Anyone else get pissed off when normal or even slightly above average looking guys claim to be le foreber alone incel...

Anyone else get pissed off when normal or even slightly above average looking guys claim to be le foreber alone incel just because they're a bit overweight or have a bad haircunt and fashion sense? None of these fags know how it feels to truly be ugly

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This is pretty much 90 percent of r9k and self-proclaimed incels in general. It's VERY rare for someone to be born truly and inherently ugly. All images I have seen from incel forums are of very average looking guys - some even above average if it weren't for how they styled themselves and (ofc) their personality.

It's rough being ugly buddy, but once you accept there's nothing you can do about it it becomes a whole lot easier to pursue happiness elsewhere. I'm a female, and I know it's not a popular opinion here, but I think looks play a much larger factor in determing a woman's value than a man's. Sometimes I'm reminded of all the things I'll never know, love, sex, etc. And that hurts, I won't lie, but it's possible to get yourself in a positive mindspace despite being trapped in an ugly body.

Rambling a bit, 5am. On phone. Have a good one, user.

Yeah but its so hard to watch everyone else be normal and experience love, while rot away alone. Its just not fair, its so hard to ignore it, i want to die everytime i accidentally look in a mirror

You might not beileve me but im telling you that your appearance doesnt really matter.

I am genetically gifted. I am 6ft 6in tall. I am white and have blue eyes. My muscles are pretty big. I go to a giant state university.

The reason I'm an incel is mental. I have a seriously unattractive personality. I'm 100% sure of this not because I assumed this was the way the world works, but because I've experienced it. I've been cucked by a 300lbs fat weeb and an extremely short Mexican dude, and then I talked to the femoids involved and asked them "why." It's because I have extremely deep personality traits that are unattractive. It's completely mental.

Alright try being being mentally AND physically ugly. You have hope, for me it is already over

You have to think positive, and I know that's such typical normie advice, but that's literally all you can do in our kind of situation. Either you force yourself to think positive and find happiness in alternative ways, or you doom yourself to inescapable mental torture.

I've stopped ever opening the front facing camera and I limit mirror use to doing the basics (brushing hair, plucking, brushing teeth etc). During the day I think of all the things I have to be thankful for - I can use the internet, I have food and water, I am relatively healthy, etc. Life could be infinitely worse.

Either I'm drawing, listening to music, playing games or cycling. All these things take the mind off of the emotional anguish. Keep your mind busy, don't let the negative thoughts fester.

Bad personality in what way? Like you're autistic or antisocial? Also 6ft 6 is teetering on the weirdly tall side, if not just fully over the edge. Is your face attractive? Having blue eyes doesn't determine much.

What you guys don't understand is that not being deformed does not guarantee a gf. Nowadays even average and slightly good looking guys have it hard. Sure, being a 4/10, 5'4, 3 inch penis guy is tragic, but a 5/10, 5'6, 5 inch penis guy is pretty much in the same boat.

True and I'm one of those people except I don't claim to be an incel or anything. In general I don't really care and just came here because Jow Forums is dead except the pajeets selling their shitcoins to each other.

Also 25 and kissless virgin despite being fairly normal on the outside, I'm even 6'4". AMA I guess I'm just waiting to go wagecuck tomorrow

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It doesn't matter that they aren't ugly, you're still going to be just as lonely if you never had a gf anyways.
The real problem is that halo effect is real so uggos are treated worse on all levels and not just relationships.

>tfw uncool normie that gets compliments but can't socialise
I would be a chad if I worked out and knew how to talk to people.

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I do want to say this though. Consider if you were ripped. Would women really care about an ugly face if you were in really good physical shape? I don't know but sometimes I even think that being physically fit has an effect on your facial features too, when I was in the military after I lost like 50lbs my face was noticeably more masculine I guess, maybe it's because losing fat in your face defines your face bones or some shit, spooky

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how do I put this
you won't get a single good post if you're trying to start a "who is the most incel" competition

>I'm a female

>I am genetically gifted. I am 6ft 6in tall. I am white and have blue eyes. My muscles are pretty big. I go to a giant state university.

>boohoo am mentally ugly

Alright but being truly ugly isn't something you can change, meanwhile you can always improve yourself socially. Obviously if there's some deep-rooted trauma, that will always be with you.

