I have ran r9k discord servers for a while and I have noticed a few things.
>nearly everyone just wants someone to see what they say but at the same time ignore what everyone else says
They will post their feelings which is fine but it is rare anyone actually cares for other people.
>cliques are human nature and bullying will happen
There is always a clique and there always will be someone who is bullied, this is unavoidable and human nature
It is actually good to have someone that is butt of jokes and bullied as it fosters community.
As soon as one person who is the lowest on pecking order leaves or is banned, someone else will replace him/her
>server owner or "staff" cannot truly be a part of server
People will always treat the owner or people with mod powers differently.
The owner of the server merely guides the culture and ensures the health of the server, no one you meet in server can ever be your friend as owner nor would I see why the owner would want to be friends with anyone in it.
>Drama is inevitable
You will always have drama in discord and you may keep yourself out of it but you will see it manifest.
In short if you want to make frens you are best to add people off r9k and not meet in servers.
Servers are a time sink.
I have ran r9k discord servers for a while and I have noticed a few things
Other urls found in this thread:
What server, user?
I'll join and be the best I can
I miss last year
so much attention in servers
nothing is nice anymore, but I get attention other ways now
>What server, user?
Gunjy server.
I will not shill my server here.
drop your tag if yiu want to chat in DM's.
>so much attention in servers
>nothing is nice anymore, but I get attention other ways now
why would you enjoy attention.
I always got attention in whatever community I joined and became known (gaming for example) but I never enjoyed the attention nor wanted it.
ok gunjy
you should let me be in your server
you're one of the few I haven't interacted with yet.
Someone keeps posting my tag so I dont want to post it myself. Sorry user, good luck with your server
you said nothing new, anyone that has ever invested time in a discord server knows this
Here are some META things I noticed about running discord servers.
>the more established a server is the less likely quality anons will join
No one of quality(rarely) will join a server with a social circle already made and try to become a part of the group.
This is why I used to make servers with alt accounts, I at one point would have my main server and then make 3 other servers and run them just to grab one or two quality users and add them to main server.
It is tiresome but that just shows how rare quality people are to collect once established.
>oh wow I made a new server and it is really active
Yeah, that is what happens and 90% of the people who join from a shill are the exact same people who join every server and they will soon leave.
I call them
>server hoppers
If you do not establish a culture and clique through banning people, your active server will just die.
>you said nothing new, anyone that has ever invested time in a discord server knows this
not every user has joined a server
I agree. I prefer adding user and talking one on one
>I agree. I prefer adding user and talking one on one
yeah, only frens I ever made were from adding people from here.
No one in my server has ever become my friend
join my discord for the enlightenment of a cripple stoner kid with no filter for what he says and is an over sharer of details yee
do not shill in my thread.man
sorry i suppose
Fuck off dormin youre literally e dating a guy lmao
You are a fag gunjy but I appreciate your insight, always wondered what modding a discord server was like, after all you do it for free. Seems I am not missing out on anything wew
>Servers are a time sink.
>It is tiresome but that just shows how rare quality people are to collect once established.
So are you into "collecting" "quality" users and what does quality even mean (generally smart knowledgeable people or just people you personally like)? What do you people even discuss and what do you do when you run out of things to discuss?
isnt discord for children
does this sound like a child to you
>They will post their feelings which is fine but it is rare anyone actually cares for other people.
Yeah I noticed this too. It actually pisses me off because i'm one of the people who asks questions and stuff whether I actually care or not to create conversation and make them feel a bit loved.
>cliques are human nature and bullying will happen
Yep, i've been on both sides of it.
>server owner or "staff" cannot truly be a part of server
I don't agree entirely. I've seen plenty of servers where they are a part of the server as long as they're not super strict with rules or care much about enforcing them.
Everything you said is true but servers can be a fun time sink and helps you bound more easily. Adding people and only talking through DMs is a lot more of an investment and commitment. When you share a server there's a lot more than can be posted and it's not awkward if no one replies to someones post. When it's just DMs you have to worry a lot more about what you post.
