Redpill me on SARMs, pic is just a random thing I found in google.
There are several reliable sources online. Just try them yourself.
Just take real steroids if you want to fraud
Makes sense to take a research chemical with no backing from a non-pharma source because you're scared of testosterone, which has about 90 years of rigorous study behind it.
This, don't be a stupid faggot OP and take a needle.
these. don't even bother with pills or gels.
Currently on a cycle of MK-677, going well, noticing huge gains in sleep and skin improvement. The hunger side effect is minimal and controlable. I take metformin with it to counter the insulin resistance side effect. Noticing good gym gains and quicker recovery.
Ignore these fags above. Don't know nothing about anything. Read the literature on sarms before taking then. You can find hundreds of studies on pub med and similar sites.
just fucking do roids man. More info on how to control inevitable sides + better results.
S4 will fuck your eyes up, Rad140 will suppress your test, and SR9009 will make you lose hair.
Just pin test and take anavar for 10 weeks followed by a PCT.
They don't even do anything to justify the risk of taking some untested shit.
Inb4 a bunch of shills start telling each other what great gains they made without quantifying anything.
MK-677 isn't a SARM by definition and is the only peptide/PED worth taking besides real gear.
Is LGD-4033 good for a first cycle? Will i lose my gains after the use or i can keep it?
Yea bro you'll make mad gains, way more than a beginner steroid cycle. Trust me I'm an anonymous guy on the internet.
The advantage of SARMs (selective androgen receptors) is that they are selective of the receptors they target so unintended effects are minimal. If youre iffy about steroids SARMs are good but I'd also look at polypeptides such as IGF-1LR3 (If you do, dont listen to those retards saying to take 100mcg unless you like gambling)
Gambling as in its dangerous?
It was my first cycle and it was great, kept almost all my gains, lost weight and cut quite abit, but had to pct when I finished my cycle of 8 weeks. I'm the guy doing a mk-677 cycle in the earlier post.
Take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
"the British could only gamble that something would turn up"
synonyms: take a chance, take a risk, take a leap in the dark, leave things to chance, speculate, venture, buy a pig in a poke;
Why waste your time writing this haha
Will SARMs give me gyno?
they can indeed give you gyno, CAN.
Difference between sarms and prohormones like 1-test or the andros?
The skin benefits are what internet me most about mk-677, but you apparently have to be on the stuff for months for it to really make a difference.
They seem almost too good to be true and long term side effects are not understood.
Henry is based and redpilled.
I hate capeshit and netflix but I'd watch them just to support him.
I'd take test but moved to a new city, don't have a source. Sarms ou can order online
Guys. Try testing your SARMS with roid test kit in pic related. Most SARMS online are usually mixed with Anadrol/Dbol raws to trick their customers into thinking that SARMS works like roids.
I personally would never take SARMS myself since I wanna avoid unknown side effects. Not enough studies were done on SARMS.
On MK677 and ost right now, lifts are up, energy levels are great, sleep is great. Not quite sure why online SARMs distributors would add scheduled substances that they can't legally sell to their research chemicals that I bought for my lab rat that are labeled not for human consumption.
>Not quite sure why online SARMs distributors would add scheduled substances that they can't legally sell to their research chemicals
Want to know why? Because steroids gives you much faster and better results than SARMS. Insta gains, insta weight loss, insta results within few weeks... meaning more returning customers. Dbol and Anadrol is cheap to buy in China and manufacturers know that they can get away with lacing steroids into SARMS because they know that people are too lazy to test their supplement with testing kits.
Test everything you take gois!
Well that's why I bought from a company that gets every batch tested by a 3rd party in the US.
I'm not even looking to get huge, I'm just older and want an edge in the gym. This seems to be working quite well so far.
Skin benefits? Like what?
This. My bullshit alarm rang nonstop when I first read about them. At least we have longitudinal studies on roids so we know exactly what we're getting ourselves into. Meanwhile, Sarms have few studies -- almost none replicated and even fewer on humans -- that were short term. Hard pass.
more collagen = younger looking skin. also faster wound healing.
>Well that's why I bought from a company that gets every batch tested by a 3rd party in the US.
How do you know that that test result is even real? Anyone can come up with a bullshit analytical paper and call it a 3rd party. Testing kit costs less than 100 bucks. If your mystery chemical is giving you enough result then that's great, I personally like to know exactly what I'm getting my result from though.
just take roids lmao
But getting a source would be too hard
less sides if you don't have absolute garbage genetics
Do a low dose for like 8 weeks (5-10mg a day) and a light pct as a precaution as it can be suppresssive
Sarms can have any side that roids do, but it’s far less likely
They add roids because they have a far better profit margin
>just take roids lmao
Do some research before spouting dumb shit, sarms are more anabolic than many roids mg per mg with fewer sides, the only benefit to roids is you know exactly what all the risks are. You’re operating without the cutting edge of anabolic science and will be left in the past with dinosaur compounds.
besides the fact that most sarms are either impure, cut with other compounds, or completely fake, they either act like a different type of oral steroid or they have structures that are so crazy they probably really do give you cancer.
