Lads... I'm about to leave this shit hole of a planet. Godspeed anons see you on the other side!
Lads... I'm about to leave this shit hole of a planet. Godspeed anons see you on the other side!
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shit user its ass to see you im not gonna moralfag you about not doin it and all that other dumb shit but before you go through with it make sure you really and truly do not have anything to live for but if you dont then you gotta do what you gotta do.
p.s if you you really are gonna an hero at least post where youre from so we can read about your suicide, anyways see ya space cowboy
What is the story behind this? Why do you wish to end it
Live stream it for my sexual pleasure
dawg I aint gonna stop ya if youre fr
id wish to be you.
But like, your $3 you should paypal that to me yknow
You're not going to be able to kill yourself with that little pea shooter. Be a man and get a shotgun.
Finally some good fucking entertainment
GG yo
I remembered this thread from a week ago
maybe it's him
Don't know if it'll make any difference but I can at least tell you, you've got a hell of a taste in handguns.
Berettas get me going. Good luck out there.
stay and suffer with us friend.
Lol your thumbnail looks like you're jacking off a black dick
stream it or GTFO faggot op
i'd use a bigger caliber just to be sure
>small arms suicide
Scary af.
If that gun is even real, at least do the "water in the mouth for hydroshock" thing if you want to make certain.
Do not let yourself become that near-dead vegetable with half a face, bro.
stream it on yt
What if in the future aliens find these posts but they think we are literally leaving the Earth and moving to another planet?
Shoot 3 niggers dead before you go
don't fuck it up user or else you'll be a disabled vegetable forever
Not op but explain pls?
I also second streaming it
Explain which part?
How surviving a headshot is not receipt for a nice life, or how having your mouth filled with water while swallowing a bullet is rather likely to make your whole head go splat like a melon dropped from a skyscraper?
Just google it bro.
If I were to commit suicide it would be with a very expensive shotgun with ornate engraving. The idea being to have it as a heirloom for my siblings. My siblings and future nephews and nieces would know it as Uncle Robot's suicide shotgun.
Man I googled the water part but I cant find anything. How does water increase death chance
going to moralfag, please don't
I'm with you man, I'm not sure on how filling your mouth with water makes it more efficient. I hear it all the time but I guess it's something to do with how water transmits vibrations better than air so you don't lose as much energy to the air in your mouth and the water basically fucks you up too???
afaik the kinetic energy of the shot will be transmitted to the water which will make your head explode (or close enough to "exploding" that it won't make a difference to you, lel)
Sounds at least better then a half measure you survive.
Ask someone else, around here people probably have pics of that shit in their gorefolders.
Could you pick ne up a 2l coke on the way back, please?