Cringe Thread

Post ‘em.

Attached: CFFF2071-3785-4B66-873B-F9DC51C9813D.jpg (600x800, 65K)

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Attached: oregano poster.png (1080x390, 99K)


>also, it's the red shirt


Why is him being off-centre on the platform bothering me so much?

Didn't even realize that
Now that I looked down there I realize he has toe shoes on too
Why would you do this to me?

hello summerdyels. when does school start

unironically what a shit meme-play

Attached: 1563080096746.gif (390x373, 2.54M)

Bro I know it's an unpopular opinion. But even though those vibram shoes are goofy they are the next best thing to bare feet when you're excersizing

If I wanted a shitty meme I’d just ask you what your one rep maxes are.

Attached: bye bye bicep.webm (720x720, 1.35M)

how much weight dat is

wtf happened


Don't mixed grip that's what happened

his arm wasn't straight mixed grip is for gripstregthlets anyway

His left arm tried to curl like 700 pounds and his bicep exploded.
He also had garbage form.

Bicep tear, happens with heavy curls or when you mix grip on a deadlift with your underhand.

The ligament that connects your bicep muscle to your inner elbow basically snapped. Requires surgery to get it fixed.

I literally screamed

Does it need to be fixed or is it just an aesthetic problem?

>Does it need to be fixed
Are you really stupid enough to ask this question?

>Are you really stupid enough to ask this question?

Attached: sir.jpg (384x512, 65K)

A good one, nothing is more cringy than DBZ fans in gym

really retard?
the biceps is not attached to the forearm anymore, so when the muscle contracts nothing happens because the motion isn't transmitted to the forearm

Thank you, nigger

Attached: wahl.png (2474x1560, 3.43M)

Don't see the cringy thing here, OP. Care to elaborate?

Ain't gonna watch this, fucker.

Mental illness isn't cringe, it's just sad.

It's fine, who needs biceps anyway

Reds are 25 kilo, Blues are 20s, black looks like a 20 as well and small black seems to be 2.5 kilo. So should be 205kilos. Pretty good desu.

>op is seething

Shitty memes are why I opened this thread.

is this...a deadlift?

Actually they’re really bad for your feet

i always find myself accidentally engaging my biceps just a little doing DLs and this scares the shit out of me

Louie Simmons tore both biceps and never got it fixed

The funny thing is that Jackman squats 160 kg for reps. It's literally just genetics that make his legs look awful

Yeah and he's one of the ugliest guys walking the earth, so I think that says all it needs to.


Aethetically they need to be fixed, functionally one of the less important muscles.

reverse curl