But personally, despite my ugliness, I'm able to make friends with my sense of humour and friendliness. People like me despite being completely hideous (to the point where I've been shouted at and called a tranny/faggot/dyke etc by randoms in public, (I'm a cis female)).

What I can't do, is experience love, and I never will simply because of how I look. I've improved myself so much recently in how I act and dress, but I will never make that leap into the normie life due to circumstances out of my control

You are in control of your minds, you are so lucky if you are average to above average. Know that.

It's not a who's the most incel competition, either you're incel or you're not. Most of these people aren't incels, theyve simply got severe self esteem issues / are awkward. And that's a good thing, it means they can improve and find happiness from a traditional route.

And really have to roll my eyes at the implication females can't be incel. It's literally the most retarded meme to come out of this whole thing. Have you legitimately never seen an ugly woman in your life? We exist, idk what to tell you. Khv right here.

>face disfigured thanks to acne scars
>find r9k
>full of faggots with their "muh anxiety" "muh depression" "too shy to talk to a girl"

If you look normal and can't get a girlfriend you're fucked. That's it, it's fucking over for you.

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Ah you're a femanon my condolences. Not trying to meme you but genuinely most men do in fact judge on looks. I'm from Jow Forums so I assume everyone I'm talking to is male. It isn't like you will never find love though, sure you won't marry adonis or something but unless you're a burn victim it shouldn't be too hard if you're female

let me ask you this; how many times have you been rejected by men for your advances?

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I've never approached men, they've never approached me. Ugly people making advances is considered creepy across the board. Last thing I want is to make people uncomfortable with my mere presence, I'm just trying to live in peace at this point.

For whatever reason, anons on this board really don't understand just how inherently ugly a person, specifically a woman, can be. I mean, think of just the ugliest woman you can, some kind of 7ft, witch-nosed, crooked-jawed beast, and really be honest with yourself: would you date her? Would anyone? Chances are no.

Well I'm not a good standard to go by because I wouldn't really date any women right now unless they approached me. To be honest I don't really know how I would react, maybe say yes because my life during the week is so fucking boring.

kissless virgin despite being fairly normal and 6'4"

But I don't want to change, I like how I am. I just want a nice e-girl to call my own, not a normie/Stacey.

I understand what you mean, but there are still plenty of guys that are willing to look past cosmetic shit. I've seen a hambeast ogre psycho marry a fairly wealthy below average looking neckbeard first hand.

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As much as this sounds like shit to disregard, i think this might be actually right.

i've always searched for what the hell is wrong with my personality, cant find it to this day, but i just know something is wrong with it, since i cant keep friends.

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I just find it really hard to believe that would be anyone's genuine answer. I've seen some pretty desperate femanons try connect with incels here, and as soon as they share pictures they just get put on blast and ridiculed. Pretty much the same irl, just incessant ridicule for existing as an ugly person.

Tbf though, I'm sure some truly desperate people would be willing to look past a certain level of ugliness just for the sake of gaining that experience of sex - but then the chances of a long term relationship? Astronomical.

Anyway it's 7am now, so I might stop replying.

um sweetie why did you imply that you hate all men? going to have to roll my eyes right here but don't worry, you can improve and find happiness from a traditional route.

Fair enough I suppose, but just consider what you CAN do to change your circumstances. Most people have been given a shit roll at life's game of genetic or opportunity dice, but what can you do with what you DO have? Hope it works out for you, as long as you never give up you shouldn't care what people think if they're the sort that ridicule an attempt at self improvement.

What, are you one of the self-proclaimed mentalcels? I don't understand why you feel defensive of keeping that title, it's not a good thing to be an incel. If you're average/above average be grateful, it's a blessing. It's not an attempt to deligitimize mental issues or emotional turmoil etc etc, life is hell, whatever. But words have meanings and there's no sense in diluting the term incel by mixing in people who are by all means normal, but have some antisocial tendencies that make romance difficult.

I can't believe you identify as a narcissistic mentalcel. Seek help.

Yeah, if it comes it comes, if it doesn't it doesn't. I won't spend my life searching for love when there are other ways to keep my mind content. Wish you luck for your own situation, though.

Okay user, will do.
