/r9gay/ - #709

Being ignored edition.

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first post for tumblr KEK

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he hates me now, theres nothing i can do
ive ruined it all

What makes you say that user?
It can't be that bad, can it?

4th for fren has ignored me for 2 weeks and always made obvious excuses for why he didn't talk to me for days or weeks even though we have good conversations and arent burnt out yet, i cant tell if he doesn't like me or why hes not talking to me

Have you considered installing Grindr?

ive been nothing but rude and selfish to him, i cant say it was a surprise but it still hurts
i guess i did it to myself, theres no going back from it

>tfw no robot bf to pIay hytale with alI always

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You're being way too hard on yourself.
Please don't do anything drastic.
Saying you're rude and selfish, I don't think I believe it.

The fact that you're upset to begin with refutes that.
Why don't you try talking to him?

>tfw cant smell moofs cute armpit

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You know what you did wrong and how it hurt both of you. Your only choices are to continue being garbage, or be a better person. You can do it.

Perhaps homosexuals don't experience emotionlike normal people?
If they could feel shame they would stop being gay for their own sake.
If they could feel love they would stop being gay because of the harm it causes their families.


How do I find out if a friend of mine also has the big gay ?

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suck his pp if he likes it he gay

>tfw no short scandinavian bf to throw against bedroom walls

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>get pushed aside as he does "important things" again all weekend
>all night
>all day
I have to wonder if he even cares at this point fuck

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thats kinda mean man aren't you gonna give your imaginary nordbf a concussion doing that

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nobody here has a wife u mongoloid

of course i'd only do it if he was into it

my wife had a vasectomy

he wouldnt want to talk anymore, i told you i ruined everything
im not being hard enough on myself

ive tried to be better, i dont know if i can really change or not

download and play hytale

What's a moof?

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cutest boy on this planet !

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Does he live near San Francisco?

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moof belongs to me

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I want an Imperator: Rome boyfriend

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Why is this thread so slow?
Why don't I have a bf?

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I:R got kinda boring quick desu

hi user I saw no one replied to you so here :-)

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who are the chaotic wannabes

or is it actually parsa lol

but you have 26

he really loves you !

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Cebruz dropped out and is getting desperate

>tfw no user who will shoot me into the head and end my pathetic existence

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kys with chaotic you poo poo colored nerd
oh and put co in jacks vents

I am too ugly for chaotic

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Chaotic is kool

hi im imperator rome bf
did you actually buy the game because i just torrented it lol

>chilling with gay friend on his couch watching a movie
>it's kind of awkward cuz I know he likes me (heard it from friends)
>decide to close the gap anyway because I knew he'd reciprocate
>next thing you know we're making out pretty hard
>I roughly take his clothes off
>hold his hand while I suck his cock
>he cums in my mouth
>I swallow
>he tells me he thinks he loves me
>tell him I love him back
>make out some more
>in the moment I feel nothing but lust and sadistic control during this entire session
>just enjoy knowing I'm gaining the trust of this naive fragile being below me through sexual pleasure, passionate eye contact, physical desire, etc.
>we snuggle under his sheets
>he soon falls asleep while hugging me
>only then do I start to feel the regret of what I just did to this human being
>only then did I feel like a manipulative asshole who faked his emotions to the point of confessing my false love back
>grab my shit and bounce without saying a word
>he tries to message me, text me, the whole lot
>ignore it all

>fast forward 4 months
>feel nothing at all about the entire situation
>he still messages me once in a blue moon to ask me if I can return his manga he let me borrow
>feel like I should just drop them off in his mailbox but then he'd probably take that as a sign that I "still care" or some shit
>he thinks I am afraid to admit my love and that's why I ghosted him
>in reality I just led him on for the fuck of it

I'd do it all again. It's kind of fun.

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>sucks dick
>just a prank bro!
at least return the mango, fag

In my defense I haven't finished them yet.

>another night of having to listen to normies ramble on about plague of drones


dont give the baiting normie (you)s

That's so awful user. I'd kill you if I could. I would actually go out of my way to find you and kill you.

It would really be in your best interest to never engage in homosexual activity again.

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eh I'd probably deserve it. If it makes you feel any better I'm not looking for anybody right now.

pst come to the liveboard

hey hi tell me about your crushes anons

ill tell you about them on chen2

Oh shit I forgot about this

See you there user~~

"I am overrated, " said the sculptor to the sea.
"I've been praised for all the ways the marble leaves the man, and I was wrong to try and free him."
And as for me, I am a vector, I am muscle, I am bone.
The sun upon my shoulders and the horse between my legs,
This is all I know.

