So, now that I know 100% you fuckers are gangstlaking me, I just wanted to say...

so, now that I know 100% you fuckers are gangstlaking me, I just wanted to say... great job guys!!! im gonna fucking kill myself. haha im sooooooo done with this piece of shit world. like I said. ill be using my phone and ill let you know when im hangin myself within the next 10-11 days.. 1000000000000000000% ill post the haures symbol

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Why would the losers who browse Jow Forums all day would have any interest in you?

whooooooooo cares! im killing myself! 1000000000000%

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mommys screams.. oh boy, I can hear them now. lol

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Fucking do it you little punani ass bitch. Literally kill yourself, you mentally ill deranged faglord.

Nobody on Earth will give a fuck when you die.

who are you? what's going on? please don't kill yourself user

gooooooooooooooooooood. I don't care what anyone thinks. I wanty out. ive wanted out for so long. lets just make it interesting, lol. so I shall. I couldn't not say goodbye to muh best faggot frog friends in a based way

noooooooope im killing myself haha

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I ain't one of them brihihhzzleyoham
In fact, you might say we T W O are kindred spirits

i'm not seeing a livestream link

can you at least tell me why? who is stalking you? are you some famous girl on discord or something?

>i gunna do it ! I swear!

reminder brainlets, suicidal people just do it. When you are at the brink, the last thing you are thinking about is a chinese pokemon image forum. This is a squeaker attention thread

ill be watching amouranths stream the night I do it.. muh special lady, shes so awesome! ill post the haures symbol let you guys know im doing it while im watching her stream

You seriously think we are still trying to hide it? We will keep watching you day and night and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You are weak. You can't take it. We are laughing at you. We will never stop. This will be the last message from us in this thread. I just want to see the look on your face when you read this.

>whinny faggots that say they'll kts but never do
You mean like 95% of the people on r9k?

if you're a regular, just wait for this symboly in the next 10-11 days. and you'll know im doing it


I don't want you to do it. I want you to tell me why you're doing it and what would make you feel better

right o buddy. im soooooo fucking happy im finally done with this piece of shit world. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it

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just stop. im killing myself. wait for the symbol

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How about you stop? Don't kill yourself unless you have a reason. If you had a reason you'd tell me

>be gangstalked
>haha i guess i'll kill myself that'll show them


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life is shit.... ive been dead since I was a kid. im DONE! I hate people I hate myself IM FUCKING DONE!!!!!

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NO MORE TALK... you wait for the next 10-11 days. JUST WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

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that's still not a reason user. why do you feel dead? what happened as a kid? what made you hate life?

go tell someone who cares faggot

Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved

how are you being gangstalked?

You're cute.
Still, no, the suicidal people make up only 30% of posts here daily.

If anything the trannies and homos out number them 30 to 1.

faggot, just get off. you're a loser that nobody cares about.

lmao youre the stalked by neckbeard poster arent you

kinda cringe tho bro