Do you get scared that the first girl you're with will be the only girl you'll ever be with?
Do you get scared that the first girl you're with will be the only girl you'll ever be with?
thought the same when i first dated someone. life changes in ways you can't imagine. don't worry about it.
That's what I want though.
thanks i needed to hear this
>first girl youre with
What do you mean by this bro??
I only want to be with one woman in my life.
Oh, I thought you meant that you want to be scared.
Not at all. I hope I find the love of my life on the first try.
can't get scared if she's already dead, nigger
I do want to be scared.
I thought my first gf was gonna be the last one and I honestly didn't give a shit. I mean, look at me, I'm already lucky I've ever had a gf, considering how ugly I am
Did you give a shit before you met her?
Can you elaborate a lil bit please?
I dunno, you tell me.
Some Stacy was giving me her time and I took it, thinking "hawhaw, she gonna stand me up and I'mma make a damn good story at work tomorrow! Hawhawhaw!"
Then she stuck around for like hours and I was running out of material to bullshit with. Didn't help she talked about her other boys.
Then she wanted to hook up and I rejected her advances.
Was I righteous or should I have pumped and dumped? Something tells me if I did that, the world would crush me even more than it already does.
No, I'm scared that there won't be a first girl.
no I kinda hope so because she'd be qt
I'm scared I'll mess it up. Technically it's my second. But it's the first time where I felt, great about myself, her, and us
Yeah but I'm not gonna work for it.
>Can you elaborate a lil bit please?
this is all I would want.
fucking incels
As long as I get the sweet taste of love, please for the love of God please fucking PLEASE
I just need to get my first.
Nice trips. And based beliefs.