Anything to say to a man who's about to kill himself?

Anything to say to a man who's about to kill himself?

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>Anything to say to a man who's about to kill himself?

why the long face?

braver than me so upvoted and saluted

please don't user :(

i know you don't know me but i really care about you and i want you to stay alive for me. please stay safe. we are in this together.

God has entered my body
Like a body my perfect size
Like me entering into you or you entering into me

give me advice on how to not do the same in a few years

Yea. I do, actually.

Suicide is redundant for someone who is already dead inside. If you really want to punish yourself, learn to live again.

It's both terrifying-- and lovely.

stream it originalli

Take the white pill, user. It's more than worth it. We all love you.

The absolute fucking cope.

Really is nuts that people go as far as they do to convince themselves that they give a fuck about others. Lying to yourself is just sad, but lying to the suicidal is below fucking pathetic. Hopefully you're next you worthless trash.

spat my cereal out all over my keyboard god dammit user

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Do it, faggot


Stream it or you're a pussy and you're not gonna do it.

i really care about OP, i am sorry you feel that way. i just want to give hope to people because i understand what hopelessness feels like.

you seem sad too user. i hope you start feeling better. there is no need to be cruel.

Can I has your stuff?

Not going to stop you, may the journey be the way you want if you are serious.

>Anything to say to a man who's about to kill himself?

How bout a laugh

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Remember something good as you go out.

Sad to see you go, user. How old are you? I'm 30.

Can't really stop you so I hope you have a pacefully and fast dead.

see you on the other side nigger

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Feel like buying me a game on steam before you go?

I think you should atleast take your revenge against god for making your life miserable while having to watch everyone else live a happy normal life. They caused you pain and loneliness and showed you no mercy, neither did god. So why show them mercy? Go out and destroy gods happy creation, defy him and slaughter everyone you see. Kill everyone who caused you pain and die with honor

Basic question but why, user? Why are you choosing suicide?

DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE SCARED OF PAIN? GET UP AND DO 10 PUSHUPS U FAT FUCK and start insulting women atleast twice a day it makes 50% less depressed its a fact

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what a spineless pussy you are. Imagine not being able to love other people or care about someone. The real kicker is that you obviously wish you did, and the only way you can cope with the fact that you're a can't is to convince yourself that no one is capable of empathy because you don't experience and can't figure out what's wrong with you. Imagine being this unaware and fearful of others love hahahah.

Just keep going user. Life might suck ass now but there's alway the hope of things somehow getting better. The more you continue to suffer without becoming a total failure like the other user I replied to, you'll end up finding out some stuff about yourself. The years I suffered ending up being the years I am more appreciative of; those years taught me who I was.

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it is good to see more supportive people on this thread. we are all rooting for you OP.

Fuck off with your "I care" horseshit. You are the exact same as anyone else. A deluded, self interested, lying pile of slowly rotting meat that doesn't deserve anything they have.

You and your kind love to spread your faux positivity and emotion-ism anywhere you can. Must make you feel better about yourself at night to think that you can virtue signal on Jow Forums, to people in actual serious pain.

Do you ever think about that? Does the concept even graze your mind of what you are? Can you even look yourself in the mirror?

People like you literally make me want to vomit. I am physically sick just seeing one of you bits of disgusting scum, let alone an entire planet filled with fuckers just like you.

Nuclear fire would be a goddamned half measure for rancid shitstains like you. You and every other person like you should be thrown feet first into a dull meat grinder and fed to pigs, you virulent, disgusting fucking worm. Wastes of oxygen, all of you. Tie a bag over your head and do us all a favor. Lord knows the world would be a better place.

31. Surprised and disappointed I made it this far. Should have done it years ago.
And yes, for anyone who asks, I did want some attention before dying. Not just attention but just something to register with, some contact before death.

We can give you attention while you do, if you stream it user.

what was the breaking point

what? i'm just trying to give hope to people i see in pain. i'm a very empathetic person and i can't help it.

also, do not assume life is poor quality for me. i am doing well right now, i have overcome my struggles and i'm hoping OP can do the same.

imagine getting upset at someone being nice huh? go take a fucking shower and clear your head dude. attitudes like this is why you can't get yourself a girlfriend. continue with that negative attitude and you'll end up like OP instead of living to the fullest. is that how you really want to go?

