For all you panty wearing boys out there, let's hear some stories of you getting caught with your undies. I'll start:

For all you panty wearing boys out there, let's hear some stories of you getting caught with your undies. I'll start:

>Be wearing camo thong
>Drinking coffee at Starbucks
>Drop wallet while in the line
>Blond girl behind me with a friend quite obviously saw the thong above my jeans
>Giggles and laughs a bit and gives me the glances

It was pretty embarrassing desu but hot af

Attached: New-Cotton-Girls-Panties-Underwear-Cute-Stars-Print-Girl-G-String-Teen-Panties-For-Girls-Briefs.jpg_ (800x800, 31K)

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That is a girl. You crossdressers and trannies wish you looked like that.

based public humilliation fetishist

I never got caught in public, but I did forget some panties in the washer once and my mom found them :/

god,i d want nothing less than to kiss that belly,to feel those thighs,to experience that smooth skin
as it rubs against my own,to smell her female pheromones until i become intoxicated
i just want to feel how its like to be a man

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What did she say user? Was she mad at you?

then just become a lesbian, retard lmao

i m not a girl,faggot
i was being metaphoric

I hope you guys aren't still falling for this meme
probably the reason you swamp ass doesn't get any pussy is because you aren't letting your balls breath
I stopped wearing that shit about 5 years ago and have never looked back don't get acne on my ass or crotch rot and I think my dick has actually grown plus girls notice your bulge swinging out there

free-balling changed my life

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r9k people are wearing cute panties while Chads go freeball and then they wonder why they don't get gfs.

Op here I already wear panties. You guys should try too. You're missing out

Attached: undies.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

>not wearing undies
its not that i enjoy wearing them,i actually freeball while indoors
its just that wearing outside pants without underwear,and feeling my foreskin touch the material,is a very awful feeling,and it usually covers my head in small cloth

I've not been caught, but if I wear panties out and about, normally they're *quite a lot* like the ones in pic related, so hopefully they just think I'm wearing whitey tighties lol

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Couldn't even get close to fitting my junk in any of them.

I'd wear them a lot when dating my first girlfriend. She obviously knew I did because I'd wear them before sex. They were all pretty plain colors and she never said anything until we broke up. She whispered to me at a party that she missed seeing my ass in panties and that I should be a sissy.I stopped wearing panties and became more masculine instead of feminine.

Idk but I see air of women walking around in pants outside, I wonder if they know they're wearing men's clothing.
Maybe I should go out in s short and see if they react.

Chances are, If they are wearing panties, they're not looking for pussy

my gf makes me wear panties often

>tfw no crossdressing bf who isn't a slut and only loves me
Having a panty fetish is hell

What are you favorite types of panties, user?

I like solid color ones, but striped and lacy ones also look nice. In fact I just think feminine underwear looks good on males

>In fact I just think feminine underwear looks good on males

do you mostly want a normal bf who you dress in panties, or like a trap? anyways here's a pic for you for good luck, I hope you find a cutie crossdressing bf one day

Attached: 1-bumlegs.jpg (718x1024, 169K)

Either or, I dont have the leisure of being picky because most traps are sluts and most guys don't want to do it. So I just want a bf who is compatible really

Be my trap loving domme gf

Sorry user I'm a fag

tfw on r9ks suggestion i started wearing panties

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Disappointed but not surprised, where do I find a straight girl that wants to peg a skinny femboy?

>be not fucking gay
>drop my wallet in public
>bend down to pick it up
>no one gives a shit
>continue on with my day like a normal person

Stop your fetish bullshit in public in put on some boxers.

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Probably the femdom threads, but let's be real here user we're both doomed to roam the earth trying to find the right person with this niche of taste

But when we find them we will love them that much more

unironically based normalfaggot poster

a little dose of normalefaggotery is needed to bring r9k back to earth

how was it, user? did you like it?
hope they were cute ones!

End your miserable lives you tranny freaks and go back to your contained board you fucking faggots

I know what you are talking about user, when they are skinny enough so the sides of their pelvic bone are sticking out of their hips its hot as fuck. You need to be super skinny to get that though. Im 5'7" and 105 lbs and my hips look like pic related, but im a male.

Attached: download.jpg (310x163, 6K)

They were stripped anime ones... I liked it a lot since they were really cute but it felt a little embarrassing haha.

>but I'm male
You are delusional, misguided, and despairing wretch that prays to God every night hoping that one day you wake up in a body that does not disgust your own mother but you cry anyway because you know you will never have it while billions of functional human beings were actually born with another X chromosome while you weren't

God is dead and you have killed him

ooo the anime ones are a good choice! blue or pink?

hehe the embarrassing part is half the fun I think :p

No thanks. I'm fine in my boxer briefs.

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>god is dead and you have killed him
I dont wear panties but thats not what the means psued

Also spelling mistakes dont count if I spot them first, should say pseud

Im not like these other degenerates.
I don't wear panties and the reason I have hips like this is because I fucking exercise. Maybe leave your basement once in a while to go the gym. After a year of that and not eating like a slob you will look decent.

Boxer briefs are great but I only wear them to the gym boxers for everything else