>insta results within few weeks...
So do sarms.
I understand this line of thinking, but I have used both gear and SARMs and SARMs are the real deal. I remember saying the same thing you’re saying when aromatase inhibitors and gh peptides hit the grey market, now those drugs are mainstream because everyone knows they work.
The bodybuilding crowd have always been guinea pigs for drugs that could possibly cause muscle growth and/or fat loss. SARMs are the new kids on the block.
From personal experience, 15-30mg Ostarine a day for 3 months is comparable to 250mg of Test per week. I actually recommend newbies use 250mg of Test per week instead of 500mg, and I recommend SARMs newbies use around 25mg Ostarine a day and nothing else for their first SARM cycle. No PCT was needed.
MK-677 on its own makes your skin and hair look great and you can maintain and gain a little muscle. Using it while on Test is comparable to using 2-4iu of hgh.
Using YK-11 while on Test is a fucking game changer. I took 5mg with my preworkout cup of coffee for 8 weeks and it’s like Tren with zero side effects. In fact, it made my hair a little thicker and just looked better. That’s the number 1 thing I’ve noticed with every SARM I’ve tried, I look younger once I’ve been taking them for awhile.
So how worried are you about what Cheekie mentioned about adulteration with Dbol and whatnot?
daily reminder than any thread about sarms is a SHILL
Is YK-11 the myostatin inhibitor?
It’s a legit concern. Years ago I used some off brand Epistane and the results were amazing. My friend bought a bottle and tested it at some lab and it had methyl testosterone and winstrol and almost no Epistane. Not even sure how they could turn a profit that way.
Third party testing can be faked but I still suggest going with brands that have it. Also, you can buy SARMs directly from the companies that make it or at least look at people that have purchased from the producers, and then trace those names. back to the owners of websites that sell it. That way you at least know which websites actually have the SARM you want to buy but they could still add gear to it.
Like I said, the bodybuilding community has always been the first to try anything that can give a muscle boosting effect. Even doctors know this.
Yeah. It’s the one I was the most iffy about trying, but a legit myostatin blocker has been the holy grail in bodybuilding for about 20 years. So I had to try it. I doubt it would do much if anything when taken on its own, but taking a myostatin inhibitor while having supraphysiological amounts of testosterone in your body will cause muscle growth no matter what you do.
Did you try something like epicatechin or another natural inhibitor before using a sarm?
Yeah roids are cheaper
Nobody claims SARMs work better than real anabolics.
Try a different strawman.
Not him but you obviously haven’t done a proper dose of actual sarms
post body
Greg Doucette has a video where he compares two sarms to var, and clearly says LGD-4033 is stronger mg per mg. Dr. Tony huge has also done large dose experiments of sarms, and injectible sarms which he says are far stronger mf per mg than many steroids. They also have far higher binding affinity
so it sounds like lgd and ostarine are the way to go
this, should have nolva in case of gyno anyway, it's unlikely but possible
LGD will also supress test but to a far lesser degree than any roid
>actual sarms
how do you know what you were using to get "insta result" was """real SARMS"""" and I have access to any drugs I can get but one thing I would never waste my money on is SARMS lol.
I name fag for a reason so you can look me up
I've never heard of injecting sarms, but I wouldn't be surprised if lgd is actually better than var, it's certainly comparable. I don't think anyone is going to say sarms are better than actual test though, which is the real point.
I should be able to dig up the graph I saw a while ago but mg per mg LGD is more powerful than test
Have fun stuck in the dark ages of anabolics
>Have fun stuck in the dark ages of anabolics
Give me an example of "dark ages of anabolics"
Cheekie I love you and always will xoxo
Using less anabolic, more androgenic, traditional steroids
I love you too anonymous, hope you're having a great day.
8 weeks of LGD was pretty epic for me, 5mg first half 10mg second half. Don't bother with PCT, completely unnecessary.
And that is why I don't go over my dose and always take few months off after every cycle to stabilize my hormone. Only way people screw themselves up with roids is when they over dose themselves out of greed/stupidity and not having regular doctor check ups. I'd rather use chems that has decades of research done then SARMS.
Roids are the safe way to go until there’s the same kind of documentation on sarms, I I believe in the next 20 years sarms will replace most actual roids, or at least all orals
Currently SARMS isn't as strong and effective as steroids, but I'm sure that in few years someone will come up with SARMS with stronger potency. Who knows. For now I'll be spending my money on gear that are actually worth my investment.
