Make a Promise to your Waifu

I'm going to fail all of my uni exams and I'm going to die trying.
Make your own waifu and promise her something that'll improve your life, whether it be something like eating properly every day or something big like not procrastinating.
>If you break the promise she'll be stolen by a chad.
Mine: I'll study a minimum of 2+ hours a day, and once I catch up with everyone I'll always be one section ahead of everyone.

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Here's the bitch. and here's the promise
Fate always wins. I have conceded. uni shall be failed and next year I shall not be on this continent

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Give her a name and set her as your phone wallpaper. And if you're good enough at photoshopping then you can put your promise under/below her picture.
Good luck frens, we might be robots but at least we'll be robots with a promise to fulfill.

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I'll do half of what you said. If I ever get to it....

Take it slowly, 30 mins study, 5 mins break. Or 1h study 10 mins break. Keep a diary and see every day whether you are keeping the goal or it needs tweaking. Find what is best for you.

You can do it. I believe in you.

>Please user,Promise me you will be the Man your parents always believe you would become,you're have the potential to be great,just need to show the world what I already know is true,that you're the best.

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Do we have to make our own or can we just use our waifu from an anime

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this nigga Da Big Gay

You don't need to show the world or your parents that you're the best, you just need to show yourself, and your waifu that you're the best that you can be. You can do it bro.
Ideally you should make it because you'll feel more attachment to your waifu but you can pick your favourite one too I guess

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I promise to my waifu that she will always be my one and only waifu, and that i will never replace her or forget about her.

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But I want to,my mom and my dad sacrificed a lot to make me a somewhat stable person.
And sure sometimes we argue,sometimes we fight,but I really love them and the way that I know I disappoint them breakers my heart.
I want them to look at me and feel pride,I wanna be deserving of their approval.
I wanna go to my dad and say that I made it,I'm happy,I will be fine.
I want to make them proud

Dear waifu bring me the courage to end my robolife.

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You can do it user, just make it more quantifiable so that you have an clear idea of what to do
You two should probably start with something basic like brushing your teeth every day or sleeping 5mins early and then +5mins earlier every day...

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Life has made many mistakes and ending the loop of code would only get rid of one of many mistakes.

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oh get bent!

Not my waifu, but i'm gonna kms be4 30yo.

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Holy sht she's so cute I might make an tulpa based on her.

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Idk what a tulpa is but if you really want to you can do it to my waifu
you can also make a better version of mine if you put in some effort desu

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you can bend me over if you promise that you'll be a chad to your waifu and fulfill it

It's basically another consciousness in your head. Imagine having a cutie waifu talking to her as you go about your day.

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Like a imaginary friend you would like to fuck

Damn... that's actually really cool. I should definitely get into it as well because, well, I'm gonna be lonely forever. I'm fine with you making my waifu into your tulpa since we all need someone in our lives but are you sure you don't want to make your own? I spent 2 hrs on this cutie and I don't want to rob you of the important "creation" process of your own waifu, since you give it life as you make her.

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I'm going to try and be more outgoing

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This is all you need:
Once you get good, you can create more and more of them. Harem in your head.

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So i'm watching the video rn, damnnn this is some interesting stuff. So you already have a harem of tulpa in your head? Tell me the name of the tulpa you made based on mine, i might make one on aiste's avatar too

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No I only have 2: Raina and Riley (actual names from high school crushes lool)
But you don't have to name them right away, when they gain sentience you can let them choose a name for themselves.

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Fuck, you named your waifu(s) after your crush(s) as well? LMAO, we robots are not so different after all. Take care of your two girls senpai, I'm sure u will

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>my two girls
Fuck that makes me feel like such a boss.

Isn't that just induced schizophrenia? idk user, sounds dangerous..

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Her name is Mania
Is she cute, bros?

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yeah but you gotta promise her something

I promise you I'll lose weight and go to uni

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You have a really cute waifu user, I hope you start losing weight, and maybe on top of that, you can also start drinking more water everyday!


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>yeah but you gotta promise her something
Like what?

I'm going to become someone I can respect.

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me sorry I know im not supposed to be angry. I promise her that ill keep going I will I will I will

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I promise I'll either go back to school or start working, I don't want to be a NEET anymore.
I also promise I'll stop eating so much junk food, I know I'm not fat but I can tell it's affecting my health and motivation.
Last, I promise I'll start taking music more seriously and finally release something, like I've been meaning to for years now.

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You make a lot of big promises, are you sure? Most would start small and then go bigger...

you're not wrong, but honestly those are more or less the main issues in my life right now. I wouldn't know what else to promise.

I promise I will find a way to free myself from the chains of financial ruin and societal decay. I will establish myself among free men, and I'll come for you.

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The reason why I said that was because these goals are super big you know? Maybe break it into segments like saying that you'll prepare yourself for school by reviewing then studying ahead, then applying by X etc etc, for junk food you can start small like once every 2 days then 3 days then 4days. You can do it bro I believe