Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.
Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community, no more abuse and harassment.
no haters and trolls allowed! if you don't have anything nice and constructive to contribute to the thread, just don't say anything at all.
you literally have 149 of your own threads at all times.
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok, but the only way a board can get more representation is if the people go there. Saying this to us is completely useless.
I wish I was a catgirl.
Why the fuck are you on this board isn't there a board made for gay topics like this.
not only should trans people be banned on sight, but it should be allowed to post their personal info and coordinate harassment against them. more tranny suicides are needed to fix our society.
You say:
>Iess fetishisation of trans people
>more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community
You do:
>transposters only use images of anime to represent their feelings and themselves
Constructive Criticism: Post real images that represent trans culture.
we need more trans people in LatAm, come here I want to meet a cute woman that used to be a male
The same thread over and over again. Doesnt this break the rules of oregano?
This is Jow Forums. I don't think you understand where you are right now.
Kill yourself feggot
Also the thing with traps is they dont age well and 0.1% can pull it off right.
What is that thing called when someone typically wearing school-clothes stretches slightly and their shirt rides up a little, exposing their soft, touch-sensitive belly and sometimes their adorable navel? It makes me really flustered.
I'm fine with the rest of it, but
>Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
Who are you to tell me what I can fap to? Wasn't the argument of "What I do in my bedroom is my own business" an important one for the advancement of queer rights?
Oh for the love of god shut up you attention seeking freak. You have a goddamned containment board, get back in. For fuck sake.
Every user on Jow Forums does that
This is an anime website
I've been on hrt for nearly 3 and a half years.
>no haters and trolls allowed! if you don't have anything nice and constructive to contribute to the thread, just don't say anything at all.
autogynephilia doesn't give you the magical ability to prevent shitposting, you know
Are you a girl yet though femanon?
Transgenderism is a fetish you dumb retard, how do you defetishize it?
What are the biggest changes you've experienced in your life overall?
Do you regret anything about transitioning, or has it only improved your life in your perspective?
Do you ever wish you were born cis?
No we dont. This right here, this forced acceptance strategy where you shover yourself in peoples faces and force them to be around you, is the reason why people hate trannies. Trust me, there is no bigger reason. Nobody cares what you with yourself, just dont involve us in it. We dont want you, we neither hate you nor like you, we simply dont give a fuck about you. Just leave, its that simple.
You can't change your sexual orientation user.
>Do you ever wish you were born cis?
do you?
t. not her
Explain why most trannies are incel men who gave up on getting gfs and just tried to become women.
>Constructive Criticism: Post real images that represent trans culture.
that would ruin the fantasy, user
Fuck off faggot. Go to the gay ass LGBT board or neck your self like the rest of the sick trannies do.
Trannys are fucking derange lunatics that chew oral steroids and get distended bowels from fucking themselves in the ass with foreign objects.
You are pretentious homoluster, you need your craniums evacuated with hot lead for thinking people outside this cesspool of alternative sexuality sodomite community actually cater to your sick needs to succumb others to your petty incessant need for validation of a member of the opposite sex.
10/10 bait faggot.
Why would anyone desire trannies over real women?
I'm not 100% sure actually, and it's also not a very pervasive question on my mind. I tend to try and think about how to make my future brighter, rather than dwell on the unchangeable past. It's just something I find interesting to ask other trans people mostly; but to properly expand upon your question:
On one hand, I don't think I would be anywhere near the same person had I not dealt with such internal and external anguish, and I've come to be a person I'm actually somewhat proud of because of it, as well as having had to learn to improve myself in mental and physical ways a cis person would never even have the opportunity to experience. My socialization and life experience having been filtered through that lens has given me more to think about, and forced me to think about it deeper, than I would have had I been born cis as either gender (though I would definitely prefer female).
On the other hand, had I been born cis, I would've been able to avoid a large amount of that suffering I went through entirely. Sure, cis people still have problems, and I still would have faced them too had I been, nor am I saying that cis can't face anguish or suffering. However, to me, it ultimately boils down to the question of: would I rather have had my suffering in life be front-loaded, and learn the necessary coping mechanisms and self-improvement tactics as early as possible; or would I have rather had it spread out across my lifespan, and been able to learn those same things at a more leisurely pace.
It's a question I'm not sure how to answer really, since it basically just weighs whether it would have been better for me to solve everything early on, and hopefully have the rest of my life to live positively, or whether it would have been better for me to take things one at a time as I grew over a longer span of time, and never having to face a seemingly insurmountable load of them all at once (which had even drove me to attempting suicide at one point).
I didn't think it would be possible for me to hate trannies any more than I already did, but you've done it. Congratulations
>it's also not a very pervasive question on my mind. I tend to try and think about how to make my future brighter, rather than dwell on the unchangeable past.
you're too intelligent to be a robot user
>It's just something I find interesting to ask other trans people mostly;
>My socialization and life experience having been filtered through that lens has given me more to think about, and forced me to think about it deeper, than I would have had I been born cis as either gender
it's something to think about, that cis male and cis female are both very different experiences to being trans. just being raised a boy doesn't leave trans girls and cis boys the same
>whether it would have been better for me to solve everything early on, and hopefully have the rest of my life to live positively, or whether it would have been better for me to take things one at a time as I grew over a longer span of time, and never having to face a seemingly insurmountable load of them all at once
not insurmountable in the end though, since you're here!
Go back to /LGBT/ you fucking faggot
This board isn't for you
Maybe you're thinking of a trans women who seemed to be an incel man when she was still presenting male?
