treated like gods in asia. Moreso than whites or asians.

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Pls leave my thread, asianmasculinity

You can keep telling stop fornicating with your women, but I won't. I will never stop.

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there was an asian girl thread on /v/ and r/asianmasculincels spammed it with before/after makeup pics before finally nuking the thread with CP.

we may still take their women, but cant you at least admit they're right?

you don't know hapa people at all. they are fucking crazy. you are dooming yourself. kids are for life, your nut is less than a minute.


nice try chang

>went on a date with white girl
>she paid for me
what does it mean anons?

Calm down there tenda spencer

I'm starting to believe him now cause you're raving like a lunatic repeating the same mantra over and over again.

Hey chang lets trade women
You get our white women who are filthy pigs
And we get your asian godesses

holy fucking based, this.

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yeah and this absolutely did not happen.

>tfw gookanon with smol qt korean gf

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korean girls dress so nicely.

eh i would say they are pretty basic for the most part but yeah theyre usually aware of trends and cute styles

You can't abort a baby by the time its gender is apparent can you?

cho looks so pissed goddamn

You cant but either way your kid wont be a mentally ill hapa like the ones from reddit and from this board if you have a good relationship with your wife and raise your children properly

I saw that pic online in another thread. You literally just renamed it to look like it's from your iphone. Why are chinks so pathetic?

it means she was actually asian and you need to get your vision checked

fair enough but i was that user bro. heres another pic

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also the first time i posted it the face block was prob different and i think i cropped dif as well

You are dating this girl? She is an incredible qtpi.

Smart girl,she is playing the long game

thank you user, yes its been just over 3 years now and i am planning on proposing after i get a decent job after raduation and save up some money

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that isn't your gf. I saw this person in a fembot thread of all places. Are you a fembot? I doubt it.

a complete fabrication. why are you lying online?

>she splits the bill
she doesnt want to be endebted to you. wants to break it off then and there

Please someone post that video of the white girl dancing on the black guy and he pushes her away.

im not sure how i can prove it but someone else was saving her pics and posting her for a few days. dont hve to believe me if you dont want to

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>I posted a girl, so she is my gf
I know better than to believe that. The least you can do is prove you're the guy in the picture. Then at least it's somewhat believable.

Funny story, once a chink said he was in an AMWF relationship and posted a picture. I asked him for proof. He disappeared shortly after. This happens every time when you ask an asian man to prove he actually has a gf. Maybe you can be the first one who isn't a joke of a person.

here you go bud