Have a gf AMA

have a gf AMA

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kill your self faggot
Originally do it

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thats not a question. i understand bitterness and lashing out but its better to try and do something about it rather than just keep hating

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is it rape if you fuck her while she sleeps?

mm idk if she is not into it at all and asks/tells you to stop and you dont then yeah i would say so. i actually tried this once becasue WUNF gets me horny but it wasnt good at all. i prefer girls to wash/clean their ass and pussy before fucking and sleep sex doesnt feel right with that kind of break and she was pretty pissed i woke her up to try and fuck desu

one bump before letting the thread die good luck bros

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how did u meet ur gf, mister?

used to work at a restaurant and the barista introduced me to her. meeting girls from friends/acquaintance always seems to work best in my experience.

I actually have quite a few questions.
>How do you settle arguments or fights
>does she make you go to social events with her
>how would you deal with cheating
>how long have you been dating

What does she look like? what's her hobbies? and lastly what do you guys usually like to do together?

how long have you guys been together?

>How do you settle arguments or fights
honestly im such a piece of shit that most fights or arguments have been my fault and i just apologize and learn my lesson. but the few arguments we've had we just talk it out and express the frustrations we've both been feeling and it ends up being okay
>does she make you go to social events with her
eh not really but im okay with it so i dont mind when we have to go somewhere
>how would you deal with cheating
thats hard. i love her and she loves me and i cant imagine either of us cheating but if it happened...idk. i feel like i would break up immediately
>how long have you been dating
little more than 3 years
pic rel. she likes searching or new cafes and bars and so do i. she also enjoys shit like pottery and painting so we do a lot of dates at one of those places that let you buy a cup or plate or bowl and paint designs on it
3 years now

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Thanks for answering all the questions I asked you, user. You're pretty cool for a norman. Your GF looks like a girl I went to HS with. Does her name start with an N?

thanks user. and while i consider myself considerably more normal than not, i still have my issues and shit. nah, her name starts with an H. im sorry to you or anyone else that seems like i am bragging but i am dirnking and i drink too often. i just remember how it is to feel unwanted and unhappy with myself and even if 99% of robots tell me to fuck off if theres one sad fuck who can move forward from my advice/insight ill be happy because ill have helped someone change like a friend did for me

It's probably bragging, but it's still better than discord spam and porn and the other garbage posted here.

yeah fair point christ what this board has become

Yeah, it's terrible. This is pretty much just /b/ now.

im a newfag being only on here for maybe 6 years but yeah what a downward spiral

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Heck, I've only been here for about three. It's terrible, though. I came at the height of trap spam, and it's only gone downhill from there.

i dont honesly remember properly about the state of the board/site since i was drunk so often back then but i did enjoy myself more. it may be novelty or rose tinted glasses but fuck i miss those days

Yeah, honestly, I feel the same. If I ignored the trap spam, there were still good threads. Also, how often do you go on r9k nowadays? Does your gf know?

im on about 3-4 days out of the week mostly when i drink. and naw she doesnt know but i did tell her i post on chan a few months ago. she had issues with ilbe which is a right wing korean site and i told her i posted on Jow Forums which has a similarly shitt reputation. but i mostly post on ck and other similarly mild boards anyways

why does your gf have a black circle on her face

its 2019 makeup trends

>right wing korean site
You're korean? huh. I figured most people from this site were USA or Euros.

i mean im american in that im naturalized and have lived in the states since i was 4 but i still do have major ties as a korean guy. i know there is a lot of shit about koreans/asians in general about bein cold hearted but i like to think we are a people really into loyalty and friendship. jung is a korean word thats all about companionship, camaraderie, brotherhood, and all that and my cloest friends are korean intl students now and we are thick as blood

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Can I borrow her for a night?

no, but i sincerely hope you find someone to love and who loves you back user

>i know there is a lot of shit about koreans/asians in general about bein cold hearted but i like to think we are a people really into loyalty and friendship
People are people, man. It's not like all asian people are cold and heartless, just because some (or even a lot). Don't let assholes who say that get to you. If stereotypes and stuff were true, I'd be murdering and stealing and selling drugs n sheeit, but I'm just browsing Jow Forums and studying japanese and preparing for college.

based nonbrainlet user who doesnt get influenced by Jow Forums. yeah i was mostly speaking to those younger kids who think the race bait threads are real. people are people all over and while im not well traveleed ive met people from all over that taught me good lessons about humanity. im glad to hearyou are down to earth and seem like a chill dude, would grab a beer with you bro

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Thanks, user. I don't drink, but I guess I could start in case I meet cool people.

i think social drinking is great but i hope you never degen into alcoholism like me brother. best of luck to you though i really wish the best

Alright, thanks user. Good luck on kicking your alcoholism.

thank you that means a lot really. stay gold bro

uhh... y-you too. On a more serious note, I'm getting better socially. maybe someday you won't be the only one here with a gf.

why should i originally care?

Is she actually your right hand? Be honest with me.

sorry that was a ref to the outsiders lol although i guess stay golden would have been clearer. cheers man, life can change
theres no real need to i just wanted to maybe share insight
what do you mean right hand? do i rely on her to talk me through bigger life deciiosn? yes and does she help? yes

Nah, I know you dont actually have one

Yeah, I know. I just wasn't sure what I was supposed to say in response. Do it for Johnny, I guess.

i guess theres not real proof since i dont want to upload more pics but thats cool
stay based my friend

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Women are not excrement, except for prostitutes and cons

i never said they were, i love women

I am surprised you do not recognize the phrase

where is it from? i always considered myself well vreresed in pop culture but its impossible to keep up with everything

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A physician named Dre released the statement in 1992

holy shit lol ive been drinkingso i didnt realize. good tate user. ive been listning to a lot of older hip hoplike 36 chambers lately

If my ex girlfriend left me due to a lack of emotional depth, what does that mean? Is it because I didn't stimulate her emotions through argument and refused to play along with the average feminine shit tests? Due to her serious depression and self hate, and my already abusive childhood, I refused to argue with her regardless of the topic. Should i actually have been treating her like shit and arguing with her all the time? and if so, then whats the fucking point of dating if you have to act like you don't even want the person you're with?

Also, she dumped me a month ago, is it too late to get her back somehow? She still calls me and texts me occasionally.

im not that experienced desu. this gf is the first ive had since everything else was shitty one night stands or lasted a month or less so im probabaly not the best to ask but if you dont enjoy your time with someoen and it feels like a chore to be with someone i would recommend not sticking with them. any good relationship requires work and if that pushes some limits maybe its a good thing but if you are truly unhappy with those changes/work needed it might not be right. you also may need to distnace yourself from internet definitions of shittetse and the like. dont let stupid retards online tell you about your relationship and fuck im sorry im rambling but i think effort into a relationship is great if you love her but dont pigeonhole yourself brother