Stealing from work

Any robots like to steal from work? I work at a video game store and I recently store a ps3 cause we have like 20. I can get away with stealing quite a few things, but I don't know what to take next. And I guess in general, have any robots stolen anything, and what did you steal?

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Your mom's virginity and your sister's innocence

I write code
Hell yeah I steal from work but it's open source

Just stop. If you get caught youll be in a ton of shit. You will eventually lose this game. They do inventory checks. Investigating starts happening and yea.

Even if not caught, youre taking shit with depreciating value and theres a chance you might feel bad and haunted by it. Sounds dumb... but trust me. Been there

You don't seem to feel any guilt about it. Might start doing it myself (stealing shit, in case it doesn't really affect a person. Stealing from Walmart could be a start)

I never steal and I always tip because I refuse to lower myself to the level of niggers.

Respectfully, I dont feel bad stealing from corporations. Im not just stealing in broad daylight, Ive made sure that I wont be able to be caught.

And your brothers foreskin

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>used to work at a large Canadian chain store
>got off with stealing chocolate bars from there
>got fired from there for stealing loyalty points

Best thing I ever did. Got a better job a month after getting fired

and you dad's shit straight out of his asshole

can any robots advise, how to steal succesfully from places? (if you don't work there)

Parents were poor, grew up poor, always surrounded by kids who had more toys. My reason was always "Since they have this many toys, they won't notice one or two gone."
The first time, it was a random collecting thing (can't remember what) from one of the kids in class, he exposed me in front of the class during break, and I returned him the stolen toy the other day.
The second time, I stole a red bus toy from a friend who had two. He was rich so I felt "justified". Didn't get caught.
Third was a toy motorcycle from a different friends house, it fell of my pocket when I was leaving the house, my friend didn't notice, but his parents did. As soon as I strapped my shoes I ran away. Didn't return to apologize nor anything.
Fourth time my mom took me on a visit to see one of her friends. While they were talking, I was looking through the apartment and saw a small wooden box with a ladybug in it. Was a gift from her daughter. I stole it but wore shorts so I put it in my tall socks. Was discovered. Didn't apologize but acted like my stomach hurt as a means of escapism and diverting the attention.
Next was a Lego toy from a different friends house who also had plenty of toys, it was half of a whale. I only took the tail. Not sure why. Threw the item afterwards.
Next was a toy gun from a store, as a dare from my friend. I didn't get caught, but couldn't keep the gun since my parents would know so I gave it to the friend.
I did steal a two more times 2x MP3 players in high school, just stuff kids left, since in our school, you basically moved to a different classroom for each class. Got caught by the teacher once but we talked privately and the item was returned.
After that I had a change of heart. Haven't stolen anything even though I am still poor.

But it's my turn to siphon daddy's shit

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i steal from dollarama all the time aswell

I steal from my work all the time, mostly just their waste.

I work at an abortion clinic

mf pic related

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Shoppers in my case. I'd imagine it's easier to steal from Dollarama though

How do you take shit from shoppers, they got cameras everywhere

they do aswell in dollarama, however they never check and they don't have scanners at the door

I volunteer at a thrift store for a Christian charity organization.
Since none of us are getting paid for our work, we all help ourselves to a few "perks", if you will, every once in a while.

Took the candy from the back room. They're stored in an area without cameras. Can't remember how they got me.

I was just able to put points on my card for months before they fired me for it. Not sure why it took them so long, as there are cameras up front. And I'm pretty sure our cashes are logged

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yeah sometimes. other times i break shit. one time i almost killed a guy.
people still dont talk about me, because thats not noteworthy. imagine the poor quality of the average worker...

>almost killed a guy