If your wife cucked you, would you let Chad check in on his child from time to time?

If your wife cucked you, would you let Chad check in on his child from time to time?

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yea. but id probably leave

How could anyone be this cuck'd and bluepilled? Are there really guys out here with that little self respect? No wonder she chooses Chad if this is the type of thing you would allow in your ONLY life.

he probably got floored with it. idk man

I'd kill her and then myself. Chad now has to raise the child.

nah. you would be taking the mother from the little girl who did nothing wrong.

If the world was right the father would have the right to kill this child in front of its mother.

aaaaaaannnnddddd THIS is why people resent Jow Forums posters.

kek. sounds like some middle east shit

male polar bears will kill and eat the cubs of a female that arent from his lineage

It's easy to say that, for me and you. I'm just thankful he isn't me.

However, if you knew how absolutely humiliating it is to be cheated on by someone you thought loved you, and someone you trusted.. I guarantee it would be tough to tell the people around you.

It's damn hard, in fact. You feel so incredibly humiliated, so small and pathetic, that you're devastated in ways you can barely put words to.

Throw into the mix a nine year daughter who is blameless, and at the mercy of forces beyond her control, and what *should* you do?

You can end the marriage, but really, that doesn't solve the problem. Nothing does.

Sometimes, there are no clear solutions.

well, you could intoduce the girl to her real father, and eventually peace it yknow

He's already been her dad for 9 years and she loves him. Some Chad cheater coming along will disrupt her life and create bad results. Then she will have issues. So in 9 more years she will be 18 and she's not his actual daughter anyway... Dump cheating wife for the most detailed DDLG relationship ever




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Sure. You could do lots of stuff.

you dont know if she loves him. she could have always resented him or something

He basically just got permission to groom his not-daughter until she's 18 then knock her up/marry her.

Gotta take what you can get bud.

You get to model an alpha girl to your liking

You can made her a fembot, or teach her actual empathy

im surprised at all these "raise her anyway" responses. smacks of females with daddy abandonment issues

you can introduce her to her real dad and make sure they are on the mend before taking off.

Yea, I'd also make him backpay 9 years of child support.

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>family rights

the daughter or mom would get any child support, the non father wouldnt get sht

In terms of logic it fits well within the bounds of the appeal to nature roasties use to sidestep the immorality of their actions and justify riding the cock carousel and stabbing people in the back because monogamy isn't "natural". In nature males often kill the offspring of any females they take up with, even the first born after they've claimed her, to ensure the offspring is theirs. Sometimes they even kill ones that very well may be their own if another male has been lurking around.

>If your wife cucked you, would you let Chad check in on his child from time to time?
if my wife cheated on me, regardless of when it happened, I would leave her, as far as the child is concerned, I'm her father I raised her, and I won't allow any other man come between her and me.

too bad the courts will cuck me as well, and I would have to see another man hold my little girl.

Me too , i wouldn't raise something that isn't mine .

>my little girl.
If you buy a stolen car is it your car? Inb4 yes. Kek.

you been raising her for 9 years now.
don't you think that is more than enough time to grow attached to her?

You both just made me realize how fucked parenthood is as a concept. Humans are so fucking retarded, there are no first principles.

He could be involved in exchange for 9 years of back paid child support. I would accept a payment plan that includes a principal that increases forward. This is in the unlikely scenario where I stay with the wife (and that I also need/want the money. If I don't, he can fuck off).

I could see myself breaking up with the mom. I think Robin Williams said something to the effect of "staying together isn't living."

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I would feel hoodwinked and bamboozled , and just cut my losses and find somebody else who wants to have kids so that i can have kids of my own . Raising something am not blood related ,is not something i would ever do . Its part of the reason why i don't care for pets.

I would leave if she didn't let me breed her.

r*ddit posters should be banned

aaaaaaannnnddddd you should go back to R*ddit.

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Leave the woman
Wait 9 years
Marry the daughter