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why was it wrong to try and free him?

>tfw no bf that actually enjoys talking to me

ok lol
be there in a minute

does anyone else like to sniff his own armpit while fapping?

Add this to the OP desu.

i gagged a little

user i know the world is full of all races and creeds and fetishes but please dont post that here

Grindrslut end yourself

I'm really happy because a cute 18yo guy that lives near me seems interested in being my bf and he seems really normal and chill. He was saying he wanted to cuddle and we could watch stuff together. Hoping we can do that soon.

You're such a normalfag if something so vanilla makes you gag

Stop bragging please, I am already depressed about waking up.

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Who knows I might get ghosted or unfriended again and my hopes crushed like so many other times

Hug to the both of you.

the grind is so damn tiresome. I think almost every gay guy my age has me on block now. scruff isn't a help either cuz its all just 30+ year old men.

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god, this so fucking much. i know the stuff that he's "busy" with is only like a couple hours a day. he just doesn't want to see/talk to me. and i still just let it slide hoping next time he'll want to

I probably don't have you on block, but I don't kniw what "your age" is..

Disgusting slut...
Also disgusting slut...

Shut it incel freak

Actually you only needed the ellipsis on the first reply, the second one is only needed if you were to call someone 3rd a disgusting slut, which you did not.

How old are you? What kind of guy are you looking for?

>gaygen sluts are in r9gay
Go back to soc/gaygen and your shitty degenerated apps.

I don't want stds, I want qt bf

Grindr is a robot's app. Going to gay bars/clubs/groups is for normies.

Sluts like you deserve stds
Both are normie shit.


>tfw bitter bf to warm the heart of
C'mon guys, cheer up, there's no need to be nasty. We at least have each other, don't ruin that.

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Explain to me how does grindr work, can I find a wholesome relationship? Even if I am close to 30 but don't look like it?

I'm extraordinarily bitter, not even the sweetest cutest bf could melt the armor encasing my heart.

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Bug off grindrslut promoter.

shame i wont sleep with you.
i actually see more people complaining about talking about GOT than people actually talking about GOT
thank you qt :)
you probably can.

Probably especially if you live in a big city

Yeah it makes me really want to just give up but I just cant because I can't tell if it's like a temporary phase due to stress or some shit he actually is done with me.
I hope your thing with your boy works out, or at least you find out what is going on because I understand how shitty it is

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>wake up
>months have passed
>still wonder how I scored such a perfect boyfriend
it's not a dream, right?

Are there lots of guys who are into anime/games?

yeah but i never paid attention to it before

Are there any 'daddy' archetypes that visit r9k and just have his heart melt over all the cute robot boys? I'm wondering cause I had a friend tell me he loves looking at cute people be passionate and open about everything and I'd imagine this is a pretty fitting place for that.

>tfw not tied up and getting spanked mercilessly right now

That's mean. ;0;

Yes but they mostly have boyfriends already since they're very popular.

Another day, another failed attempt to ask him out.
I asked him to send me music, we talked a little bit about music, I couldn't find any songs to send him that was similar to the music he was sending me, ended up looking for love related songs to try to roll the ball, they all seemed cheesy. Accidentally left him on seen. He's been offline for 2 hours now so I e pretty much given up conversations tonight but the temptation to just send some kind of message revolving around "I love you" is still there
With each day, the internal "goddamn you fucking pussy just do it" gets louder and louder
I also realized we share some mutual friends.... Friends that are in Facebook groups where I talk about him in... Groups that have nothing to do with my irl friends. I don't even know how he found or why he added these friends that are purely related to me and being in these groups.
I don't know how much he knows about the posts I make in these groups.
I'd say there's a pretty big chance he knows I like him however.

Yeah I get that I just hope there's some slightly chubby hairy guy with his twink sitting on his lap and he's like "I wanna protect these poor boys" and then his bf gets a bit upset but also sympathetic because he was in a pretty bad spot before they met.

>user I had a terrible day at work, bring me a beer then get started on dinner, I want it in an hour or else there'll be hell to pay. You better have done laundry today damn it. Where's my FUCKING BEER?

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*escapes through open window and runs away with a boy who isn't in the bible belt*

There definitely is, since that basically describes me and my bf.

Games sure but most are kinda normie. I'm sure most like a bit of normie anime like dbz or naruto

>tfw no one wants an obese hairy belly bf

Yay! I'm happy you've someone.
No shit, obesity is a cause for concern over health. I don't mind hair nor a bit of belly but being fat is no bueno.