How do you fembots manage to come here everyday and ignore all the hatred some anons have for women?

How do you fembots manage to come here everyday and ignore all the hatred some anons have for women?
If I spent everyday around crazy feminists telling me all men are this and that and I'm inherently evil, I'd go nut

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>If I spent everyday around crazy feminists telling me all men are this and that and I'm inherently evil, I'd go nut

So you are fucked, are you not?

>come HERE

Hahahahahahahaha!!! Get fucking real OP.

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This hatred for me fuels me. I feel reinvigorated. More interested towards life.
I don't think anyone that is sane and is female goes here.

would you say it's preferable to men's indifference towards you irl?

tfw can't find a place where only men shittalk and have fun without a woman ruining the party cuz I EED AEETTION

i literally have 0 friends and am craving someone to eat my pussy irl or like fall asleep with me on the phone at least once a week so i will keep frequenting this board until i find the boy or girl for my needs

its that time of the month chill the fuck down after that you dont need to worry about us for 3 weeks just keep yourself fucking distracted for 1 week like watch movies or go out do sport eat like whale or something just stop fucking torturing us

Try tinder, lots of guys like eating pussy
Now leave and never come back bitch

if you're on the east coast U.S i got you

Men in real world keep their contempt to themselves. Most men are alright with you but if you have anything to do with them you get to see if they got any biases. Your typical incel is really invisible in modern world, big reason why they do not get laid. Nobody even knows that they exist.
I just feel reinvigorated by hatred, be it from any gender. Lust is more like:"The fuck you doing?" very awkward.

Probably the same reason malebots lurk on CC. It's very interesting to see the other gender's perspective on life. Just have to look a bit passed the venting and shitposting to see the real discussions.

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We should all love and cherish women as the only interesting part of this board.

never play with anger emotion on males it makes them lose control and snap and may even punch you, what the fuck is so hard to understand this as a woman? I know they fucking get their pussy wet when that happens because they get horny when they see angry males cuz its a male emotion mostly but seriously calm the fuck down fucking princesses

>fall asleep with me on the phone
I want this.
What's your timezone?

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What state if you're even american.

I want to curbstomp you and make you call me daddy

Femanon not a fembot (fembots dont exist).
I enjoy reading men shitting on women so this is the perfect pace.

As a fembot, I've never really had any problems with the posting on here

There's a lot of great insights to be found on r9k

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same kek I can insult women in a thousand ways and still not get bored

small, confused, angry creatures are adorably cute

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Its very entertaining

>Femanon not a fembot (fembots dont exist).
Now that is girl worth talking to, good for you.

What's some of the best insight/advice you've gotten from here?

I'll tell you on Discord if you add me

Visiting CC hurt me. I tried to be kinder to girls since then.

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Thanks user. I appreciate it. It irks me when girls wawa about being a bot or femscel

I went there and it made me sad and I wish I could contact them without ruining their secret club.

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>keep insulting females to get out of this board
>they keep coming back
I swear those women are masochist

Women have been very cruel to me.

They probably feel bad for you. Because that's how I feel when I listen to a girl saying some dumb shit.

>tfw reading a girl explain her woe with a man and they can't understand his behavior and it's really simple for me to understand why he's acting this way but can't explain it without giving away that I'm a man.

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no they don't they come here to absorb our fucking energy and make fun of us and ruin our board instead of minding their bussiness since they were born the easy difficulty gender

If women were trying to date women, they'd hate women too.
And if men tried to date men, they'd start hating men.

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Very true by what you sometimes hear from lesbians.

female r9k basically No males allowed, it's literally a perma-ban if you make a post that makes it seem like you could be a guy

I just want to help...

after being on the internet and websites like Jow Forums and interacting with people you eventually get desensitized and stop giving a fuck

why can't men have their own boards and women their own boards that would be the perfect balance in the universe I swear and make internet alot better imo just like in school where teacher used to split bois left and girls right buttt nooooo lets have a huge fucking orgy because incelnet

That just leads to echo chambers

>their female echochamber is fine
>having yours would be bad boyim
lol right.

Nevermind that the accusal of being an echochamber is around about every board either way

Their """""female""""" echochamber is full of man LARPing.
I would know, I've been posting there for months.

The advantage would be that the females would then be forced to stay silent about their gender there, and that would leave the fags and trannies nowhere to 'hide' then.

As it is here, you just get all sides pretending when it seems to gain them something.

the perfect matrix will never exist then I guess I'm stuck in on a mongolid planed ALIENS COME TAKE MY BODY AND FUCKING TEST ME ALL DAY LONG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Crystal.Cafe is dead as fuck, they only active board is /feel/ which is 50% "I can't get a bf ;-;" and 50% "I hate men >:("

Btw, this is a gay male who is larping. He was on an earlier r9k discord

>How do you fembots manage to come here everyday and ignore all the hatred some anons have for women?
An anguishing and perpetual loneliness that leaves my brain in a constant chaos and lust for social interaction regardless of its outcome has led me to constantly come back to this website.

Well hey, what the fuck is up?

