>Claims to oppose degeneracy
>Isn't a member of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ
Some of your NORMIES are really pathetic, the Church is the world's number one vehicle for fighting degeneracy.
>Claims to oppose degeneracy
>Isn't a member of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ
Some of your NORMIES are really pathetic, the Church is the world's number one vehicle for fighting degeneracy.
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Peace be with you brother.
Inb4 "but catholic priests rape little boys". Protestant religions no longer enforce the parts of Christianity that are anti-degen and have allowed for many of the problems we have today. I walk past a Baptist church that has a transgender flag on it and many Protestants are pro-abortion. Additionally, atheism in killing God has allowed for so much worse to happen when there's no vehicle in which we enforce morality.
So sure, Catholic Priests may be rapists, but the rest are so much worse. Unless you want Muslims
The idea of Christianity and one God is degenerate in itself. Kill yourself.
I'm a convert and one of the things that really made me strongly reconsider being a Prot was going to a nominally 'conservative' evangelical church that had a female assistant 'pastor' and over the course of the three years I was there the only type of degeneracy the pastor talked about was pornography. Never once did he even mention pre-marital sex nevermind homosexuality, transgenderism and abortion. Also in smaller group discussions with that female 'pastor', she didn't directly say it but she made it pretty clear she didn't think that homosexuality was sinful.
The idea of many gods, many standards, many morals is the very source of degeneracy.
pic related origionello
You might want to reconsider
>claims to oppose degeneracy
>supports an organization that systematically covers up kiddie fiddlers
There's a single argument against the catholic church besides the "kiddes" meme?
the islam faith is the most superior in my opinion. With their culture and values we wouldn't have feminism and roasties. The stigma associated with a patriarchy has been the cause of decline in the west.
>the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ
>the one that's been through a billion reforms
Thanks, but I'll stick with the One True Church.
Islam is too oppressive. It basically micromanage every single aspect of your live, even the act of preaching has to follow a script (they tell you want you have to tell Allah in what order). This is the reason Muslims are only born or converted in prison.
>Islam is too oppressive
>having actual traditions is oppressive
Yep, you're too western to be Christian, mate
Dude, the Quoran is a fucking manual, there's a clear difference in having a culture, and having you live micromanaged.
If you want culture look to the good Christians like Orthodox and Catholics.
Fuck God. He probably doesn't even exist. If he did, then why would I born with my father and mother druggies, my father an abuser and leech on my grandpa, and mother a whore who fucks everyone in town?
The fuck did I do to deserve this? I wasn't even born yet, so why the fuck did he put me in a situation like this?
Lutheranism is the truth. corrupted heretic
Fuck the pope.
>1 Timothy 2:5
>For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
>believing the pope is a mediator
user, please stop believing anything they tell you about the "evil church"
How can something that tells you do believe in Jesus, while ignoring anything He said because "only faith saves" be good?
Cathlicucks act like the pope speaks on behalf of God.
Maybe if you haven't an childish view of things...
>act like the pope speaks on behalf of God
...you'd look at the fact, instead of ill intended lies
Important bit for anyone (serious) that would like to convert but has that kind of prejudice against Orthodoxy (or catholicism for that matter)
I mean, 9:22.
Islam is degenerate. They allow for liberal divorce and they feast when they are supposed to be fasting. Muhammad in particular was especially disgusting, vid related.
The Orthodox churches have failed to uphold tradition nearly as strongly as Catholicism has. They have maintained a more consistent liturgy but the actual teachings of the church, but, the Catholic Church has stayed far more consistent on the actual substance of Christianity, on matters of morals and faith. Orthodox Churches allow liberal divorce and remarriage and birth control, which are two of the modern world's biggest problems and the Catholic Church is 100% against both of those things. Its more limited but, some within the Orthodox Church are even permissive on abortion while the Catholic position is strictly unchanging.
So you're implying chirstianity is the best religion out there?
Isn't it so easy to realize there are no gods and religion is just an religious ehtic? I mean, every belief has its own rules that has to be followed
So you're implying chirstianity is the best religion out there?
Isn't it so easy to realize there are no gods and religion is just an religious ehtic? I mean, every belief has its own rules that has to be followed
Sorry for my autism. Forgot to tag you
A sinner is saved by faith alone because of the grace of God. read the Concordia and take the lutherpill user
>Isn't it so easy to realize there are no gods and religion is just an religious ehtic? I mean, every belief has its own rules that has to be followed
Answers like make me grateful for not being an atheist anymore
>Ignore half of the new testament, don't make effort to do as Jesus taught us and reduce Christianity to "you only have to believe"
No thanks, I'd rather not be a protestant.
