Whats keeping you bots up tonight?

Whats keeping you bots up tonight?

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Stressing over my new job tomorrow and girls :(

The crippling loneliness of not having a single friend

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I think I have a PT test in the morning and don't want to go to bed yet.

Uni assignment feat. unrequited love.

Spiked seltzers and Community.

Also the horrible feeling that I'm months away from 30 and I want to die.

Unironically Game of Thrones. And trying to fix my sleeping schedule.

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dont stress about what you cant change, but try to look clean and speak with a strong voice as im sure youve been told before. as for girls, im not one to be giving advice but just try not to waste your time, and be true to you dont change yourself because you want to look cool in front of a thot

People skip me on chat roulette

we can be friends because i dont have any either

anger, unfortunately

only 11pm hear and I dont work or go to school
Just playing some ARK on PC.

you are ya daft cunt

ark is so good sounds pretty comfy

Haven't fapped for 5 days and was edging for a couple hours tonight, but had to get up before I finished. Boner died and gave me worst blue balls of my life lads. Can't barely walk

i will fucking skin you

i reaIIy want to fug ur ass

I want to die. Help me user. What the fucks gooing on here man i think im going retarded here man im fucken loosing it YEEEEUUUUUUP YREEEEUUIP

>and girls
Tell us more

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>i will fucking skin you


no find your happy place and relax

Loneliness and desperation
I talk to a girl from a different time zone and I ruin my health for it.

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because i like skin

weIl fuck you

at least you talk to a girl

i didnt mean it as offense it just sounds like you have nice skin

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I made a deal with myself that I would lose my virginity before I returned home. I got three weeks left wtf. Paid for tinder gold and everything. Even slags aren't interested I'm not ugly or a scrub. Just really shy.

It will get worse if you don't act upon it.

It takes me like an hour to fall asleep and I'm currently a neet so I have a terrible sleep schedule

I cant man its just fucking waves man im sitting alone laughing like a Fuckinng MADMAN i can just fucking put my fist through my fucking screen YEEAHHH

it's just by text, so I don't even know.

you seem cooI :)

Think about defiling a crush from high school. That ususlly does it for me

try engaging as many girls as you can and hope one of them engages back ik its hard im really shy too but you promised yourself

hey keep your head up your doing better than ive ever done

>crush from high school
boi they start it at primary these days

Just me being too lazy to go to sleep. As well as me sleeping in until 430pm

The fact ill never do anything remarkable, and i will be forgotten from human history after i die

existential crisis hitting hard i see

kinda feel like I might die alone and never have the kind of life I want
also sinus infection lmao

lets die lonely together

Ive been working on making friends lately it just takes so long and its so draining having nobody



come and make me healthy again user

parents are drunk again and yelling in the apartment maybe start a fight again I hope they dont call the police again
how about ur night :D?

i might have to

aw im sorry user thats terrible i hope things improve, as for me im as internally conflicted as one can be

cant sleep tonight
for some reason.
maybe im waiting for something

its the worst feeling but try to get some sleep throw on some cozy tunes

aktskotkok alslkk ksoriiginanllo obumpmpermingin oroolll ll arollreasdasdaspdkpo

I found a qt Japanese girl Vlogging about her life in America.

A nice change from the autistic weebs Vlogging about life in Japan


yeah, im trying
i dont want to tempt death for some reason, or myself

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i don't want to go wagecuck tomorrow

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nice improv, it has some nice armonic dynamics at the start but gets repetitive with the baseline after, overall solid. did you listen to brad meldhau's version?

then dont go, lmao

I realized and accepted that I'm bi

Nothing to do tomorrow since unemployed. I may work out later at my apartment gym

yea ill go ahead and do that oh wait i require food to survive

that shit was so calming to watch

The crippling fear of my nightmares and waking up.

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hey man love is love

well, I mainly want to be with a guy who's effeminate/feminine. Big burly guys scare me

what's keeping you up tonight

go for it just find someone who likes you for you

What kind of skin do you prefer. I am a skin expert as well.

>If it ain't pale, smooth, and soft skin it ain't skin.

