How to get to heaven

Greetings, Jow Forums
I would like to take the time and preach the word of God

Romans 3:23 KJV
>For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23 KJV
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Revelation 20:14-15 KJV
>And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
>And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 21:8 KJV
>But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Romans 5:8 KJV
>But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Acts 16:31 KJV
>And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

John 3:16 KJV
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
>For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
>Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Romans 6:23 KJV
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Acknowledge that you're a sinner. Sinning of any form sends you straight to hell as a punishment and that you will never go to heaven with your own ability. HOWEVER, God loves you so much that he gave his Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for ALL (yes ALL) our sins - He payed for your sins already. Since he's already payed for ALL our sins, you only have to put all your faith in Jesus Christ - No good deeds/works required because it's a gift. Once you are saved, you can never lose it because you're already saved. Getting into heaven is as simple as trusting Jesus Christ - that's it!

Here's a video that shows you more:

Faith cannot exist without good deeds.

idk man the whole "do this or total pain forever" shit sounds kinda sketchy. How can a soul feel pain anyways? It's not like it has limbs. Dumb

Actually, it can. However, I believe I might not be able to convince you, but if you take the time to watch this video, I bet it would do better than anything I could.

Why do protestants think believing in Jesus, while ignoring every thing He said, has any value? It's the the jew in the judges times. They recognize God and then started venerating idols because they are already "choose"

For once, don't be lazy and try to explain something for yourself, even if you don't believe laziness (or anything) is a sin.

I'm not a protestant, I'm a Baptist. And believing in Jesus as your savior is the only way to get to heaven BECAUSE we're already sinners that are condemned to go to hell. See the verses I posted in the OP:

Once you're guilty of ONE sin, you're guilty of the whole law and you're condemned to go to Hell no matter what. If you've ever lied, you're screwed.

HOWEVER, because Jesus Christ was perfect and was without sin, he was able to pay for our sins by going into the heart of earth (after his crucifixtion) for 3 days and was able to resurrect his full body.
All that is needed to do is that you believe on Jesus Christ as your savior because he payed for your sins already.

>I'm not a protestant, I'm a Baptist.
Baptists are protestants, even if you think your church is so special it's excepted from names.

The problem with a church that takes too easy on sins, since "you're already guilt" and "faith alone will save", is that followers will usually be really bad people, that mindfully are bad, because "they have faith and will be saved".

>See the verses I posted in the OP
Don't cherry pick the King James broken translation.

>The problem with a church that takes too easy on sins, since "you're already guilt" and "faith alone will save", is that followers will usually be really bad people, that mindfully are bad, because "they have faith and will be saved".
Then that's a bad church, go to a good church that preaches hard against sin and the churchgoers are significantly more likely to live clean lives.

Jesus fucking Christ why are you Christians even on Jow Forums? The stuff on here isnt even appropriate for your pussy eyes to see. Yahweh is a fucking cunt and all u abrhamic fools deserve no heaven at all, you dont deserve hell either. We need to go back to paganism or just be agnostic or atheist.

Not even a Christian but Catholicism makes far more sense than protestantism.

>Then that's a bad church
Every single protestant church I've gone is bad, I honestly tried to be respect, but I couldn't.
>go to a good church that preaches hard against sin
Like the Church I go every single day
>that preaches hard against sin and the churchgoers
It's hard to preach "you can be as bad you want as long you believe" and "you should avoid sin and evil" at the same time.
At least I've never seem a church preach both.

hey OP, i appreciate your desire to help people make peace with God and so, no longer remain under wrath for their crimes against him

saying that, i think i ought to point out that when you say you are 'Baptist', i think you're more likely an 'Independent Fundamentalist Baptist' which is a little bit different from the original Baptist denomination

one way to tell is if you subscribe to the '1689 Baptist Confession of Faith' -- and if you don't, then you likely belong to an Independent fellowship which has separated itself from the larger communion

Why are you so mad with Christianity?
I know some Christians are fragile cunts that are genuinely bad people who think they are better than you because the believe, but many are really good people that don't have a problem calling you a nigger from being an internet atheist.

why god allows other religions to exist? to send people to hell? why he start his religion in kike shithole and why did he favor them?

>1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
I don't know what that is. I was taught that churches need to be a local thing and not part of a huge umbrella.

Christians are pussy faggots

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>why god allows other religions to exist?
Because God made men free do to as men want, we are made "the image of God" and have free will.
>to send people to hell?
Hell is nothing more than being far from God, it'd not be wrong to say many people are living in hell right now.
>why he start his religion in kike shithole and why did he favor them?
First, while His influence in Israel is more "visible", God has influence many places in many ways, in order to save mankind.