>I can do whatever I want and still be saved as long as I believe
>While Orthodox Christians hold differing views on contraception, the majority in the United States view it as an acceptable practice on the condition that spouses use it to postpone or space the birth of children. The form used, however, should not produce an ahortion.13 Married couples who deliberately refuse to procreate not because of health issues hut for hedonistic reasons are understood to violate one of the major purposes of marriage.
You can read on some
Whatever, I mean, you're use some disrespectful video to hate on another religion, why be like that?... Seriously, if you want to actually learn more about Islam or Orthodox Christianity, go talk to an Imam or a priest, don't rely on what someone on Jow Forums tells you.
>the majority in the United States view it as an acceptable practice on the condition that spouses use it to postpone or space the birth of children
Yes that is exactly my point, the Orthodox church allows contraceptive. The Catholic Church does not allow it except in very specific circumstances. I don't hate the Orthodox Church at all and I haven't been disrespectful to it. The structure of the Orthodox Church makes it impossible to seriously maintain orthodoxy in the modern world, while despite the many problems the Catholic Church has had it has managed to maintain its teachings unlike any other church.
And I don't like Islam and no Christian should and all that video was doing was directly quoting from Islamic sources. You can't find Christian sources that say stuff like that about Jesus. You can find anti-Christian sources that will say disgusting things about Christ but, that video is simply quoting from a source most Muslims consider legitimate.
some might argue that anyone truly opposed to degeneracy would see modern roman catholicism as the source of most of it
Yeah but what about the other gods of other cultures? With intuition you can clearly see that gods and religion were created to explain the phenomenas and give hope for an aferlife. Most religions promises it
Also what's the diference of a protestant and your beliefes?
Just want to really know why you guys believe
Never implied that. You arent supposed to follow the rules only to be saved retard, youre supposed to follow them regardless of being saved
>ignores half the testament to justify hereticial acts of the Catholic church
Protestantism is the purest form of Christianity
>Yeah but what about the other gods of other cultures?
All of them are partially right, because they got some aspect right.
>With intuition you can clearly see that gods and religion were created to explain the phenomenas and give hope for an aferlife.
Pride comes before fall, you should control your arrogance.
>Most religions promises it
Most religions promise power and richness (just look at american Christians)
>gods and religion were created to explain the phenomena
Jung would say they were projecting the archetypes form their unconscious. Anyway, the thing is that all peoples were once politheists, that doesn't matter they weren't inspired by God to explain things the way they did in a less precise way. Using a Junguian perspective, maybe it was God that put those archetypes in our collective uncounscious so that one day all men would be able to understand the prophets. Again, I'm no priest, it be more reasonable if you went to a church and talked to a priest if you actually want to learn about christianity.
I'm seriously considering about converting this summer since my experience this spring, how the fuck do I do it? I'm not baptized or whatever that means
Find a good church, where people are good to you and not arrogant and ask the priest about conversion.
You can watch these to understand a bit our point of view. There are other videos out there and many churches you could visit too. You see, a good analogy is that of a farm: It will only produce food if the farmer puts work on it, but he aslso needs God grace, for else he might be hit by a flood or a drought. But God's grace alone won't make the farm yield either, both his work and God will allow him to prosper
You'll have to fight your introversion on this one, but just go to the nearest church, mate. Obviously it'd be easier if you had a friend who went to church, but I won't assume that's the case. Also, remember nothing is perfect.
Protip: semitic faiths inherently degenerate and destroy. It is the nature of the desert that it brings: exploitation, consumption, and conquest, for the people of the desert cannot survive without leeching off something else.
A Catholic is a 90/10 pagan, who has betrayed his people but wishes to get the best of both worlds.
Oh, and remember the Protestant Reformation? Gee, maybe purism goes both ways bucko.
All Catholicism has brought me is a fear of suicide. Bastards
Friendly reminder not to project modern perspectives onto historical cultures.
That said, from my life, the gods were created as archetypes for roles in society, as teachers of the ways of old, and of the cycles of life. Tarot would be considered an miniature extension and formulation of this. Spades / swords / summer, wands / clubs / autumn, hearts / cups / spring, pentacle / diamonds / winter,
I shop around and pick & choose my religion based on whether or not it is against what my political party is against, instead of worshiping out of sincere faith and desire to know the truth.