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alot of internal conflict and just feeling stuck in life

the paler the better has to be smooth and properly moisturized

Me ex
This has become almost every night as of late

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what happened that you cant get over?

Glad to see a fellow intellectual on Jow Forums keep these retards aware of the perfect skin.

>Only those worthy of love are those with perfect skin.

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I'm feeling a lot of regret, but I'm not regretting the things that I usually do

thigh skin is the best skin

what are you regretting, and why stress over things in the past you cant change it so just look to what you can do in the future to improve it

rtips coiinform

I understand that. In school right now, kinda wish I could just get my degree already so I could move and do the things I want. I'll be here for a few more hours if you'd like a stranger to vent to

im in school too, and im having trouble with trying to figure out if i really like this girl or if i like her out of desperation and its tearing me up

I'm so fucking unproductive and have some assignments due tomorrow.

same dood im great at procrastination

Month long chest pain :( I hope your night is going well OP...

I've got a disability hearing coming up for my hidradenitis suppurativa and I'm afraid I won't get the neetbux because I'm a fucking white male.

hope you feel better soon and get some good rest along with it and thanks for asking it could be better, but it could be worse so im glad for that

the whole country is just shitting on itself right now if you were any other minority group you could have whatever you want

oh yeah, I understand. most of the guys i've dated have come from a place of loneliness. do you feel that you're settling for less than what you want?

Anxiety about life and stomach ache from binge eating my problems away

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My brain decided now was a good time to think about every time someone has called me weird, strange, eccentric, or autistic.

I'm always up at night, I am nocturnal.
I fucking love being able to sleep and wake whenever I feel like though, being pressured to keep to a schedule or job is hell.

I just dropped a half and half gasser, it is pretty bad.

in a way i guess but me and her talked for a few weeks previously (not in person) and i felt she really liked me for me and she was 100% into me but i dropped her for a few reasons but i do feel like im settling because looks wise ive had 10/10s tell me how attractive i am but im a fucking sperg around girls and i can never progress but this girl i feel like just likes me for me and thats basically why im conflicted

Nothing to do. Did nothing all day so have plenty of energy. How about you?

i agreed id much rather stay up at night and sleep the day away

Not having money to drink
Not having any power to do anything
Everyone outside is a fucking asshole now
Cars are stopping in the middle of the sidewalk while I expect them to move
Thoughts of just committing a successful Elliot Rodger style massacre are bubbling
Wondering if she likes me even after all the shit I gave her
Being the only guy left in my department because the best man on the job quit on me.
Considering jousting into a fucking cyclist's guy with my fist
Worried about not having contact with my uncle or my dad
I lack everyone and everything

So really my typical Sunday.

just relax youre you so dont waste time trying to figure out how to change it just find some way to enjoy your short life

I just cant sleep too much to think about but i have to get up in a few hours and its pissing me off i cant sleep still

Maybe but even when i try to fit in people immediately notice im off. So damn lonely.

Loneliness and Kingdom Hearts

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so what maybe people arent your thing and dont fall for what the media tells you you need to do to be happy success can be anything so just find happiness and im sure theres people out there just like you so know youre not alone either

if the issue is with physical attraction, I would continue dropping it. no point in pursuing a relationship if you don't find her attractive. though pursuing only 10/10s isn't very effective either. I've gone through similar situations and usually if you're feeling hesitant in the beginning it will only get worse as things progress. depending on the nature of the relationship (I'm guessing online or dating app) you could use it as a way to learn how to act around/talk to girls

the relationship would be a regular one we go to the same school and she has gone to my sporting events but im too pussy to talk to her face to face and i find her attractive too just not like 10/10 idk whats stopping me honestly except one thing

I'm up every night

Tonight it was watching Line of Duty, watching Game of Thrones, playing Rimworld, and posting on r9k

being up at night makes me feel very cozy

the idea of how people could be so...disgusting. everyday i see it and it disturbs me to a point where i just sit and watch it happen. there seems to be that the only thing i can do is watch and wait on whatever the fuck. i hate everything and everybody around me to the point where the feelings are white and maybe i'm the problem and should remain in a box all alone somewhere far away from everyone.

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