Do you think reprobates can be saved?

Dude, being a (real) Christian requires a shiton of strength to live as Christ taught us.
You should learn about Christianity, it's far more deep than being nice, going to Church and "only believing"

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I dont hate Christians, I hate the bible and God. The bible is not even clear on what it wants its sheep to do and the fact a Catholic can go to hell if protestantism is true or protestant if Catholicism is true, just shows how shit Jesus really is. The lust sin is impossible and fucking crazy, the fact you have to put Jesus first in EVERYTHING and if you dont you go to Hell is also fucked up. Why should a muslim or jew have to go to hell? They all worship the same God.

No. The word reprobate means they have been rejected. Even knows they can't be saved.

>Because God made men free do to as men want, we are made "the image of God" and have free will.
is a man condemned to hell for not knowing jesus, because he was born in the wrong place truly free? god allows our low iq selves to be led astray by others?
>Hell is nothing more than being far from God, it'd not be wrong to say many people are living in hell right now.
hell is tortue

>I don't know what that is.

that's ok, the '1689 Confession' dates back to a time just around when the King James Bible first came into use -- and the Baptists who read and understood God's word wanted to make a clear 'Statement of Beliefs' which joined all Baptists together, and let people know what a local Church believed before they joined

>The bible is not even clear
The Bible requires effort, dedication and help from God.
>the fact a Catholic can go to hell if protestantism is true or protestant if Catholicism is true
Many protestants (those that believe AND follow Christ) are going to Heaven if the Catholics are rights and many Catholics (those that believe in Christ) are going to heaven if protestants are right.
>The lust sin is impossible and fucking crazy
Without help from God and self control it's really impossible.
> the fact you have to put Jesus first in EVERYTHING and if you dont you go to Hell is also fucked up.
You don't even know what "putting Jesus first" mean
>Why should a muslim or jew have to go to hell?
Because some of them are genuinely sinful and bad people, believing in the same God won't save a person that is convenient with sin

I think that a more modernized answer is suffice. I have been taught in a theology class in a catholic university that humans have a feeling of right from wrong. Only the Lord knows the difference between the two, and humans worry and fret over trying to be "good" or "bad" without knowing the difference. Jesus frees you from having to choose between right from wrong and enables you to live as the authentic person you are. This does have a small stipulation that you may or may not agree with. Every human desires a common good, this good is perceived as love and is breathed into us by the holy spirit. So by being saved, we are now able to experience this love in its full beauty and are now puts us on the path that God has set for us.

So in short, accepting and believing in Jesus will naturally set you on the path to a righteous life. Those who are saved do not have an affinity towards murder, stealing, or hurting others because of the love they feel and acknowledge in life.

Do you mean they can be saved, but they just choose not to believe since God can forgive all our sins?

To my knowledge, they are beyond salvation because they made a final rejection of God and his way of salvation.

(catholic here)
>is a man condemned to hell for not knowing jesus
>because he was born in the wrong place truly free?
Since the very definition of hell is "a state far from God", if that person could be not sinful and get close to Him, that person will not go to hell
>god allows our low iq selves to be led astray by others?
God gave man power (intelligence, willpower,...) and freedom, if a person don't know how to use it's powers or to call God for help, it's that person problem.

>hell is tortue
In movies and cartoons, because it look cool and radical.

This entire theology is one of the most non-scriptural, herterodox things I've read all week. Baptists are truly borderline heretics.

Doesn't this have to do with predestination? I Was taught that the gift God gives us in life is free will. This is why he rewards those that choose to follow him.

>borderline heretics.
Anyone that denies freewill, and follow the "faith alone" path is a full fledged heretic

It's not predestination because those people CHOSE to reject God and God gave them up.

Everything you do is a choice.

Catholics and Orthodox believe in freewill and good deeds
Protestants believe some are predestined (chosen) by God (themselves) to be saved from birth.

But Jesus says he will not cast out anyone who comes to him. The people that never believe unto death are reprobates.

the fact that you must go to great depths to justify to weakness of your theology is sad. explain why god allows your churches to become cucked and feminized? why would he not make his message clear for all to see and understand, and instead relies on 8ch theologians to interpret the gospel?

But in the context I described is how it's used in most religious texts.
I met someone who believed this. His ego was extremely toxic and actually bullied a good friend of mine to tears.

