Why are normies so conformist?
Why are normies so conformist?
>spends 8 ours a day on the computer like a true revelutionary
>why do they love staring at screens lol look around you theres so much to see
>locks himself in his room and posts on Jow Forums all day
>mom calls him down for dinner
>"fuck off bitch! gaaawd."
People always talk shit about phones when 90% of people (not including snapchat obsessed teens) use their phones to communicate with their friends/family/whatever.
We all conformist to a degree
Kind of true. The people on this board are conformist as fuck. To the point of practically being a hivemind.
like everyone else said its human nature. everyone conforms at least a bit.
said the skinnyfat capeshit watcher, cant put the phone away for anything, empty calories are so yummy, im just going to do enough to breed and have a house fuck everyone else, havent read a textbook in years, normgroid piece of garbage.
This. This place is like a trashcan.
If I'm not home and I don't know anyone around me I will likely be on my phone with earphones in.
But we're totally different from the other garbage can
we are the same as them.
Take a look around, nearly every user here thinks the same
maybe for you but im not like the average normie I put in 3x more effort for everything I do compared to them
>looking at screen which has access to the entire catalogue of human knowledge and entertainment
>"lol braindead zombies lol"
Using desktop computers in the privacy of your room is a lot different from gathering in public solely to crane your neck down at social media for hours on end.
>doing something in a room is completely different from doing the same thing but while standing in line
Looks like a horror movie bruh
>gathering in public
Its literally people waiting in a line. The only people that are on their phones while gathering are the annoying teens and they will grow out of that (atleast i hope so).
Banksy-tier social commentary
>implying Robots aren't conformist as fuck
Piss off, as if this place isn't dominated by a hivemind mentality
"hurr Reddit bad!"
>I put in 3x more effort for everything I do
Maybe you are right,but you post here so i won't believe you
reddit being shit is a fact of the universe, not merely an opinion
I'm too paranoid someone is gonna be a school shooter to do this
>someone is gonna be a school shooter to do this
Just don't go to schools then, dummy.
That's not the fucking point, cunt. My point is that it's retarded for a Robot to complain about anyone being a "conformist", when everyone is one to a degree, even here, where people try to conform to this edgy, detached archetype they think a Jow Forums user looks like.
>doing thing is completely different from doing other thing
I can do that too, retard. Yes, it is different.
Waiting in a line in public, yes. There's no obligate need to constantly be attached to a phone. I only use the internet when I'm in my room, not outside of it.
when im outside I enjoy every bit of the experience I can get, specially if they use social media so they can broadcast their every living moment
where did this fucking fallacious argument comes from?
normies work and go home to watch netflix or get drunk at a shit tier club, have less endurance and strenght than me
Wow, people waiting in line would rather utilize devices that can access any form of entertainment, from conversations with friends to classic literature to world music, than stand and stare at the walls or strike up awkward conversations with random people that they know nothing about and will probably never see again in their life, who knew?
>I can do that too, retard.
No you can't, dumbass, because you left out important parts. Your entire argument is that the exact same activity is bad in one location but not in another just cuz. It's retarded.
>because you left out important parts.
It's almost like that's exactly what you done, oversimplified my point so you could attack a strawman. It's not the same activity beyond involving technology and the environment you do something in matters, astounding I know.
implying they actually fucking do that, kek
and what is wrong with talking to random people?
see this is the problem I can bet people in the past before dronephones took over used to be more social and made better friends
>classic literature to world music,
lol what the fuck
are you just shitposting?
Nah, people still talk to each other, they just don't as much.
I'm pulling things right out of my ass. Humor me.
>It's not the same activity
Is this the part where you make up a bunch of shit to make it look like shitposting online is somehow a completely different and intellectual endeavor? And you have yet to give a single reason why doing it while waiting in line is somehow bad.
its instinctual to copy others. its instinctual to reject the different.
thats right goy, LIVE in your bubble, DO NOT interact with strangers as they might make you feel uncomfortable or worse, change your worldview. BUY junkfood WATCH ADS and NEVER forget to donate on patreon
>hurr durr I'm on Jow Forums I'm so special and different unlike all the normies out there!
>Is this the part where you make up a bunch of shit to make it look like shitposting online is somehow a completely different and intellectual endeavor?
More projection, I never mentioned shitposting. The average level of discourse here and across other forums is higher than that of semi-illiterate normalfags who type entirely in emoticons and broken english on social media.
Posting on an imageboard in a room on a desktop computer isn't the equivalent of posting about how much you want to suck chads cock on Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter in a public space on a phone. Doing it while waiting in a line isn't morally wrong, but it is clearly conformist and predictable and highlights the normalfags low attention span.
wow incels on Jow Forums??? who would've guessed
>and what is wrong with talking to random people?
The irony of asking that here of all places aside, people wait in line to get to whatever the line is for, not for making friends. And in a food court line, you're going to be there for only a couple minutes anyway, you can't get more than a few minutes of interaction before you both have to go on your way so it's pointless if you want friends. I used to take the bus every single day to and from school. The only people that I would try talking to and that would try talking to me were the regulars that took the same route the same day. People that we didn't recognize we would never talk to in a social way because there was no point. And sometimes you just don't connect with people, even if you see them every day, because you simply have nothing in common. You have a short conversation once or twice, and then go back to reading a book, browsing the internet, listening to music, whatever.