I appreciate your post, user
if you guys don't like us transgender people, don't come into our threads just to harass and insult us.
just don't reply at all. we have just as much of a right to post here as you do. we're not breaking any rules.
Sorry, don't care enough mate.
>we have just as much of a right to post here as you do
no you don't, you are not human, kill yourself
If I see this thread again I'll start negging trannies nonstop here and on /lgbt/.
I'm just as human as anyone else.
Maybe but your value significantly drops when you're trans.
Human beings identify as the sex they were actually born as, you are some kind of mutant.
because men are nicer to be around than women
>on all levels including physical i am cat girl
>Human beings identify as the sex they were actually born as
So do trannies (TL: trannies were born as girls just with the wrong bodies)
nigga human beings do all kindas retarded shit some cant even read least trans people probably gotta be able to read before being trans
>least trans people probably gotta be able to read before being trans
They can just recognize the logos for their pills tbhon
nigga u retarded as hell kys wtf?
That's the thing... we're not human at all.
We're robots... faggot
No, this is why you're all schizo mutants. You're not living in the same reality as the rest of us, your brain has been hijacked by some kind of demonic entity causing mutations.
I don't even care if a human can't read, at least he's still human.
And I have the right to reply to any of your retarded threads to tell you how fucking disgusting you are.
>We want to exist!
>Ew gross okay, just keep it con-
It's no wonder they always post anime girls
>we have just as much of a right to post
Shut up transnigger
Are you really a purple-black-yellow pokemon?
horizonally based and stirnerpilled
do you have to be left-wing to get this meme or is it retarded for everybody?
There's a difference between a reaction image and a mascot likeBut if you must know I sexually identify as a 1968 Dodge Coronet 440
no, retard. go back to /lgbt/
You just need some entry level knowledge of philosophy
i do not like trannies. its honestly a fucking sign of weakness to do this to yourself. anyone who decides to "transition" (mutilate themselves) has fallen for the "gender is a construct" meme which makes me respect them even less. i do feel a little bit bad for trannies, because they're so weakminded that they'll never really ever succeed, and modern society is structured so that they will be supported instead of just fucking die or learn not to be a faggot like they would have been ~100 years ago. there's a reason all trannies kill themselves, and it's because they've destroyed their entire lives after following the instructions of the (((msm)))
oh okay, the latter
>they always post anime girls
>There's a difference between a reaction image and a mascot
Where are those goalposts headed next?!
imagine being such a redditor Jow Forumstard newfag that you don't know stirner memes
>redditor Jow Forumstard newfag
make up your mind dummy
I know a lot of people from the trans community and understand why they'd want to be on Jow Forums, but this board is a de facto safe space for actual incel males, you have to go back
Also, the fact that you have to announce to everyone you're trans instead of just identifying with your desired gender and not saying anything beyond that shows how much of a circus the modern LGBT movement is. You're probably a really shallow person and in another timeline you would have filled the void in your life with racist bullshit instead.
>replying to a troll OP
you sound cute user
>FBI statistics
>Racist bullshit
Big brained centrists are fucking retarded.
>for actual incel males
Uh >instead of just identifying with your desired gender
Threads by or about fembots get deleted, so OP can't just say she's a girl. Blame the mods not her!
Don't you have an appointment to read books to school children at the local library you're going to be late for?
Just kill yourselves you tranny freaks this board will never be yours go back to your contained tranny board.
nigga you sound so damn sexy and greasy let me put my corndog in your ear and lick the wack off of it
The only reason this website tolerates your mental illness is for fap value, be glad you at least get that representation.
Sorry but no one takes you guys seriously, you're literally just a pet for 4chans amusement.
this man knows what's up, listen to him you faggots
>you're too intelligent to be a robot user
I'm not sure intelligent is the right word for it, but I thank you for the compliment anyway I suppose.
I've found other trans people usually have different answers to it, as well as an answer to it at all, and that uniqueness in perspectives interests me.
>just being raised a boy doesn't leave trans girls and cis boys the same
It's funny that most every chaser I've talked to lists this as a big reason why they like transwomen over cis women, yet once they actually get to know one, the glaring differences in how they both handled "male socialization" becomes obvious.
>not insurmountable in the end though, since you're here!
>The only reason this website tolerates your mental illness
Its not tolerated at all. They keep being told to off themselves yet they keep coming back because they are so thirsty for attention they will even take the bad kind of attention.
I think this is bait. I hope this is bait.
Good luck getting making that kind of change to a board that barely see themselves as people let alone others.
The whole point of Jow Forums is to be offensive and biggoted and make you feel unwelcome
This is the thing there is two catagories of people who are being labeled as trans on r9k. There are people who have bad gender disphoria and want to cure it. Then there are those who just feel that being feminine would be better like pic related. Grouping them together hurts the impression of both groups.
>The whole point of Jow Forums is to be offensive and biggoted and make you feel unwelcome
what's the point of that?? lmao
>he still has both cat ears and human ears
Proof you fuckin' tranny retards don't understand biology and all trannoids have been exposed to dangerous doses of radiation.
>The whole point of Jow Forums is to be offensive and biggoted and make you feel unwelcome
t. 2016 Jow Forumstard
that sounds just like what all the normalfags who've never visited this site think it's like.
Why do you think we need more positive representation of something that is, by any objective standards, an epic fail?
Ears and a tail are not hard to make.
But if you're not a real girl now, you never will be.
i want newfags to go
explain what you're going to do to earn this respect
sounds good!! need more trans guy representation as well.
daily reminder that being trans is not a personality
have a good night :)
>The whole point of Jow Forums is to be offensive and biggoted and make you feel unwelcome
Fuck off newfag.
I consider myself an ally of trans people