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Wow, another faggot. You and every other fake ass nigger on this rock deserve what you get. The only shame here is that OP is the one ending it when people like you actually belong in the ground. And none of your psuedo-intellectual, wannabe empath, self aggrandizing, maggot infested bullshit will ever change that.

Keep on telling yourself that you're somehow unique or different. But you're not, and you never have been, and never will be. You have no more value or worth than the other bed shitting retards here, or anyone else for that matter. Hopefully you'll suffer greatly before you too meet your end. What a goddamned joke you all are.

Dude, I'm just a regular human, one that learned to accept being a regular human.
There's nothing better than being free from arrogance and the likes.

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You're so fake it hurts. You can't accept the way you are so the idea of someone actually caring about you is so arbitrary that you lash out in anger towards any individual that shows empathy.

Here's a more simplified version for your hate riddled brain to absorb, you sponge.

I hate myself, the world hates me. Reality is a mirror you turbofaggot. Your perception of reality is your individual perception looking back at itself. You are the universe experiencing itself, and your universe is filed with self loathing and apathy so that is what the universe gives you. Isolation and a feeling of hatred for it. Lmao you're such a pussy haha. Wake up faggot.

sounds like someone needs a huggy wuggy! c'mere :3

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pass through the night as a ship in a storm
it will pass
one way or the other
you will see the light
as it washes away the pain
as a new man reborn, washed up from the downed unto the salt filled shores of memory
those who walk the land and take care of it
will touch with their hands
the sand

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It's called self awareness you literal Neanderthal. Are you so dull that you can't comprehend and explain your own perception? Goodness you are one broken person. And guess what? I feel sorry for you, and it's not a good feeling. It's a sad feeling.

>B-but you only do it so it makes you feel better about yourself

No I am sorry for you and knowing that you live this way actually makes me feel sorrow for another human. It does not feel good. But be sure to go ahead and tell me what I'm feeling and what it all means Mr. Psychic. I'm sure that you'll find whatever you're searching for someday now... any day now...

>It's called self awareness you literal Neanderthal.
>Are you so dull that you can't comprehend and explain your own perception?
>Goodness you are one broken person
>And guess what? I feel sorry for you,
>and it's not a good feeling. It's a sad feeling.
>No I am sorry for you and knowing that you live this way actually makes me feel sorrow for another human.
>It does not feel good.
>But be sure to go ahead and tell me what I'm feeling and what it all means Mr. Psychic.
>I'm sure that you'll find whatever you're searching for someday now... any day now...

user, why you're so passive aggressive and talk so much about yourself?
If you have an argument, say it in a clear way. If you don't have an argument, shut the fuck up.

The amount of redshit normals on here gets more disgusting every day.

despacito, origianlly i mean. ofc

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guys, guys, guys,
youre not special because you tell someone on the internet to kill themselves unironically!!
lay down the fedora for a change

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Before it's too late, how are you doing it?

>'reality is a mirror' pseudo philosophy
>the world isn't how you see it, you just think that cuz muh pop/psuedo psych
>btw my worldview is right and I'm smart for thinking it

Goddamn, you ignorant motherfucker. Way to prove my point. How pathetic and assblasted does a person have to be to try psycho-analyzing a Jow Forums user and still get nearly everything completely wrong. And the hell of it is, your kind is so busy guzzling your own Just World fallacy "you are the universe!!1!" verbal diarrhea that you are unironically telling other people to wake up. If anyone is fake here, by fucking god is it you, you absolute mongoloid.

Hopefully you and take after OP and end it soon.

Good luck with the suicide. Best research beforehand so you don't end up accidentally choosing a painful approach to it though.

explain why hes wrong
>inb4 mainstream =/ not valid
go ahead

>your kind
It is like you NEARLY notice you do not belong here and are neither wanted nor needed and yet you do not get any clue from that and fuck off.

I've been there too, OP. I don't know why you're about to do it, but for me, my pain was temporary. Things are alright now. I'm not about to tell you that you have so much to live for and you just need to keep going, but I did a lot of study into nutrition and how it affects the brain. I found that life was a lot more bearable after I had a good night's sleep, adequate vitamin d and stopped eating shit. You can kill yourself later if you don't feel any better, so maybe try this for a week and see if it changes anything.