Not everyone is a reprobate. The people you're talking about are simply unsaved people that died and went to hell.

silly christians. searching for truth in a monotheistic tribal godhead perpetuated by empires and authority structures to fool man into accepting the notion of "Obediance or death". Just being alive is enough to fulfill Gods desire for you to exist. Nothing more is asked of you.

Let me also say, everyone goes to heaven. we are all apart of the divine source, so when the body dies we return to source (God). We fuel creation with consciousness and return to whence we came upon death of the creation.

Well, Baptists aren't protestants. If you have an issue with predestination, take it up with the Calvinists - They are protestants.

Churches are made by humans, that are smart (thus can understand texts like an 8th grader) but are flawed (thus sometimes make some churches cucked)

Ahh sorry I wasn't distinguishing the two. My mistake. Thank you for clearing that up :)

>Well, Baptists aren't protestants.
Catholics and Orthodox believe in freewill and good deeds
Protestants (and Christians that are incredible similar with protestants but are not protestants) believe some are predestined (chosen) by God (themselves) to be saved from birth and that faith alone save.

>that person could be not sinful and get close to Him
not possible for men
>if a person don't know how to use it's powers or to call God for help, it's that person problem.
how can the muslim or the hindu or the chinese even be capable to know what is true? the society they live in teaches them that their respective beliefs are true. humans are sheep thinkers, even the bible recognizes this.

Are you a Stephen Anderson kind of Baptist, or a Charles Spurgeon kind of Baptist?

>Protestants (and Christians that are incredible similar with protestants but are not protestants) believe some are predestined (chosen) by God (themselves) to be saved from birth and that faith alone save.
Baptists don't believe that. Stop lumping people into categories you don't like.
Protestants have more in common with Catholics/Orthodox than they do with Baptists anyways.

Anyone in hell is beyond salvation and thus reprobates. God lets His sun shine on the just and unjust and sends His rain on the righteous and the wicked matthew 5:45

and you know this how my man?
how great is our god that his message is easily perverted by feminists and liberals right? lol

>not possible for men
If you follow the "I can be as sinful as I want, because faith will save me" theology, just take one more step and become a jew

>In movies and cartoons, because it look cool and radical.
Matthew 8:12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Revelation 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
yeah its just for movies lol

>Protestants have more in common with Catholics/Orthodox than they do with Baptists anyways.
You think you church is far more special and unique than it really is. Many Baptists (wrongly) follow Calvin theology, even if they should, if you don't follow it, I'm happy for you.

Read the Epistle of James, it basically deny the entire "faith alone" theology. James said very well that faith without deeds is death and won't save anyone.

>Matthew 8:12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
This is a good description of being far from God.
>Revelation 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Taking revelation literally... user...

They are also sheep fuckers in the Qu'ran

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
explain? this is why hate Jow Forums christians. they try to change their faith to fit their own ideas of justice and god and distance themselves from the mainstream of their cucked region

Religion is actually evil. There is a god but he is an evil dick head and religion is just white people satan brain washing

There literally is no good. God is evil satan is evil man is evil

Literally just try and get money and bang girls and get high

I honestly cannot understand what you wanted to say, care to explain me?

>Taking revelation literally
so what can i take literally and what can't? if it doesnt seem like god its not literal? and besides in what way can a lake of fire been seen as anything but torture?
Matthew 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

g8 b8 m8 I r8 your b8 8/8

If you keep misunderstanding on purpose, you'll not understand it...

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Yeah sure. I asked you how can the person who never truly hears of Jesus and understands his message make it to heaven. You told me "if that person could be not sinful and get close to Him, that person will not go to hell". I then told you man can not go without sinning, and you responded "If you follow the "I can be as sinful as I want, because faith will save me" theology, just take one more step and become a jew." Then I responded with Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God", to demonstrate that all men sin

>If you keep misunderstanding on purpose, you'll not understand it...
will you actually try to enlighten me or avoid my question by blaming my ignorance on a desire to not accept god?
Please explain in what way can a lake of fire been seen as anything but torture? Consider the verse Matthew 25:46 "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." This states that hell is punishment

In what way does infinite punishment, fit a finite crime?

First, as a side note, Jesus was a man and He didn't sinned.
Second, every men is made the image of the Lord and every men heart craves for God. Any men will feel that sin is wrong by default.

Yes, being far from God is punishment, what's left to explain?

Purgatory doctrine, if you follow the Catholics.

