Tfw I lost my virginity in the weirdest way possible

>be a 23yo french virgin, never had any relationship with women.
>Met this 9/10 brown-haired girl at the uni at the beggining of the year. Strangly she was nice with me, not in flirty way, but more in a friendly way.
>She never go to uni and go on traveling most of the year, our relationship is basically just me sending her the uni lessons and us going to cafes and spending time together when she's in Paris.
>I'm basically her beta friend but whatever, I don't mind, I like spending time with her. I know that she have a bf and but I don't care.
>She text me friday, saying that she broke up with her bf and feel devastated, and really want to get wasted, she ask me if I want to go drink sunday night and hear "her stupid rantings" all the night.
>Answer that yes, why not. So, yesterday, we buy four bottles of wine, and we go chilling at the Seine banks. She explain me the situation, turns out that her chad bf cheated on her, so she broke up, but still love him.
>The more we go drunk, the more she start ranting about life
>"You know what, I shouldn't complain at all. I shouldn't be surprised at all. He's basically the fuckboi who have every characteristic of fucking girls over and cheating on them. That's precisely what charmed me in the first place. Pretty face, aggressiveness, self-confidence. That's all it takes to take a girl heart. That's darwinian bullshit, nothing less. We're dogs. We shouldn't use words like " love". That shit doesn't exist ".
>I laugh because she just described the Chad caricature without obviously knowing about it. I answer.
>" Well, 'Love is the infinite placed within the reach of poodles. I have my dignity " ( L-F. Celine quote). You know, you shouldn't hate yourself forthat, that's just nature. That's why men are attracted to pretty girls too. Reproduction value.
>" You have your dignity, you have your dignity. Come on, that's a way of telling me that you're virgin ? "
>" Well, I just wanted to do a smartass punchline, but yes"

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>"What a fucking surprise, you're way too sweet, shy and average to seduce whores. I just wanted to have the confirmation that nature was shit, and I have, a smartass sweet guy like you can't manage to find a girl. It's a burden or you live it good ? "
>" It's kind of a burden, I kind of accepted it, but that's still shitty ".
>"Well, I might help with that ... "
>Then she starts looking at me in a weird way, like smiling and slowly approaching her head. Does she want to kiss me, really ? I wasn't prepared for that at all.
>Eventually I approach my head too and I kiss her. Good thing that we were tottaly drunk, I would probably have a panick attack if sober.
>"You're kind of cute really, well, not model cute. But you have a little charm. Stop acting so nice with everyone. They're all cunts and assholes, they don't deserve it. "
>I litteraly blush.
>Later we go at her place, continue kissing and flirting
>When we arrive at her place, she basically put me in her bed, remove her clothes, remove mine.
>I'm kind of drunk but still very anxious and I don't know what to do so I just let her do.
>Starts sucking me off
>"Wow that's soo good "
>Look at me and laugh saying " fuck you should see your face you're so cute, you're on the point of having a leisure or what ? "
>I laugh too and I continue having the greatest time of my life.
>After that she basically fucked me. I can't say that I do much, it was basically her riding me. It was weird because I was drunk so I don't remenber how much time it lasted.
>This morning we go to a cafe to take breakfast and we talk about last night.
>She told that it was weird but fun, but that she doesn't want to engage in any relationship. Though, why not having this kind of nights when she's in town.

I'm still under shock about the fact that I'm not a virgin anymore and that I basically have the beggining of fuck-friend relationship with that 9/10 girl. What the fuck just happened ? I am a normie now ?

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Put me in the reddit screenshot faggots

I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a guy from here. He threw me down and fucked me like 5 minutes after we first met. baka desu senpai onions

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That sucks, was it good at least ?

Yeah it was pretty great

r u gay? if so you deserv it probably

hope you ascend now lad, see you on the other side

Thanks lad, I don't know if I ascended through. I don't know if that was just a crazy moment for her and I don't know if she will want to do it again.

you are going to get your heart broken, look for another relationship

I mean,I'm not delusional, I know that we will not have a serious relationship, she even told me that she doesn't want it. Still, if we could fuck time to time that would be cool. I don't know if that will not fuck me in the end though, and I will not end up falling in love but hey, given my sex-life, it's worth the risk.

you are emotionally vulnerable, dont have that much experience compared to her (i assume) so you will get emotionally attached easily and get your heart broken, even if you dont want to, you are probably going to end up day-dreaming about her and falling for her, play it smart go out and get a girlfriend dont get fucked by her

You are right and it's probably the best thing to do.
But in the same time, she's fucking hot. What a cruel dilemma.

