Have Borderline Personality Disorder

>Have Borderline Personality Disorder
>Can get so mad at even perceived slights against me that I am literally on the verge of throwing up because of the stress, anxiety, and anger
Please confirm to me that there's no escape from this besides suicide
Your most nastiest insults towards me and people with BPD are welcome too.

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borderline user here
look into therapy, especially dbt.
youre only fucked if you dont want to get better

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Why do you get mad? Are you possibly scared and reacting defensively?

Borderlines deserve love and get too much hate
I dated a girl with borderline for a while and she was the best person I've ever had in my life. You have your struggles but as long as you can handle life then don't give up and kill yourself user. Take it one day at a time. Also more of the things you're upset about are true than people give you credit for. A lot of people will pretend they didn't do anything especially if they can blame it on your bpd

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>Why do you get mad?
It's just splitting I guess, I perceive certain people as being on my side and when something happens that disturbs that I can get so fucking angry I cannot even see straight and just think up the nastiest things possible in my head and I just want to scream and then after cooling off from it I just feel horrible that I felt that way in the first place. Being scared probably plays a factor, yeah.

I've never heard BPD described that way. My brother and father are the same.

Also, I constantly feel slighted and ignored by people at work, and it feels like they have social ability I don't and I get ignored because I don't engage people. But I'm too afraid to deeply engage people, because I'm afraid they'll mock me.

I cry a lot after going in public. I used to have social phobia, but I guess my phobia was caused by being a retard.

It feels like I'm a black, brown eyed wolf next to white, blue eyed pitt bulls.

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I don't know what you are going through op, but w/e it is, I hope you know least we are here for you.

>talk to someone
>say something slightly off color
>they say something disapproving of it
>panic and get stressed about what I just said
>ghost them
>self hate about ghosting them

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>male with BPD
>wish i could be emotionless sociopath
>react horribly to every negative thing ever said about me

im sick of this

I fucking know that feel fren, I feel like such a faggot when it happens and it feeds a perpetual cycle of self hate.

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i have BPD and schizophrenia. life sucks sometimes.

DBT therapy helped me a lot. i also recommend CBD oil. i get fuming angry at the slightest things and just having a little bit of CBD makes me a lot more chill.

stay strong user, we can get through this together. i know how you feel.

Why are bpd people so quick to assume the worst scenario?

Who are you angry with, OP? As an uninvolved third party, I can tell you whether you're in the right or not.

Doesn't matter, I already know I'm not in the right but that doesn't make me feel any different. I just want to be normal but this shit is such a big quality of life killer.

I cam't do anything right I'm just such a big fuck up and ruin everything for everyone and anm just a retarded attention whore but i'm not trying to be and can't do anything right for anyone because everything has to be about me because i'm a sensitive little bitch

somebody needs to take their meds, and take a break from shit posting.

OCD user here, not exactly BPD but feel the same anxiety and stress because of rituals. i have no access to therapy and no surefire way to become an hero. what do

I know that feelio
A lot of times, after coming down from the rage, and looking at things from a cooler perspective, I'll realize I was right. But the rage itself isn't.
It makes it difficult to figure out when you're standing up for yourself or when you're just being a dick.

Because we've experienced nothing but the worst scenario

Does anyone have a guide on how to hang yourself like that? I feel like I'm in a loop I can't escape but this could be that escape if I ever need it.

OP, I doubt you're in the wrong. Your feelings have probably just built up because the guy/girl has treated you in ways you don't deserve to be treated.

I feel like I'm about to pass out from exhaustion so probably.
Definitely not the case, I've experienced being actually wronged and know this isn't it.

I hate it when they talk to certain people who aren't me. I hate it if I even sense a hint of it. I hate it so much. I hate it more than any other thing I've ever hated in my whole life. I want to scream and cry and slice my wrists open and throw myself off of the closest bridge and just sink and drown to death. That's what I hate. Tell me if that's rational or not.

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Are they an extrovert who spreads themselves too thin? I can understand feeling possessive and insecure if that is so.

No, not at all, but it still drives me absolutely insane. I am just extremely, extremely possessive and insecure.

Why are you possessive of them? Do they do or say things that make you feel insecure? Have you talked to them about your feelings so they can do better?

>Why are you possessive of them?
I dunno, they're just the only friend, or person in general that I care about, and BPD just makes those feelings go all weird.
>Do they do or say things that make you feel insecure?
Yes, talking to certain people.
>Have you talked to them about your feelings so they can do better?
Yeah I think so, but you can't really force somebody to only communicate with people you approve of...

>ywn make anyone feel this way
Fuck Chad

Why do first worlds call lack of self control BPD?

>the newest meme is a bunch of zoomie nigger faggots self diagnosing themself as bpd

fuck off already.

>tfw you just want to share every facet of your existence with them and vice-versa, eternally and joyfully
>tfw life and human nature does not support this kind of relationship
But I think, if you prioritize their happiness over your own, and can safely trust that they care for yours as well, it would be easier to deal with.
>tfw no deep loving bond that doesn't break with distance

He's cucked himself into thinking Chad is a good person.

Yeah exactly, I try to prioritize their happiness and stuff but holy crap it hurts so bad when it happens
Not true, go away

Is your Favorite Person distant or not very loving/affectionate? I'm lucky to have a FP that expresses their appreciation for me regularly.

Chad is a good person. He just doesn't know it yet.

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They're pretty affectionate yeah which is nice. I hate myself for being a selfish piece of crap and my brain won't just listen to me and act normal.

It's okay, user. What's your FP like?

I dunno, just nice. Nobody's ever been nice to me like that before in my life. You can just list off most good qualities and they probably have it. I probably take advantage of them and they don't like me nearly as much as I like them but they're just too polite to do anything about it. Oh well. I have to sleep now, sorry.

Sure, hope you get into Chad's pants eventually lol

I'm not BPD either. I have OCD too as well as bipolar 2. at times some little problems I create can become an obsessive nightmare.
I have made mistakes on my bad days, like cutting my finger. I get overwhelmed in a flood of thoughts that this is how it all ends: in a series of stupid little errors that chip away at me until I will crumble.
for us it is important to know that our feelings about problems will cause the accumulating damage that breaks our motivation. I'll crumble over a cut finger without spilling a drop of blood.
when I'm honest with myself about my mistakes I know that my life is falling apart but I'm not ruined because I'm the only one who can put it all back together.
living with untreated disorders requires knowing that we will feel bad when things are ok, but your feelings are separate from your behavior. keep them separate like raw meat and vegetables and you will avoid the worst of the mental food poisoning.

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Oof. Let me tell you something about my life, that might allow me to understand where you come from.
I'm that user that had the bad trip of a summer, and had to get pulled from school for it. Well, whenever I wasn't in that state, there was always a state of fear. I never knew if something would set me off. My blood is already one to heat quickly, even though I don't get angry at all. A slight change in body temperature, of all things, can make me see red. So these two things and someone comes and says some nigger tier shit, and though I don't really care about them or their phrase I'd start wondering if I'm about to find an excuse to sick em. It really doesn't help when you're always on edge for some fuck to come smack you, since basically everyone hates you anyways. Shit stinks, that's how it be sometimes.

Any other borderlines have a thing for bad boys or girls? Gets me really wet