>9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
>10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

>14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

>5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God

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>Jesus was a man
Jesus was man and god? Therefore he was able to overcome sin.
>Second, every men is made the image of the Lord and every men heart craves for God. Any men will feel that sin is wrong by default.
Ok, but how can a non Christian find forgiveness from these sins if he never is exposed to the gospel?
>Yes, being far from God is punishment, what's left to explain?
this punishment is torture

Yes, you cannot be a trap and a Christian at the same time, unless you find a "faith alone" church

see the video if you want a clear cut message to get to heaven.

>Jesus was man and god?
Jesus was a man and He was God (never "a god")
>Ok, but how can a non Christian find forgiveness from these sins if he never is exposed to the gospel?
Honestly, I don't know. Unless that person can ask for fogginess after death.

>this punishment is torture
Indeed, that's why Matthew said that being far from God is a form of punishment, or torture.




k, count me in


so hey, y'know God says in Genesis that all mankind is wicked in our every imagination and intent, right?

and you know He says this both before AND after He kills off most of humanity in a flood, yeah?

so if natural, unregenerate man is wicked -- a literal "slave to Sin", as Paul says to the Romans -- then how you gonna say man has Free Will huh?

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>Yes, you cannot be a trap and a Christian at the same time

What if I try to be a Christian, live as a hermit, and am willing to shed being a trap before entering Heaven?

To be honest, being a man for all eternity would be agony. But Hell will also be agony. Earthy life is also agony. So I'm fucked no matter what.

Can God just delete my soul?

>To be honest, being a man for all eternity would be agony.
Stop masturbating with your mind on the girl point of view. You "sexuality" will become healthy after a month or two.

I'm not included because I'm a tranny. Story of my life.

I don't hate Christians, or Christianity or God though. I just accept that you guys are better than me, and will be saved while I'm not.

user, no one is a (real) Christian because they are better, we become Christians because we are weak sinful shit people that need help from God.

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I don't masturbate to porn anymore, or often at all. The depression robs me of pleasure when I masturbate anyway, so there's no release and it's easy to give up.

I don't like men either, so I'm essentually asexual.

I think I may be too embarrassed to have erotic 'myself as a girl' fantasies, even privately.

Having fantasies and other weird troughs is normal, and every single human has it.
The way you deal with it and your actions, not your fantasies and imagination, determine what you are.
You're not a trap, the same way some delusional fuck is not chad.

>user, no one is a (real) Christian because they are better, we become Christians because we are weak sinful shit people that need help from God

If this is true, why did the other user say;

>Yes, you cannot be a trap and a Christian at the same time

A heroin addict can believe in the superiority of a clean life and struggle to get clean while relapsing back into heroin use. If a church is about healing people sick with sin, to deny a transsexual participation is like denying a heroin addict re-entry into Rehab after he falls off the wagon.

Again, I don't hate Christians, Christianity or God. Rules are rules. I guess God disapproves of my behavior, which means I get to burn in Hell.

If I really loved and wanted to obey God, I would believe his word even when it was bad for me.

Being something is accepting it.
Being a trap is voluntarily crossdressing and fucking with your body, and being a Christian is voluntarily follow and believing in Christ.
One cannot choose both, because choosing one would deny the other.

>One cannot choose both, because choosing one would deny the other

Even demons bow to Jesus.

If God is real and he created me, then that's a fact. My conversion to Christianity was based on the logic of a creator deity.

Just because God turns out to not accept traps, doesn't undo the logic of God. And it would be inconsistent on my part to deny God because He rejects me.

Also, the emotion that led to me believing in God was the desire for escape from Earth. To deny God is to damn myself into the hands of my enemies forever.

So I can't do a 180 and deny God, because I'd be denying my own prideful statements in the past that I was going to overcome my Earthly enemies by rising to Heaven.

I'm fucked. I saw God, and now I can't give up being a trap to follow Him. I begged Him for a personal audience, got it, and have done nothing with it.

Thanks for your time.

No, you rejected god because following some fantasies about being a girl is more important to you than Him.
Maybe you simple need to get away from your pc for a week or two, it work wonders

Hence my statement;

>I'm fucked. I saw God, and now I can't give up being a trap to follow Him. I begged Him for a personal audience, got it, and have done nothing with it

I'm a total fuck up who's going to Hell. But I still believe.

Quit your pc for 2 weeks, do some exercises, eat well, pray a lot. This will solve your "sexuality"
I used to have a problem with sexuality when I was younger and this solved if for me.