When was the last time something went almost exactly the way you wanted it to? I can't remember a time in my life desu... What about you user?
Last time something went the way you wanted it to?
My third grade curling bonspiel.
The entire last year of my life. Best year of my life. I literally was living my dream.
Then I got falsely accused of a heinous crime and now I'm just waiting to see how things play out. For 5 months so far with no end in sight.
A few minutes ago, with my pan of biscuits
Are you the small town user?
Those look good user, congrats.
>Are you the small town user?
No. I think I know who you're referring to though. I'm in the military so my shit is actually life/career ruining.
Thank you! I've been trying really hard for weeks now to get better at baking/cooking!
Sorry to hear that user, what were you accused of?
How did they taste?
I didn't burn my eggs this morning
it's hard but...but i think a long time ago, in my elementary school years when i walked into a field and nobody followed me and i just sat down there for the rest of recess with no one bothering/bullying me.
I'm sorry you were bullied in school user. This makes me really sad. How are you doing now?
well the bullying never really stopped no matter how many schools i was transferred to but the funny thing was , is that i was completely oblivious to it at times and it would be teachers reporting it. I never gave it power like some people would say, the thing that bothered me the most was the way people acted and it seems to be the same people with the same story over and over and over again, it makes you numb user.
sorry forgot to do this
I know how you feel user, I'm sorry you went through that, It can be very hard.
I was in an abusive relationship for nearly two years, so I know exactly what you meana bout being numb and not even knowing what's going on. I'm only now realizing how terrible she was to me.
OP here
Drank a lot of caffeine and spent the last two hours creating a song that I'm VERY proud of using my new synth. I am happy.
i hate the fact that woman can just be abusive like that and get away with it so easily, it makes me angry and i'm so sorry, no person should ever be put in a situation like that.
can we hear it?
When I got the university I wanted, 9 years ago. I'm still there and still taking freshman courses
>my birthday
>we eat at a restaurant with all my family
>also the day of the final match of the World Cup
>Italy wins(and I am Italian)
>be incredibly happy
I was 11.
Thank you user. I agree, none of her friends even know she's an abusive piece of shit
>went out to dinner with my mom
>bought a video game
>got drunk while playing a different game
10/10 good ending to my long weekend
Sounds like a fun night user, congrats.
What are you taking?
How are you doing these days?
when I invited a girl to a date 5 years ago, still a kv tho
What happened on the date?
went ok, met 6 times more 2 of them to the movies, never made a move, contacted her less and less and one day I found out she got a bf, was my fault obviously, it was the closest I got to a girl and I apreciate that, never got a negative feeling towards her after that, it wouldnt have worked tho
actually, pretty recently. this chick from my old job texted me a while ago: apparently she thought i was cute. what a fucking dumbass, eh?
our last date was 9 days ago: we got stoned and made out, shit was very cash. this was the last time things went how i wanted them to. i can't recall the last time before that; it's been many miserable years, i can tell you that much.
i think she's distancing herself from me. can't say that i blame her. i feel like i'm way too old for her (i'm 25, she's 20) and i really don't have anything to offer besides my frankly mediocre looks. i'm borderline NEET: currently unemployed, fired from my last job, live with my parents, have some education but it's for a field i fucking refuse to work in, (try working as a CNA, my dear little robots, and then tell me about stress,) and to top it all off, i'm a miserable fucking alco. woke up around 2am to find that i'd pissed myself and thrown up all over the covers.
what a fucking prize i am. hi-ho.
so, OP, tell me of your troubles: what haunts you? what keeps you up at night? do you feel like an utter failure? do you contemplate suicide? do you think about how your suicide would hurt others? did you ever decide to settle on the slow death?
do you ever contemplate choosing life? did you choose life, only to find that it made you fucking miserable? did you wonder why you ever fucking bothered?
i still cling to hope, even if my greasy little butter fingers can barely grasp it. tell me, robots, have any of your hopes come true?
Keep your chin up, lil' dawg. Yeah, it was five years ago; things probably look pretty bleak. But you did go on that date, and who's to say you won't go on another one day?
Pretty much everyday when coding my game. Small victories are still victories and I recommend all of you to invest time in something you like other than a living vagina.
I'm having trouble of thinking of one. I've never really wanted much from life. I've never won anything or been awarded something, but it didn't hurt because I didn't care. I only realize how painful it is now, to want something you can't have. Nothing worked out this year.
when I took my driving license 1 year ago thats all