Look, I was raised Catholic, and it was the foundation of my faith, but the whole lizard head/pedophile/secret society/666 thing has me spooked.
Also, you know, the whole allying with New Babylon/NWO thing.
Shoot, I clicked post by accident. But I think my point is clear. They may have devolved over time, but misunderstanding - especially due to reticide by the Church.
"The fruits of the earth are not brought to perfection immediately, but by time, rain and care; similarly, the fruits of men ripen through ascetic practice, study, time, perseverance, self-control and patience." - St. Antony the Great
Why be so arrogant, mate? Why delude yourself into thinking you have it all figured out? Why hate so much?
>A Catholic is a 90/10 pagan, who has betrayed his people but wishes to get the best of both worlds.
That's such an oversimplification, mate. Why not learn more about christianity before trying to make theological arguments against it? Just go to a priest and talk.
Nothing with men is perfect, you shouldn't discard the church because you see flaws in it. Just try to find a parish that best fits your spiritual needs?
Not really supposed to be there but ok
You assume that the quotes of saints are from the holy text itself? The problem with your religion is that any culture associated with it eventually degenerates into what we have now. There is no inherent temperance in the rites of passage, of tradition, it is merely temporal and - with purist movements (Protestants) and cultural down flow (priest -> mass misunderstandings) the meanings become lost and all that's left is what we have now.
>just talk to a priest
Just know, I have read Geneva, KJ and (((Scofield))) versions of the book, and used to be tied to Baptists. I also know plenty of Catholics without any ties to tradition or meaning. Again, personal thought and experience, not arrogance.
I was regarding historically. It may be, but it's the way it is. Much like Wiccans, who sold out pure pagans as satanic during the 50s.
Schisms naturally result in deviance from truth, and in the end total loss of value. There's a reason oral tradition and personal experience ironically keep consistency more than writ ideal.
>All of them are partially right, because they got some aspect right
Right because the etics we've been taught by our parents and the society we live. So you're saying other gods do exist or what?
>Pride comes before fall, you should control your arrogance.
I just made my point. Dont try to be the wise Merlin out of this. Also where is the pride if I'm looking for the truth itself.
>Most religions promise power and richness (just look at american Christians)
So, what's your religion? You didn't answer. in what way some religions promise power and richness? Don't see the correlation
I hate Pope Francis
We are talking about the existance of God, not comparing timelines. Of course, the past will think different than the future, but sure the future knows more than the past.
>maybe it was God that put those archetypes in our collective uncounscious
Sounds like he put the ideas till we had evolutionated to finally had the intellect to think about it. There it goes the capability to reason about the world and why it was like that. Ended it up in the necesity to represent and explain all that with these omnipotent beings with limiteless power
Come to realize that discussing against the existance of god is like playing with a kid that has unlimited power and can fill the spaces with whatever thing he imagines. No offence, but this will end up like this
Are you guys ready for the counter-counter-reformation?
I'm sorry, but I'm not a spic nigger that idolizes humans along with Christ and Yahweh. The Pope shouldn't be your leader when christ already is, and you shouldn't pray to saints or Mary. There is only one God, Yahweh the father, the son, Christ our savior, and the holy spirit.
1 John 5:21King James Version (KJV)
21Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
why don't you join a real religion that doesn't need strict morality and laws to explain itself and the world around while looking incredibly fallible as a result of fucking up in the modern world?
Based and Lutherpilled
my religion is 5000 years old and I've only heard of whoever the fuck this jesus character is 2000 years ago so I'm inclined to believe its all made up bullshit made to take advantage of poor and stupid people in the middle east with bullshit tales of "salvation" and shit for abandoning their pagan gods
Catholicism has become just another mouthpiece for globalist oligarchs to utilize in their satanic world conquest and reconstruction of the Tower of Babel.
Materially examine Christianity and know how well it stands up:
The conduct/ethics/morals are everything desirable in people: self-discipline and charity. Self-discipline in the forms of prohibitions against drug use (including out-of-wedlock sexuality, masturbation and a fornication are abuse and damage of dopamanergic brain systems) and the like, all of which work to maximally produce an individual capable of good works and the building up of society. Charity and forgiveness are exactly what you would desire in a position of weakness and need and exactly what is called for.
The role of repentance and forgiveness becomes apparent in our time as politics reaches ever closer to violence. 10,000+ years of human conflict, the entirety of history, with no end in sight; the only way is through repentance of antagonisms and forgiveness.