I don't recommend it, OP. Someone will miss you. But if you go through with it, Maybe I'll see you on the other side (if there is one).

do a flip faggot

but originally of course

Suicide is caused by eating Jelly Belly jelly beans. They're seductive and completely wreck the brain, it's a psyop by the government.

>If you have an argument, say it in a clear way.
Empathy is real and to accept another persons love is related to loving yourself. I cannot speak from another persons perspective on this matter as I can only accept myself and experience and discuss the topic of how it feels to be loved from the only source I have. Me. How would I go about how it felt to be loved from someone else.

Sorry user, I don't see how wanting to defend the point that life is worth living is ignorant. You use just as many, if not more, buzzwords as I do. I will never believe that apathy and lack of trust in others is helpful in understanding yourself and the world perceive.

>Nuclear fire would be a goddamned half measure for rancid shitstains like you. You and every other person like you should be thrown feet first into a dull meat grinder and fed to pigs, you virulent, disgusting fucking worm. Wastes of oxygen, all of you. Tie a bag over your head and do us all a favor. Lord knows the world would be a better place.

You can call me pathetic, assblasted, psuedo intellectual, or any other name you deem hurtful. I would rather be called those names than wake up everyday and see the world through your lense. Get some help user, I love you.

>eats cereal
Of course you think its funny

Think you can paypal me some money ?

take the clownpill fren

Probably nothing, but I would understand why he would want to do it. I wouldn't blame him either.

Sure user what's your paypal and how much you need? I just got paid today.

I know you're meme'ing, but there are actually some studies which suggest there may be links between sugar and depression.

these attention whoring threads should require a link to a livestream before being posted.

You have a link to that study? Is a peer reviewed one released by a community? Or is it just another article that failed to reach university and found its way into the journalism community?

yeah ahem


I'm not about to claim that sugar is the sole cause of all depression or anything like that, but it does seem that nutrition plays a huge role in mood.

Eat the buttered popcorn jelly beans and see how suicidal you become. They need to make an ass flavored bean.

Show us your face and give us a general location in this world to check the news and see if you are a real veteran and did it

this is origenally hilarious

Obviously, don't do it fren, originaloly

Thank you user, I skimmed a little and they seemed interesting. I'll give it a full read when I get some more time. Have you thought about eating healthier recently?

Back at ya, you worthless faggot.

It has nothing to do with anything being "mainstream" you dumbass. "Youre the universe experiencing itself" is literal hippie tier bs and is absolutely devoid of nuance, which you would also know if you weren't entering into this as a biased partisan. "Reality is a mirror" actually isn't wrong, but it IS pop psych that any faggot who took a Psychology class in high school will endlessly repeat for internet smart boy points. Besides which, it is just something being brought up to shoot back at me for my own comments, and is intentionally completely avoiding making any meaningful commentary or statement of any actual worth/value, which is exactly what I expect from the cockroaches that lurk these posts anyway. You shoot the challenge to me to point out flaws in what he says, because you already accept it as truth and therefore think that I can't. So for that, neck yourself too.

The accusations hurled against me are ironically just r9k retardos projecting, just like they say I am. And frankly, nobody with more than 2 brain cells to their name (much less a suicidal user) would be taking advice from anyone that is so obviously a raging hypocrite.

It's always funny to me how these threads always go the same way. The same types of people show up, spouting the same self-serving, synthetic positivity rhetoric every single time like emotional leeches off a suicidal user- all so they can later pat themselves on the back for "helping"

The fact that people take anyone in here (yeah, even me, fag) even remotely seriously is just fucking sad.

Don't fuck up and cause as much butthurt as you can. But without going postal though. That would be too much.

Hmm, what's better.

People who want to help


Edgy arrogant fucks like you

Choices, choices

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Are you sure you want to die, or do you hope it will end your pain?

[email protected]
Whatever ammount you want please

Fuck you. I wish I could take your life and it's stupid that common parlance thinks that means kill. I want to TAKE your life, TAKE, meaning have it for myself.

When you take something, that does not mean destroy it, so why the fuck does "take your life" mean kill yourself?
Fuck Enlish is retarded.

So yea, fuck you, give me your life. Let me add it on to the remaining years I have since you clearly don't value it.

