Hot vs Cold Showers

Is there any difference between these post workout? Or are cold showers just a meme?

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literally a meme but you can meme yourself into good habits with it

What do you mean about good habits?

After a workout I sit in a steam room and do a bit of stretching, then hit a cold shower

in my current flat the water goes between slightly too hot to cold as fuck. i fucking hate it.

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i think he means hygiene.

Dunno but I like to do a hot shower then at the end make it cold as fuck for about a minute

How do people take cold showers? legit question I've tried this a few times only when really sick.

Hot wakes me up and takes care of sore bones and body parts.

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>Dunno but I like to do a hot shower then at the end make it cold as fuck for about a minute

Go cold for the first few second and let the heat increase to full blast. Wakes you up and feels comfy.

I take colds in the morning

the discomfort of it is like a slap in the face needed to kickstart my day

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I start my showers with hot water. It gets me faster clean. At the end I finish it off with cold water for about 2 minutes.

>frees the mind

the only method i found that works is to stop being a bitch

best way to shower
>scorching hot first
>soap every where
>then cold
>then freezing
hot opens pores the soap goes in and the cold closes it in

How do this. Asking for a friend.

>Not taking cold showers

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Anyone here try Wim Hoff?

I'm lucky enough to live by the Atlantic Ocean. I go every time I can.

lol i missed that

they make gay porn sounds, like that one vocaroo thread

>there are people that dont do hotcolds
lmao, just do both retards
start hot to warmup, then go cold to cool off

Can't do cold showers for some reason.
an Ice water bath no problem though

ease yourself into it, don't just jump straight in ice cold. start with lukewarm and work from there

except scorching hot water is shit for your skin and ends up killing the top layer of cells and ruins bacterial balance. So you end up with a bunch of skin you have to exfoliate off cuz it'll end up clogging your pores if you don't.
Just keep it warm then cool, don't do any extremes. Scorching hot water is shit for your hair as well, damages the follicle, scalp, and shortens the life of the strands of hair.


that thread was gold

I like to shower hot after training.
And with hot I mean so hot that steam comes from my skin after the shower.
This does work great against seizing up after longer training sessions.
To be fair my routine is quite a lot harder than most guys here can take.

I took cold showers for a while because I heard it helped managing stress and acting under pressure
I truly dominated them, but then after I while I got into a stressfull situation in which I needed to act under pressure and did everything wrong, so I just realised they didn't helped in the slightest and threw that daily slight discomfort out of the window

hot shower to rinse off, then sauna for a bit, then cold shower is what i do

well for 1, cold temperatures actually delays the onset of muscle fatigue. So right off the bat this middle school level science report is wrong

lmao, i cant tell if this is for real or if the user is for real stupid

What about luke warm showers?

This is so inaccurate

Source:medical student

cold showers activate the pinneal gland

t. Unfree mind

Most of that shit is probably just a meme, but I love my cold showers. They improve my dicipline and give me more energy, they're fucking epic

My sides

lmao as if doctors haven't repeatedly discredited themselves by being arrogant brainlets

>Removes toxins from the skin

Showering, regardless of temperature, tends to do that.
Anything toxic on your skin gets washed away, that`s why you rinse off your skin after exposure to toxic chemicals.

I saved OP's vocaroo

the real redpill is not bathing at all

How does a cold shower reduce hair loss?

im only a humble shitposter but probably related to the circulatory benefits

James Bond shower

Define toxins for me. Everyone always talks about doing x y or z to remove toxins from your body!!! But no one has every fucking defined what the toxins are. What's the molecular structure of these toxins? Pray tell, you surely know since you eat up all that stupid bullshit.

Every day dirt that deposits on my skin and needs to be washed away.
In my case lead, motor oil, brake dust, soot, fiberglass, epoxy- and polyester resin as well as all kinds of other shit I come in contact with.
Leaving that shit on your skin isn`t exactly healthy, so it needs to go.

Start with hot shower, soap, rinse. Then turn the water cold until your whole body gets acclimated to it, then you’re done. It’s as easy as that to have it both ways. Not only that, but you won’t start sweating as soon as you get out of the shower either lol

Who else here is a hot shower shampoo and soap cold shower rinse-off patrician?

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