>posts hentai
ah yes, i see your extensive research has been fruitful, master user.
I met my gf standing in line for chinese food
but that is what normies do
lol most normies I know are so pathethic, even the regular posters here that claim to be good coders or work on IT have improved themselves more than the average normgroid
Ill admit I was going too fast there, talking to strangers in a line can be akward sure, but anywhere else would be beneficial
>the average level of discourse here and across other forums
I see, so this really is the part where you make shit up. Tell ,me have you seen the goddamn catalog any time in the last few years?
> posting about how much you want to suck chads cock on Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter
Complaining about projection and then going on about this, specially with the amount of males in the picture as well.
>in a public space on a phone
You still threw that in without explaining why it makes a difference.
>I see, so this really is the part where you make shit up. Tell ,me have you seen the goddamn catalog any time in the last few years?
Even the lowest quality posts here, even the shitposting you think every thread is composed of, is of higher quality than 99% of posts via text or social media. People like you would prefer the catalog was rampant with irony and memes, of course, since that's exactly the level of quality you can expect from the normalfags here whining about the notion that some people aren't as conformist and mindless as they are.
>Complaining about projection and then going on about this, specially with the amount of males in the picture as well.
The male equivalent of that isn't any better. Females use their phones and social media more so than men do, this is common knowledge.
>You still threw that in without explaining why it makes a difference.
I already explained how it highlighted their low attention span actually. There are better ways to occupy your time in public than to post meaningless superficial bullshit on your phone. I have never used my phone in public for anything other than phone calls to be collected from somewhere, it's not beyond anyone.
>I met my gf standing in line for chinese food
yeah, and I met my best friend when he lost control and crashed his skateboard into me and knocked my off my bike. You certainly meet people in strange ways, but by and large it's not the most viable method, and it never has been. Thinking that people were all super social butterflies and talked to everyone they saw and that phones killed that is ridiculous.
>Even the lowest quality posts here, even the shitposting you think every thread is composed of, is of higher quality than 99% of posts via text or social media.
"higher quality"doesn't actually mean quality. Like when we get some shitty racebait thread and some faggot goes "it's better than the tranny spam" as if we had to choose one or the other. Getting pissed on might be "better" than getting shat on, but neither is actually good. We are nearing /b/ levels of shit here.
>People like you would prefer the catalog was rampant with irony and memes, of course, since that's exactly the level of quality you can expect from the normalfags here whining about the notion that some people aren't as conformist and mindless as they are.
I have no idea what the fuck goes on on social media, but once again, I invite you to actually take a look at the catalog here. MBTI shit. Doomer shit. constant "why haven't you settled for a BPD / Asian / ugly / black / autistic/ etc girl". Ritalinfag and Gunjy posting their attentionwhoring. Nothing good actually happens here anymore.
>There are better ways to occupy your time in public
So it's not actually based on anything. ok.
>"higher quality"doesn't actually mean quality. Like when we get some shitty racebait thread and some faggot goes "it's better than the tranny spam" as if we had to choose one or the other. Getting pissed on might be "better" than getting shat on, but neither is actually good. We are nearing /b/ levels of shit here.
Still better, even if it's shit. Also, it's not conformist either, normalfags are terrified of the prospect of appearing offensive or "strange", don't have to worry about that here.
>I have no idea what the fuck goes on on social media, but once again, I invite you to actually take a look at the catalog here. MBTI shit. Doomer shit. constant "why haven't you settled for a BPD / Asian / ugly / black / autistic/ etc girl". Ritalinfag and Gunjy posting their attentionwhoring. Nothing good actually happens here anymore.
The average social media post is something to the degree of "getting sloshed with the laaaaads at x pub" with even less legible responses, combined with emoticons. That or people meticulously organising a plate of food just to get shares or likes on their profile.
>So it's not actually based on anything. ok.
It's almost as if people went out in public in the past without mobile phones glued to their face at one point, how did they survive?! No one knows!
>even if it's shit
So it's still shit. wow.
>The average social media post is something to the degree of "getting sloshed with the laaaaads at x pub"
Isn't that Britfeel?
>It's almost as if people went out in public in the past without mobile phones glued to their face at one point, how did they survive?! No one knows!
So still no actual argument for why it;'s bad, it just is because you think it is. ok.
>So it's still shit. wow.
I never said the average Jow Forums post was high quality, just higher quality than the average text or social media post.
>Isn't that Britfeel?
I don't browse Britfeel because it's full of normalfags and namefags. There are better posts than that example there, but not many.
>So still no actual argument for why it;'s bad, it just is because you think it is. ok.
I never said it was bad. There's no moral reprehensibility in it, but it is undoubtedly conformist.
we got btfo
>Hating to look on as a outcast for not liking the capeshit tantamounts to desiring le revolution!
Lol leftists.
>Not actively shitposting in Jow Forums while waiting in line for some fast food