>You are a fag gunjy but I appreciate your insight
I only used to run servers for distraction.
>So are you into "collecting" "quality" users and what does quality even mean
I used to have quality users, very high quality and the culture was great.
After some drama and instances of me being self destructive towards own server many left.
I used to be such a faggot.
Quality users IMO are people who are fucked in life and the head but are able to discuss topics and argue effectively.
At first it was crabs in a bucket type people.
>basic rules on who is quality
>no people who admit to being underage
>no openly homosexual people
>no trannies ever as they will always cause drama
>ideally no females as it changes the dynamic of server(all males are BETA and act differently towards females)
>no meme poster types who just post memes or be edgy
> What do you people even discuss and what do you do when you run out of things to discuss?
Well usually feels posting but when server was higher quality we would as mentioned discuss anything interesting.
>isnt discord for children
most servers
>does this sound like a child to you
uwu thats me user
>i'm one of the people who asks questions and stuff whether I actually care or not to create conversation and make them feel a bit loved.
Yeah man I get this.
I also do the same, I am always actively nice posting to anons with problems.
>I don't agree entirely. I've seen plenty of servers where they are a part of the server as long as they're not super strict with rules or care much about enforcing them.
1. my experience may be different as everyone dislikes me
2.sometimes server owner has to make choices that the users dislike for the benefit of the server as a whole.
Example may be banning someone who is liked but broke a rule that cannot be excused etc.
Regarding friends, I have never made a friend in a server but this could have been because I am strange and cannot connect to people except rare occasions.
I also act different in DM to server.
>it is time investment
Yes but sometimes you meet someone you can actually like.
im looking to make frens ;3
I disagree with most of those statements, I've been in an r9k server for about a year or so now and it's very relaxed. It's a small community that generally doesn't accept outsiders, bullying is rare but it does happen to the owner of the server and drama is mostly just two autists getting into a debate over programming languages or the best diet or if onions is actually feminizing. After the debate is they're still friends.
There's a difference between a server full of friends and a server full of random people. Most r9k servers are the latter, I have found the former and it's very comfy. It's very rare for me to browse r9k nowadays because I enjoy that comfy discord server.
I had another account with you added a few months ago, do you remember? That account was banned for teaching people how to buy drugs online. Feel free to add.
Thing is, I only bother with Pidgin, Wire and occasionally Riot. Dicksword is gay as fuck, I've been banned by furry mods too many times. Yuck.
>servers are a time sink
only point that matters, no matter how tightly knit the community is or how nice the relationships seem, nothing ever substantial really comes from them and they truly are just a pointless distraction from real life
If anything I'd argue it's ultimately harmful because you can end up forgetting how to talk to normal irl people because you're so ingrained in your little degen online community, not to mention you risk losing the motivation to talk to normals completely because you've spent all day talking to random e boys
>tfw whenever i join a server have multiple anons add me after just a few hours of talking
>tfw charm the heck out of them for days and sometimes weeks
>tfw when I ghost them and watch their desperate clingy messages coming in for days after
feels so good
>If anything I'd argue it's ultimately harmful because you can end up forgetting how to talk to normal irl people
I am already a shut in.
Would make no difference to me.
I used to do this user but it is bad ok.
Hurting people for fun is no good.
There are some insightful posts ITT; I'm going to screenshot them. Thank you for taking the time to write these, Anons.
Your servers kinda suck, user. I joined it like a year ago. Was pretty much like any run of the mill r9k server. Only difference wss you kept bothering me about "why I deserve to be here." Extremely uncomfy you kept trying to peer into my life, as well as reddit tier.
>Your servers kinda suck
yeah they do.
did you ever get into the one that was main one?