>asuming you are going to get laid more
is not going to happen, go live your sad life somewhere else

Such a meanie. You may be right and it may not happen again. But hey, I thought that I will die a virgin. It's already better than expected.

Please let this be real. I want to believe there's hope for us.

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It's actually real. I can't prove in any way of course, but it was unreal. I still don't realize it happen.

How long ago did this happen desu?

lost my own vcard to a random girl on a random lucky night with no condom. can greentext if anyones interested

I told it in my post, it happened yesterday night

Yeahhh user I'm interested

Now I want to be french. That kind of situation can't happen where I live.

> be me, 21
>virgin but did self improvemt meme from 17 onwards
>worked out and lost weight
>started to drink to loosen up
>forced myself int retail job to learn how to deal with people
>ff 2 years later
>live in apartment with a bro, have friends over often to drink
>usually same faces
>one night a friend asks if her friend can come over
>qt girl, 18 yo comes through
>seem to hit it off but no real memories since too drunk
>morning comes, wake up still drunk and see her in my bed
>holy shit wtf
>wake her up and ask her what happened last night
>tells me she doesnt really remember either but we must have gotten friendly since we woke up together
>shoot the shit for a while
>she tells me she thought i was hot ever since seeing me in the store i used to work at
>start making out, says she wants to fuck
>no condoms since i never htought id need them
>says shes on the pill so rawback is okay
>retard as i am says okay
>get hard but unable to cum since drunk
>neither of us have a great time desu lol
>still count it since piv

Well, that's weird but still count.Did you stay in touch ? Thank God there's alcohol for robots though.

> Love is the infinite placed within the reach of poodles. I have my dignity

That's what I'm going to say from now on




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shit larp desu. no girl talks like that

eh kind of but since she was my first i was way too clingy looking back and we never hooked up again

I don't really know how this influences my opinion of the french. She seems like a thot though

More :
"so many vaginas, stomachs, cocks, snouts, and flies you don't know what to do with them ... shovelsfull! ... but hearts? ... very rare! in the last five hundred million years too many cocks and gastric tubes to count ... but hearts? ... on your fingers! ..."

" Why kid ourselves, people have nothing to say to one another, they all talk about their own troubles and nothing else. Each man for himself, the earth for us all. They try to unload their unhappiness on someone else when making love, they do their damnedest, but it doesn't work, they keep it all, and then they start all over again, trying to find a place for it. "Your pretty, Mademoiselle," they say. And life takes hold of them again until the next time, and then they try the same little gimmick. "You're very pretty, Mademoiselle..."

And in between they boast that they've succeeded in getting rid of their unhappiness, but everyone knows it's not true and they've simply kept it all to themselves. Since at the little game you get uglier and more repulsive as you grow older, you can't hope to hide your unhappiness, your bankruptcy, any longer. In the end your features are marked with that hideous grimace that takes twenty, thrity years or more to climb form your belly to your face. That's all a man is good for, that and no more, a grimace that he takes a whole lifetime to compose. The grimace a man would need to express his true soul without losing any of it is so heavy and complicated that he doesn't always succeed in completing it."

"I have no ideas, myself! Not a one! there's nothing more vulgar, more common, more disgusting than ideas! libraries are loaded with them! and every sidewalk cafe!...the impotent are bloated with ideas!...they dazzle youth with ideas! they play the pimp!...and youth is ever ready, as you know, Professor, to gobble up anything, to go OOH! and AAH! by the numbers! How those pimps have an easy job of it! "

Celine is our edgiest writer.

It sounds unatural in english but she did talk like that. Well, except in french and with other expressions. If french people are here they can confirm that it's not unusual for some of our grills to talk like that. Especially students. We are a very edgy people.

We are actually so edgy that reddit normies are having nightmares after hanging with us.

Upito bandito

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