Antifa is so violent and scary!!! Biggest threat people in the US :::^^^(((

>antifa is so violent and scary!!! Biggest threat people in the US :::^^^(((
>Yet another synagogue/mosque shooting happens, white nationalist murder count continues to rise

Gosh it's almost like these guys are
>pic related

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But at least they aren't telling you to use preferred pronouns right, freezepeach and all.

Fuck you. Jews need to die. Sorry Spencer called me.

It is saddening state of affairs that this has come to happen. But don't you believe that actions of jews and Israel might have had something to do with this tragedy? I am not trying to insist anything but just trying to make a point. Turn this around. What if Antifa shot the synagogue? Nobody in news would report it. They would just say it is a white nationalist. Next question please.

>omg lol you want the good guys to win and the bad guys to lose?? haha hypocrite!!

Isreal as a state and jewish people globally are disconnected. In fact there are many jews who do not support isreal due to their brutal and inhumane treatment of the palestinian people. The biggest supporter of zionism are Christians in the US and the military. If there was an antifa shooting fox would shit themselves and give round the clock coverage for weeks, dont even think for a second the mainstream media actually likes antifa. The fat cats that own those networks do not want to see the fall of capitalism.

>Isreal as a state and jewish people globally are disconnected.
yes I don't think most Jow Forumsacks actually understand what they mean when they say "the jews"

>Nobody in news would report it.
That's what you think is important here?

The fact that Jow Forums cucks are massive hypocrites is neither a secret nor anything new

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terrorizing your everyday life for decades
shooting one public place a year with less dead then nigs cause on one weekend in any major city

I know which people I would rather have around, lefty

Please can I talk to someone with brains? Haha.. No just a joke.

No what you think is important? I just believe we should secure future for white race. Mainstream media makes us all think that white people are bad and that conservatives are root of all evil. Why are we banned from campus and all communists are allowed to speak?

>literally mass murdering people is better than yelling on the street once every couple months

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>conservatives are root of all evil
"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

Do you have any idea how many whites are slaughtered by blacks on an almost daily basis in this country?

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Strawman. That's all that leftists do. I never attributed malice to anything. Next question please.

What the fuck have conservatives actually even conserved? You bend over backwards to leftists all the fucking time. To the point where neo conservatives now make liberal talking points ffs.

Dont need to be a leftist to think WN neocons are retards.

>one gets slightly angry because you didn't call them xir
>one shoots up a synagogue because they hate greedy, big nosed people


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What's your biggest struggle? The extra chromosome or your double digit IQ

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The new zealand shooting was self defense.

That is besides the point. Is there anyone else that is able to speak English?

Yeah but none of them are gonna take you seriously so go back to your faggy hugbox.

Bet those extra digits of mine are the reason why I am more successful than you.
Usually kids grow out of nintendo. *laughter track*

Yeah. Too bad you're unable to debate in it, lil man

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You sure you're an adult, numb nuts? I doubt it, because you're pretending to be hot shit on a board filled with autistic virgins

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Its the same with Islam

I like their sad attempts at rationalizing their hate

rationally, the best way to deal with it is for them to kill themselves, yet they're still around us as an effect of their inferior emotions

Do the rational thing

Only an idiot would support one branch of abrahamic faith over another, we don't need to explain it in every thread.

The conversation is about moral hypocrisy pal, but white nationalist ing general have a pretty shaking handle on any form of coherent ethical reasoning at all.

If they actually did bend over backwards then this graph wouldn't look like this lmoa. BTW there are no leftists in the US government just reformist liberals.

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>he doesn't know the difference between criminal and political violence


>mainsteam media

Did evryeone forget that fox has literally 50% of the news market share?

Why, when they live in your head rent free

>they don't hate people of other races and religion we just dont want to live near them, don't want to trade with them, don't want to to be influenced in any way by them and condone violence against them.


>we should hang paedophiles in the street!

>Fuck you. Infidels need to die.
>It is saddening state of affairs that this has come to happen. But don't you believe that actions of infidels and America might have had something to do with this tragedy? I am not trying to insist anything but just trying to make a point. Turn this around. What if Christians shot the synagogue? Nobody in news would report it. They would just say it is a mentally disturbed man.

Exactly the same as an Islamic terrorist

none of these people are part of an actual organization with actual perogatives like antifa. american antifa isnt a threat tho

Nobody supports the shooting though retard, even on Jow Forums anons are calling him "muh mossad" or just a sped.

No one gives a fuck about Antifa as you faggots proved the alt right wrong about you being a threat, or even legitimate.

I can't wait till you retards that think they're "allies" get murdered.