The practices also stand up: communal worship brings people together for social connections and needs which are vital to mental and societal health. Furthermore, prayer is a form of mediation and has been scientifically proven to have positive benefits upon the wiring of the brain as well as resilience, focus, and concentration of practitioners.
The metaphysics and theology of God himself provide one with meaning and purpose in our time of utter decay. Can the same truly be said of the consumeristic material-hedonism of our time? No it cannot, it is fundamentally empty and nihilistic. Most people do not realize this because they are so busy gathering as much dopamine into their brains as possible. It is dopamine-slavery.
>tfw your religion is just a mix of judaism and paganism
>tfw you still believe you have all the answers
>tfw literally the america of religions
So the boys are just a necessary price to pay? An unavoidable collateral damage. Will you offer your son for this noble cause?
"Teacher," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us."
"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,
for whoever is not against us is for us.
Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward."
Mark 9:38-41
>the most corrupt NGO in human history, currently led by a communist cuck
>fighting degeneracy
you are such a fucking moron it hurts
so if someone does good really well while having sex out of wedlock and doing a shitload of drugs doesn't that negate the religion?
isn't christianity only practiced because they slashed and burned their way to get here?
isn't teen pregnancy still a big issue with christians compared to people who use birth control?
Read "The Case for Christ"
An atheist did what you literally said to do and was converted
this. Join your local Roman Catholic Church and repent for your sins. It's the only way, anons.
Behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the aend of the earth, Say to the daughter of Zion, "Lo, your Yeshua comes; Behold His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him."
Isaiah 62:11
*Which* Orthodox Church?
I will never forgive Cath*lics for what they did to my country
what the fuck is this bullshit?
my shit was here way before this holier than thou bullshit
prophecy dood
so what?
I never seen any miracle to give this shit credence
are you jewish? , i can understand why you dont belive in jesus he didnt build the third temple therefore he didnt fulfill the prophecy
no, older and way more mature
i'm anti-semitic so i can't subscribe to a semitic kike religion, my dude
also, christian women are no less slutty than other women
pagan? why dont you just say
false prophet
can't teach a religion and have people believe it voluntarily unless they go around whipping people to submit
my religion has been consistent over 5000 years and yet christianity can't even get its story straight and is ripped from pagan myths
>Claims to oppose degeneracy
Except it doesn't. The Catholic Church is the world's largest child-fucking organization on the planet. Makes NAMBLA look like a joke.
Bet you are a Hindu. Hinduism is an even greater clusterfuck than Scientology.
no but just as old and just as wise
You cant even decide which god to worship. Why do you need so many? Why not have a god for everything, or at least an exponentially smaller pantheon?
Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from you."
He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.
The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here.
When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.
Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."
Matthew 12:38-45
Wait, I misread that. You are not a Hindu. Ignore my other post.
we acknowledge the human condition instead of trying to suppress it like a retard
my gods are representations of the human condition and are used to interpretate why we do the things we do or why we believe what we do and forces us to try to interpret human interaction and our own desires and actions in a give and take world
this is way deeper than some bullshit "lol sky god said so"
my religion doesn't need strict morality or rules or whatever the fuck because believe spiritual beliefs and intentions and desires reside in the individual, we only seek to explain and understand why people act good or bad or neutral or for no reason what so ever while keeping to our self
very pro freedom, very progressive, very consentual
Catholic seminarian here: pray for me, I'll pray for you, user!
One divine being is more than enough, assuming omnipotence. Hindu gods are weak one trick ponies
well then your god is a prick because his only mood is "believe in me or I'll smite you"
and yet, I've yet to be struck by lightning or get the plague or some other christian bedtime story bullshit and my religion is way older so
good job believing the stories of some middle eastern schizophrenic
Vatican ii was a mistake
The church is dead
Your gods are obsolete, powerless, and irrelevant
I literally go through every day blashpemizing god and nothing bad has happened to me and in fact a lot of good things have happened to me
for being so ominprescent your god seems to be a big ass fucking pussy
So be it. Hinduism is clunky and primitive.
not hindu
my religion has no answers but answers many questions better than some stupid fucking middle eastern rule book
my religion had gay recognition and female rights and separation of church and state in like 2000 bc
THat may be so, but you couldnt streamline it and drop the unnecessary parts.
I will say that I also despise the concept of reincarnation. It sounds tortuous. Only he most cruel gods would subject a souls to more than one life in this world