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>"want to help"
>implying they aren't using suicidal anons for free "good deed" points
>le edge and le arrogance

It's like reading off a damned script with people like you. Jesus Christ.

If any of you wannabe-empaths cared about OP you woould ask him for his wallet and sent him hefty sums. But of couse, all you do is trying to validaye yourselves, so why bother.

I only have the right to try to stop your suicide if I provide you with a way to get rid of your problems, do it OP, end the suffering.
To the ones telling him to not do it, then what, he doesn't and continues suffering. Like not suiciding is going to fix it. If it was easy like that why did OP fall that low? OP, suicide is void, if you feel like every alternative is worse than that, do it. I won't ask you to try to look for alternatives, because it's not only not having alternatives, but also the case where there are some, but they are out of the reach of your motivation.

Can I email you first to confirm you won't dox me?

So you're implying that you shouldn't help anyone because you'd only do it for your own conscience? So what? That's why we have a conscience you chromodome oberload, otherwise we wouldn't give a shit about anything! That's like saying "muh you're only having sex so that your body produces dopamine" like yeah no shit dude.

Also "le" memes? Are we in 2010?

Ah yes, the typical "your help doesn't count unless x". Just an excuse to be stupid damn fuck who doesn't give a shit about anything

Where are you from OP oringilkoloal

Sure go ahead no problem

when you reach the red gate do not make eye contact with the sentinels

Way to completely miss the point.

Thoughts on the human race aside, these posts attract a certain type of person that isn't in it to help anyone other than themselves. Using your analogy of sex, these people are the guys who nut in 40 seconds and then order an Uber.

It's painfully obvious watching these threads because, like I said, it always attracts the same type of person. Those in pain will attract those who prey upon that for their own self gain. You can see this with mentally unwell people all the time. Not that I expect anyone here to understand.

What the hell happened to this site? Why did we let the normies and the NPCs come in on this scale. It's a sad day when you can't have a suicide thread without half the people chirping in with the usual fake empathy.
>No OP, don't do it, i care about you
Fuck off, of op an heroed without posting, your lives would not change at all.

I hope everyone commits suicide today

r9k has always sheltered outcasts. But it's funny to see anons recite the safe space rhetoric and post that picture. Change is inevitable, either embrace it or leave.

do it or don't OP but I got places to be

What's the biggest dildo you've ever taken up the ass?

Don't under any circumstances try to OD on pills containing acetomitophen.


Ifmyoure feeling sorry for yourself read Job

My name is Sue and if you fall in love with me you will become an alpha chad and never commit suicide.

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Chin up manlet, join the alt right and turn your life around.

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If god exist, tell him:

Why do normies do garbage shit like this when someone is suicidal? I'd say 90% of people who say shit like this are massive liars. Nobody actually gives a fuck about giving anyone any emotional support in life right up until they're about to kill themselves, then suddenly they're "very important"? It's all just virtue signalling.

was your life a tragedy or a comedy user?

it's not worth it faggot

you're sickening. and a huge narcissist. kill yourself. you honestly make me sick. in the same way as when i see a stray dog, or a crippled insect. you're an insect.

They do it because they believe "I'm doing good so I can feel good about myself" when in reality they know nothing about op or his situation or what he has been through.
These kind of people are worse then the people actually committing suicide as they're only thinking about "I do good to feel good about myself" and tries to make someones last days on earth about themselves. It's the pinnacle of ego stroking

Exactly. A true "good person" wouldn't wait until someone is at the ledge to start caring about them. Honestly, those people saying shit like "you're really important to me" to people they've never even met, have never before gave a shit about and won't after they're gone, is pretty fucking insulting. Having a friendly conversation and trying to understand someone is one thing, but just saying bullshit like "don't do it you have so much to live for" would probably piss me off if I was about to kill myself.

Such compassion.

Agreed. A good person helps the downtrodden all the time. A token "don't do it!" at the end is just so they can say "well, I tried" and not realize that they're pieces of shit.

start drinking. get stoned every day. start a coke habit. get addicted to heroin. add gambling and escorts if you're feeling spicy.

but, please, don't fucking kill yourself.

>Literally asking lifealtering advice from a suicidal man
Are you retarded..?