Whats Jow Forumss opinion on Muslims in general
Whats Jow Forumss opinion on Muslims in general
I hate them, but I hate everyone else too
Most of them are not really obeying Islam.
Considering the amount of Jow Forumsfags and Christards. You can guess. Why even make this thread?
it's christcuck, newfriend
yes put boob in vagene
I hate them but hate everyone, but most of the hate is directed toward them
I just want to be original. Alright? Do I need to call you npc? Hm
Islam and the implementation of Shariah law is literally the only chance western society has to reign in the damage caused by women over the past century. I support my local Muslim community and wholeheartedly hope for the expansion of Islam in the west.
They tend to stick together, just like the Jews. But unlike the Jews they are more welcoming towards newcomers. Wives are loyal to their husbands. They have to dress modestly. Should you join, you will have to be circumcised and have to wake up early for prayer + pray 5 times + other daily rituals.
Since they stick together, they will have no problem introducing you to some respectable females, if you show genuine interest in their religion.
Don't care/hope they secretly take over and kill everyone.
Bad but not as bad as (((you know who)))
Islam is a boring religion with little room for intellectual growth. That's why its people are generally stupid. I do like some Persians and Sikhs though.
Why would I have an opinion on a specific religious group? All religious groups are the same and have the same life lol
>can't find meaning in life
>look at the sky and ask for meaning
>repeat until dead
The culture is dumb and it makes them want to kill others for not following the same religion. The people themselves, ethnic muslims, don't seem to have much of a personality beyond their religion.
poltards should worship Muslim's openness with the intolerance. They only wish they had created a tradition of male dominance with a goal or "adapt to my beliefs or get murdered" that currently enjoys the status of religion
But as always, whites created fuck all and then cried about it
Arabs can be cool, Islam is gay as fuck omega religion for what's basically the Asian equivalent of mormons. I wish it was safe for people in the middle east to speak freely against it.
They want to kill me so I don't feel any sympathy for them.
i want to fuck a girl wearing a hijab and cum on it. that's all i really care about.
Their treatment of women is pretty based, I'll tell you that much.
muslims cant be robots you can drag a bitch by her hair and no one will stop you