>Extremely uncomfy you kept trying to peer into my life
was I trying to fuck with you? I have little memory of last year from drinking but know I fucked with a lot of people like an asshole :(
Get me in a main one nibba, send me lonk
>Get me in a main one nibba, send me lonk
serbers all shit now anyway I gave up.
>bullying a person fosters community
Nigger tier thinking
Passione is the best server you'll find on this board desu
I was in your main one months back and it was alright but nothing special, left after less than a week
Link died, here's a working one
anybody ever tried to have a server tied to an irl group, with regular meetups? I'm thinking about that
is it possible?
>anybody ever tried to have a server tied to an irl group, with regular meetups? I'm thinking about that
>is it possible?
thinking about normalfaggots like you fucking off
it would specifically be something for introverts and such
I used to post in a small 10-person Discord server back in 2016. We had literally nothing in common, all I ever did was say "i'm seven feet tall xDD" even though I'm 6'6". I also constantly told them about how I fucked my cousin I had a crush on. Of course, I never actually did that. The server got deleted for some reason. My advice to you anons is don't EVER befriend ANYONE from this website. They're all autistic psychopaths. They're either giga-faggots who brainwash teenage boys to be "traps", redditor white knights who will dox you and ruin your life for pussy, or a mega sperg who will eventually become an hero and you'll be put on a list for talking to them. Putting anonymous edgy people on a platform that is notorious for spying is fucking stupid. Don't use Discord, especially for Jow Forums.
Also, back in 2017, every fucking time I joined an r9k Discord server, I'd get federal agents asking me a million questions on private messages and would eventually solicit "cheesy pizza". That spooked me out so I uninstalled that spyware shit. If you're an agent, I appreciate your hustle, just don't send me illegal shit because I dindu nuffin.
This sounds very gay and reddit tier. Been joing r9k and Jow Forums servers since like 2016. Never had any "agents" ask me for shit. Like they'd waste time on some no bodies anyway. Other than that, I've befriended quite a few people from here. Unless you're some normal nigger, most people here are just harmlessly edgy who put that aside once you get to know them. Unless of course you're underage. Then it's just fucking reddit tier faggot shit constantly. OMG TRAPS YIKES LMAO BRUH OMG HIGH SCHOOL IS SOOOO HARD GUYS THIS AINT IT CHIEF. I suspect you are a teen, whether underage or not.
>. Never had any "agents" ask me for shit
I have had suspect people ask me for CP or if I wanted some and shit a lot.
I think it is only because I am known as a "pedo" though, but it is very obvious.
I doubt guy you replied to had agents and instead prob just had pedos offer CP
>I'm gonna generalize because I had a bad small experience 3 years ago
Wow you really convinced me user
>>nearly everyone just wants someone to see what they say but at the same time ignore what everyone else says
Literally describes autism
what ive noticed is that gunjy always pushes hrt
Yes, if you're known as a pedo or someone who enjoys loli or whatever, you'll get it offered or asked for. Never had it happened to me because I don't and am not. Maybe that guy was too though
Been a while since I saw the last gunjy thread, what happened? Did I just miss all of them? How is my favorite r9k eceleb doing?
It also describes so much of Jow Forums. I have a better life than a lot of people here and I always expect to get some kind of attention for it. I know this is wrong and it's pointless to try, but I keep posting anyway. At least I trade (You) for (You) and respond to everyone who responds to me, as if that makes it any better.
>Been a while since I saw the last gunjy thread
I post threads all day I just do not avatarfag threads.
In general I try to lay low but all I do all day is post.
I make suicide general self harm general and a few other threads all the time that I feel belong here
>Yes, if you're known as a pedo or someone who enjoys loli or whatever
yeah this is true.
many many times, I unintentionally got involved with some CP ring doxxer people as well.
>As soon as one person who is the lowest on pecking order leaves or is banned, someone else will replace him/her
I learnt that a bit too late
Out of context Misaki looks a little unhinged.
Lemon Man 0119