I bet most of yall can't even cook and call urself fucking women after thousand of years no wonder u change ur sex and become a feminist cooking takes fucking skill while sucking dicks doesn't no wonder we don't want you in this thread all threads in cooking board are made by men
fucking rot already u fucking useless creatures u bring nothing good to earth we are already overpopulating and clones are coming soon

also you will get replaced by cyborg women in near future that can do everything BETTER we dont need ur fucking fake feelings and princess behavior when we will get those just you wait

what is cc? only thing that i can think of is curiouscat but im guessing its not that

lurk more don't ask about its bannable

Because I understand that they don't talk with women so they just think we can't be like them... sometimes i get upset but i ignore them anyways

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Try one of the /soc/ threads. Look i know /soc/ is full of faggots but no one here is gunna take you seriously. Well done peepee might. A lot of guys like eating pussy. It might not be that hard for you to find someone that'll do that for ya desu. Just ask some guy/girl out on the street.or keeping "trying" on discord servers or whatever else you use.
Even if a girl is buttfuck ugly but with an alright body its not that hard for a woman to get a guy. Even if a girl is gross from head to toe some fuckin indian or african guy will wanna be with her.

I know this man faced african girl who cant get these Indian guys to stop proposing. Holy shit.

Good luck man. Ask for kiks or done shit. Tinder kinda sucks.

>ignore all the hatred
but i like it

I keep telling you guys those women here are masochists and all into bdsm or stuff like this fucking maniacs going for extremeties all the time and unsatisfied sooner ur see them posting how their favorite animals are dogs and horses only cuz they are fucking braindamaged dude they aren't meant to live with this high technology around they can't adapt and think ordinary when their wagina starts taking control over their brain for 1 week every month and doesn't realize what the fuck is she doing

It's the ultimate blackpill

I dont let it bother me.
I'm too optimistic to let it rain on my parade.

Then why are you here? What's the appeal of this board?

Because I originally began to use the site in 2009 and have never been able to leave.

Sweetheart, you are the appeal to this board.

That right there was a real fucking larper post you fucking retarded faggot

fucking white knight

when this shit will happen yall gonna call me fucking insane I swear

I didn't mean the site, I meant Jow Forums in specific. Admittedly, I'm not quite sure why I am here again either.

I'm a misogynist so I don't care. Women are fucking disgusting.

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Keep telling yourself that girls are not on this board and thats its just whiteknights

Anywyas fuck you i would want a robot gf

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why would you post nudes you nasty roastie? also your tits look like dog noses.

you know women get desperate to a point where they have to attention like always

I laugh at the bitter incels and tease them lol

I was hoping to find a non-norman robot bf to love. I did actually find one, we just didn't meet on r9k (and we aren't officially together just yet). Now I just come here for the few generals I still enjoy, as well as out of general habit.

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I'm not bothered cause I know I am shit and don't mind

I know I've changed a few minds. Thats why I come.

How do you typically change their minds?

topfuckingkek, not gonna lie that's a pretty hilarious guess.

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i dont even remember when is the last someone calls me sweetheart, so t-thanks for that

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Youre welcome, honey
Hope (you) have a great day :*

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All these femanons have dicks

>If women were trying to date women, they'd hate women too.
True, have heard so from lesbians before.
>if men tried to date men, they'd start hating men.
False. Dating in the gay world is very chill and down to earth, men are more logical and less prone to retarded mood swings that complicate things.

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no shit sherlock they like to roleplay with desperate virgins here sadly since its their only source to get attention

Most of the fembots I know also hate women.
Tfw no woman hating gf.

Now go suck that feminine penis.

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it's directed at roasties not fembots so why would I care

Fembots are either roasties in disguise or dicklets turned prison gay.

Nigger OP just call them femanons
Ever think that maybe there are some girls who hate humanity so much, the insults just bounce back to the very people who typed them out? The kinds who go silent when people laugh at them not because they feel embarrassed, but because they pity how others waste their time picking on other people when they could be doing something better with their lives?
I imagine those kinds of girls go here


Nothing turns a woman on more than being rejected

This. Its sad but women are attracted to men who degrade them. If we openly said half the shit we say here in public and you had at least 5/10 looks you'd be drowning in pussy grool.

They'd pretend to get angry just like they do here but they'd be getting wet

How? Men defend women's honor more than women do themselves

That person you describe is entirely fictional. Modern women are insane aren't they. Their reality is a fictional universe.

Im a fucking 7 and started talking them shit fisrt time at my first job at 21 when one of same age was playing with my nerves and I fucking stared at her and yelled If i fucking hit you once ur in fucking comma she didnt talk to me that day but next day she was acting different like more ''submissive'' towards me

same guy replying to myself yes I have anger management from brokenhome and video games so whenever I see a woman sperging like a bitch till it "fill the cup" and go fucking beast mode on them with yelling cursing and shitalk them in everyway possible i make them fucking cry and tell them ur fucking lucky i didnt hit ya

>tfw user described themself

I don't take the internet all that seriously.

>I fucking stared at her and yelled If i fucking hit you once ur in fucking comma she didnt talk to me that day but next day she was acting different like more ''submissive'' towards me
You're ignoring the fact that you threatened her life. What you described has nothing to do with sexual attraction, and more to do with the fact that she's afraid that a giant ass sperg will kill her.
I wonder why I keep getting surprised at spergs acting autistic.

>You're ignoring the fact that you threatened her life.
You have never seen those oh so kind BBC fatsos talking to their white cocksleeves, have you?
That sort of shit is not stopping a lot of girls

i don't take r9k or cc seriously and neither should anyone, but i know thats a lot to ask from the new generations

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>diverting attention to an unrelated topic
Nice try, Illuminati.
Try getting your life threatened by someone you barely know, then tell me how you feel.

atleast I have the manners to talk first and not going full rampage on her , if she doesn't realize she talks with males than shes fucking retarded stop being a white knight

I need an onii-san gf

any fembots wanna be my fren? [email protected]