
>be me
>start talking to 10/10 qt3.14
>talking/texting for ~month and a half
>tell her I like her
>get blizzards and dq
>talk about problems in life and about stuff we've been through
>feel great to have someone to talk to
>drops me off at my house
>20 mins later she snaps me saying we're just friends
>we still talk as if we're close, snapping nonstop until 2am
>she leaves me on read for hours
>ask what's wrong
>says she has a lot going on.
>see her active on literally everyother social media.
>apologize for whatever I did
>get drunk cause sad
>unadd her on snap
>asks if im ok
>say im fine
>get drunker and cry myself to sleep

pic related. i feel like shit, and i feel super shitty cause I feel like she's fine with it.

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Delete social media. You'll feel better.

but my snap streaks...

You may have been overthinking it. Just be patient if she does not respond. Hope it goes well buddy

I overthink everything like an idiot.

I do too. Just stay calm and wait for a response. Anything you do to try to get her to respond will make you seem desperate and needy. If it does not work out at least it did not become worse

>talk about problems in life and about stuff we've been through

This is where you went wrong. Why would anyone want to hear your bullshit without payment? Next time try and make it an enjoyable experience.

Not OP, but it is ok to talk about problems if they can relate. If they can't it turns into emotional dumping which is bad news

are you stupid? yh unload your baggage on to some one else that doesn't know you well, oh you know her for months? ok you don't know there is a difference between friends and relationship aye

Disagree. If OP perceived it to be a date, then it should have been a fun experience for both. Friends are there for helping with the emotional stuff.

I guess so. I would at least wait for her to bring it up first and then say how you know how it feels

Not only did you other think it but you also acted like a child when you didn't get what you wanted. You need to start not letting rejection bother you so much. Treat this as learning experience and move on.

obviously, this wasn't the only thing we did, it was fun at first and then the conversation drifted into more personal shit

you're right.
pretty fucking pathetic on my end it took me this long to realize that
thanks user

Then you should have drifted it back to fun. Not wanting to be to harsh but your role in this was to make her feel like a sexy woman. Instead she ended the night thinking of you as female friend. Did you attempt anything sexual or did you try the old nice guy routine?

NP, don't be too hard on yourself. What's important is that you are considering your actions and are willing to improve. The more this do this the better and easier it becomes

wasn't going for anything "sexual", looking back, it was more as just friends, but I guess i felt as if i were moving into something more :/
idk, but i do know i'm a retard

>10/10 qt3.14
how about you go fuck a 3/10 tinder thot if this bothers you so much you absolute retard

this desu. You only unload on a chick AFTER you start dating.
If a woman ever leaves you on read like that it means its never going to happen. Sorry frend. Getting wasted and deleting her snap prob wasnt the best course of action desu

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Its nearly impossible to move from friends to something more without making it sexual. It's much easier to start sexual, especially if it doesn't work, you've not wasted too much time/effort.

oof. gg

cause i'd never had a friend like her before user.

>she said no
>she decided to give me some space
>I removed her from social media and got drunk
This is why you can't get a girlfriend: you're incapable of controlling your emotions. You're like a hormonal dog.

having female friends is a bad idea imo, because you're inevitably gonna fall in love, break up and never speak again. Women are for sex, guys are to hang out with.

so help me learn how to do that

Nobody gives a fuck normalfaggot

youre gonna feel sad for a whore? grow the fuck up and pull your balls down into your sack

Learn to separate your emotions from your thoughts. A short example: I loved this music festival girl I was talking to, she turned out to be a whore (music festivals are a redflag). So I just texted her way less and hit "unfollow" on Facebook/whatever social media. So, you're still friends, but they are no longer a priority.
Get rejected? Treat it as being told you're friends and not lovers and move on.

>snap streaks
>crying over a girl saying you're friends
>snapchatting at 2 am
>saying "im fine" like a girl
>getting drunk and crying yourself to sleep

This reads like a teenaged redditors Jow Forumsdepression post
>18 years old
i doubt it

Attached: snap.jpg (250x201, 6K)

Thanks for tips user, I begin uni this fall... wish me luck.



>Having Snapchat at all

i mean most girls my age have snapchat and i dont want to be a virgin forever. not op btw

OP here, can confirm every girl has snap and instagram. that is their only form of communication