I’m a 19 year old with very patchy facial hair growth. Could this help me grow a beard for facial atheistic or is it just a way the lizards in power try to steal our money?
Is Beard Oil a Meme?
I've only ever used beard oil to soften and style my facial hair. I really doubt using some snake oil would make your bear grow in fuller.
My beard was kinda patchy until my mid 20s. I had a friend who was patchy af until his 30s. Just be patient, kiddo.
Not really. They work by moving more blood to the patchy areas which minimally grows more hair, if any.
I always assumed this was like conditioner or something like brylcreem for your beard where it's just supposed to make what is there look neater.
Not OP but, are there any downsides to Minoxidil?
19 is way too young to grow a full beard as the other user said, if you want one just wait. And yeah beard oil is a meme and a scam
Beard oil is not for growing beard. It is used for moisturising beard and keeping it healthy so it's not dry and itchy.
I knew kids that could grow full beards in 9th grade. They are balding now. Its all genetics I wanted a nice beard in my early 20s and my dad told me he couldn't grow a full beard until 30. I hit 30 and sure enough it grows in great now. Too bad I'm not into the beard thing anymore. I find most chicks don't like it much either.
Dry skin, you'll get dandruff if used on your noggin' that's because of all the alcohol in the mix, it's generally recommended to use anti-dandruff shampoo combined
Does it actually soften the beard? My beard grows back like bamboo but it feels far too harsh and bristly, like a scouring pad.
I have plenty of hair and a nice hairline, was talking about using it to help with kinda patchy/asymetric beard and help it grow
Yes. I started using it because the girl I was seeing complained that my beard was too scratchy. It helps a lot. It also keeps the skin underneath well moisturized.
It does make it softer. Also don't use normal hair shampoos on your beard, especially if they have some alcohol content because it will dry it the fuck out. By washing it too much you're washing away all the natural oils of the skin and that's what makes it harsh. Beard oil supplements those oils.
Retard i'm saying dry skin will occur anywhere on the skin it is applied, counter that however you see fit (moisturizer)
thanks user, have a nice one c:
Beard oil isn't for growth...
So no
What if I have very oily skin? I already use a charcoal shower rub to dry it up.
It's only meant for improving texture. Brushing helps the beard sit better and look less gross as well. You gotta just find a look that works with your genetics on this one.
> Using charcoal
>> Paying for literal pseudo science
u 2 bud-e
Worked great for me. You’ll need to moisturize like a motherfucker and that’s about it
>doesn't know what "pseudo" or "literal" means
Beards are a meme. Under 15 bf should be clean shaven or stubble to show off jaw gains. Over 15 should be beard because you are fat and have a round face. Just know you aren’t fooling anyone with that beard fatty
Pharmfag here. It's pricey. By itself, not the end of the world. But if you stop using it, you're likely to lose what you gained through it. Need to keep paying to keep the hair.
Dry flaky skin.
Use Ketoconazole shampoo.
What are the ingredients?
As far as moisturizing your beard, which is all these normally do, I just buy coconut oil and add a little peppermint essential oil.
>organic chemistry is "literally" a psuedo-science
Oh well, that sounds like a bother.
Do you have any experience/info on peppermint essential oil?
I use jojoba oil. I put it on my beard and hair right out of the shower. It's cheap on Amazon and doesn't leave a shine on your hair.
>finally shaved for the first time in six years for new job
How long does it take to get used to this?
shut up fag lol you clearly don’t know women
beards are soi as fuck and do nothing but interfere with shit
Beards are insole lifts for your face, go ahead and try to hide that weak chin, we can all tell.
>having a brushing and oiling beard-care routine
I swear to god, why don't you faggots put as much effort into lifting as you do being a queer cunt
I just shaved mine all off. Beards are for onions boys now. Real men show off their chin
>Is Beard Oil a Meme?
Idk but keep it clean.
beard oil is mostly for moisturizing the skin under your beard. If it has snake oil to make it grow, then I guess it has snake oil. If you use a fuck ton you can have a nasty greasy beard. If you use the right amount it might be a little bit more shiny by the end of the day, but that's really not the point. If you want hair product for a beard or mustache, that's wax, which is also gross, but not as gross as chewing on your mustache whenever you eat. Just shave. Beards are a pain in the ass.
Beard oil isn't for making hair grow. It's for keeping you facial hair conditioned and the skin beneath it moisturized. As your beard grows your skin on your face will dry out because all the water is being absorbed by the hair follicles. Most oils have biotin in them which can accelerate hair growth but it will not make more hair grow where there is none
tl;dr: no it won't help you grow a thick beard you retard
Beard oil and beard grooming goes back thousands of years. It's actually more pretentious to think that because you're a unhygienic smelly fuck that you're more "manly".
No you're just an eyesore.
>tfw strong jaw covered in acne so i try to hide it with a shitty patchy beard
Skin will feel tender the first few times, after about a month of shaving every day I find that I will have no irritation
essential oils smell and get everywhere and that's it.
And essential just means "the essence of". The only thing it's essential to is the life of the plant that was destroyed to extract it.
Beard is such a struggle. I want a long ass curly beard like you see on the Gods, but I'm at a point where 3 inches is about it and any longer gets really thin at the ends and makes me question my employment stability.
I recently cut it all back to 2 inches where it was nice and thick and it grew back a half inch in 2 weeks. I like have to constantly brush it too. I oil it occasionally, wash in water every other day, and wash with shampoo once a week. havn't really got the process down solid though, should I water and oil daily?