I’ll be starting a 10mg 8 week LGD-4033 cycle, keep an eye out for the thread I make
Will do. Also post test result of SARMS with roid test kit for shitsandgiggles
New anabolics are coming out and people are using them and making steroid like gains. With no evidence you are saying SARMs are weak or don’t work or are dangerous. You want everyone else to agree traditional steroids are better and you want others to avoid SARMs and use what you use.
You’re not doing this because you genuinely believe SARMs are bad and you’re looking out for others, you’re doing it because you have an inflated ego that you feel is harmed by people disagreeing with you.
The next time you’re in your bathroom holding a syringe full of oil that was most likely brewed by some greaseball on his stove using powdered synthetic hormones made in a dingy Chinese factory, look into the mirror and tell yourself that you are a healthy superhero and anyone that thinks differently is stupid. And then shove the needle of your irrigation sized syringe (because big boys need big needles) into your asscheek and pump it full of healthy Chinese kitchen made oil.
I don’t disagree but really cringe
this post just said
"My chinese vanity drugs are better that your chinese vanity drugs"
Don't do drugs kids or you end up as lost as these losers.
I want to keep my hair
Is there a sarm that will keep me from being a fat fuck? Isn’t there some shit called cardarine or something? Gives you crazy endurance? I just want to shed this fucking weight then I can worry about other shit
Cardarine causes cancer in rats in high, long term doses. I’d stay away from it and just put the fork down fatass
Just began taking mk677 as well @ 25mg per day, what's your dosage on metformin friendo?
Kek’d at That image
Is Narrows Labs legit? I don't trust reddit
Grill here goin almost 2 weeks on SARMS. I'm only doing 2.5mg of ostarine but I reccomend 5mg for anyone with serious goals. I just get bored and wanted to break up the monotany at the gym. Sometimes when I take it a little late one day and earlier the next, I feel the difference and it's certainly worthwhile.
My experience
1. Enhanced libido
2. Improved mood
3.Improved stamina and shorter recovery time even on a little cal deficit
4. Voice still the same, no differences in lady part growth
Literally no sides I noticed.. I plan to do 2.5 for 2 months or probably 2.5 for 1 month and 5 for 2 months like my vendor suggested. I really don't care, I don't have anyone to impress, I just get bored at the gym and my boring life. :/
Also I reccomend girls get liquid so you can go up in smaller increments like 2.5, 5, 7.5 kinda thing. Get a syringe online or from a drug store.
I take it before my work out, once a day, with sugar free electrolyte water like powerade.
If you head someone shilling a brand on reddit or any other forum chances are they’re being paid to do that
I’m currently managing multiple online businesses and one of them happens to be for SARMS. I have my opinion about SARMS being useless based on my experience with people’s opinion who bought it online and also irl. This SARMS business that I’m managing for aren’t lacing their product with roids, just SARMS and people don’t make any progress. My friend tried it too irl and made no progress. You’re right, I don’t do SARMS because I don’t wanna take chem with so little studies done, I’d rather make my own Anavar and take it orally.
Girl you should be testing your SARMS to see if they aren’t lacing your shit with Dbol. Clit dick isn’t the only permanent side effect you’re gonna get.
This post made me decide to stay natty.
One fatty to another, cardarine works. In a couple weeks combined with keto, cycling and lifting 3 times a week, I went from 260 to 220. Plus my energy is through the roof. I'd recommend it
Did you just admit to being a shill lmao
Nvm I’m retarded
mee so horney!
I was a natty and I made really good progress with 8 weeks of LGD.
Damn that’s unironically exactly where I am and where I want to go.
Any sides?
Also can people drop sources on fit? I’m a newfag
5mg is half dose... 2.5 is almost microdosing... normal dose for ostarine is 10mg also
>sugar free electrolyte water like powerade
never dilude sarms in liquid form, chase them with water
cardarine works after first dose, shot my endurance through the roof
no sourcing if you dont want thread to go 404, search plebit on sarmstalk, enough of sourcing q&a there
thanks fren. really hate those faggots over there but will dmor accordingly
would u stack it with anything else? just trying to get a lean athletic build basically 6’6 225-230 and ripped
I’m currently 265 but lifting 4x a week and doing lots of cardio as well as intermittent fasting so the weight is falling off thankfully
cardarine is not suppresive... so you dont have to care about PCT, if you want to get into SARMs for real, start with Ostarine (more mild approach) or RAD 140, Osta will not require PCT in most cases, RAD 140 will... But only way to be sure is to do bloodwork, get your bloodwork before cycle, after cycle and compare T levels... that way you will know if you will need PCT
can it help with old scars?
Yes, that's why I'm asking here...?
>sarm gains are so small they're never quantified in any sarm shill thread
I don't care if gains are small, I just want a little edge, my metabolism is catabolic af and missing just 2 consecutive days at the gym makes all my lifts go down
>inb4 just do a low dose [some roid]
I have very bad blood-injury-injection phobia and just holding a syringe in my hand would probably make me faint
>t.nver tried RAD140 or S4