do test, post score
>did it
>if you get 32 you got it
>got 31
Looks like I dodged that bullet, I couldnt be more normal
do test, post score
>did it
>if you get 32 you got it
>got 31
Looks like I dodged that bullet, I couldnt be more normal
Other urls found in this thread:
im a neet that spends all day playing vidoe games and watching anime and i got a 21 hell yea
>Your AQ Test Score is: 42
I'm a diagnosed autist. Am I fucked?
33 , idk what to do anons
got a 23
>Did the test
>Mainly because I figured out the whole test's questions' intentions.
>not autist, despite what people said to me when I was young
>borderline score
it had the same question twice. maybe i am a fucking sperg for noticing
hehe fuck
Website kept on breaking and not letting me scroll down after 11 questions, sorry for photo of screen. No other solution
School psychologist in grade school thought I had autism enough to test me twice in 2nd and 5th grade. Both tests came back as not having autism. Going to go to a new psychologist all these years later and ask again.
To me it seems like I do, I have all the traits, or it may be schizoid "autistic thinking", I'm diagnosed schizophrenic and those have some overlap, who knows. Maybe both schizophrenia and autism/Asperger's
i'm surrounded by aspies in this thread
>tfw 35
fuck maybe i should actually get tested
Got a 30 on this a few years back. 33 now.
Am I socially retarded? Definitely.
Half autistic?...maybe... I hope not, though.
>got 33
Well, back to playing with my stones
>let's confirm we're literally, clinically autistic for the eleventy billionth time
>maybe it'll be different this time
Yeah, no.
So after two hours, I'm the most autistic person in this thread?
Is this a wake-up call?
42. Is there any benefit to getting tested?
Not really a surprise. High-ish IQ and pretending to be normie must have rubbed off on me, unless i was a normie all along
I'm definitely not aspie, but i get nervous around people i'm trying to befriend and girls im trying to bring in. Should i be professionally tested?
That wasnt the point. The fact that you didnt answer honestly to get an accurate score and decided to lie to a test that isnt trying to trick you proves to all of us that youre at least 31
Not autistic, I've just developed issues and become socially retarded due to self isolation.
No thats called being normal. You arent an aspie, i think you just chose "strongly" when in reality you probably shouldve chosen "slightly" on some questions.
It finally makes sense why everyone calls me weird
Why don't you use GNU?
not that good, still spergy enough
Snipping tool is easier desu
GNU is an operating system.
user fren gets it
Oh no guys, I thought it was just a meme to say I have autism
What kind of lvl34 ASD uses Windows tho?
Got 15
Fuck yeah aspies
>A psychologist gave me the GARS-2 test when I was 17.
>The scale indicates the probability of autism
>85 and above means very likely
>My score was a 104.
>a 104
Case in point.
i think noone in here as actually aspergers. They are just mega Beta faggots
And all that time i thought i was model normie and just a tourist here
Well I thought I'm just weird
Got 13. Get fucked spergs (literally).
>>Mainly because I figured out the whole test's questions' intentions.