Like, chad is chad but what is chad to you? im sure robots n fembots have their own opinions about chad but if chad is the ultimate guy, an ubermensch, then what is he like inside n out? Does he even need to be good looking? Is chad really just a shell? Or is he beautiful inside as well as outside. To me chad is the mans man but also knows women so well he gets to all of them, as well as being a handsome bastard. But his character imo is his most important quality
What makes chad, chad?
chads dont post on this board
a chad is chad because of his looks and genetic superiority. Find FaceandLMS if you want a good explanation.
because chad has a vpn but one popular enough to have gotten banned
Looks have nothing to do with it. Absolutely nothing.
Being a "chad" is an innate quality that only reflects on the outside, if that makes sense. It's about charisma. An aura of confidence without arrogance, of wisdom, leadership, firmness, things like that. All those are learnt. Some people can fake having them and I presume that's the case with most so-called chads, but that's not real chad-dom. The real chads are the ones who don't need to fake anything or prove anything to anyone. You don't need to be good looking, or even male, to be a chad.
Being chad is about being a good man. Good people can sense that and it's what makes them attractive.
you got me good my guy
What happens when chad cracks then? Does he lose it? Is it a state of being then vs a character? Being chad can be faked then, cant it? Meaning any robot can be chad
no idea, I've never thought of who is a chad or not. Usually the people I meet you would consider a "chad" in actuality is a complete normie fuckup that's been divorced twice getting fucked in the ass for child support
Physique matters greatly but is it really the only thing that matters to be chad? It will get the job done at the opening, initial meeting, but if he sucks or whatever then he cant keep the gals or m8s. Also does the females opinions matter most in defining a chad?
What do you think makes a chad, your chad and not what everyone else thinks is one?
I can tell whos a chad and whos a virgin just by a glance, its all looks/confidence/posture
He's Chadder than you.
That is his only defining characteristic, but it's the only one he needs.
The biggest Chad at your local sports bar wouldn't be worth fuck all at some hollywood millionaire party. On the other hand the most autistic virgin in there might move to some shithole town in China and find he's Chadder than most of the locals.
There are no objective chad traits, it all depends on the subject's social environment.
no, being a chad can't be faked. That's my whole point. Chads don't crack cause then they'd not be chad.
Obviously this is just my interpretation of the word and anyone can disagree, but chad is most of all someone who is themself. Just be yourself. When you take away everything superficial and fake in a man, and what remains is solid and commands respect, then you've got a chad.
A man who fears going outside if he's got a greasy hair is not a chad. If you need nice clothes and cosmetics to be confident or have people think well of you you're not a chad. It's not real.
If you make a mistake but can't admit it openly because you fear looking like a fool, you're not a chad. A chad may make mistakes but owns up to them.
If you believe your worth as a man is dependent on what women or other men think of you, you're not a chad. If things like being called a cuck or a nazi or feminine or whatever decide how you act, you're not a chad. You can pretend to be but it's not real.
Everyone wants to be a chad and everyone pretends to be one, but only the rare individuals who don't stop being chad once you strip them naked metaphorically speaking are the real chads, in my opinion.
A "chad" is a mental fabrication of people who assume a person with _____ features is superior. A lot of the times that's correct but my point was to look past the superficial at what else is there. Those chads you guys are always going on about turn into the proverbial beer gut sportball powerlifter with 3 ex wifes by the time they hit 40. I know because I'm not a NEET and am just temp visiting from another board.
being a "chad" doesn't last forever unless he's rich too. It takes work to be a chad, you can't put enough effort into it nor do you want to when you're 40 with kids. Take advantage of being an incel, go do cool shit that women would only hold you back from.
Interesting, i like this. Good ideas anons. Someone can be closer to being chad than others, but thats just brad aint it? Who is brad even? Is he striving to be chad but fails, is he content with where he is? Again I think looks matter here too quite a bit but it is not the determine factor. I am starting to think you can become a chad in terms of character but if your not very good looking it will take time for someone to notice it since you dont give that impression at first glance. But some people are stupid and have different tastes or are prejudice, etc
Brad is all looks with a garbage personality born out of deep insecurity as he'll never be chad
Chad is generally a pretty great guy, if a bit oblivious to the struggles of lesser men, he doesnt have the insecurity of Brad, good guy to have around as contacts are everything.
Chads are people who are successful in every aspect of their lives all whilst being a nice person.
Chad is a good looking guy.
Any kind of mental gymnastics you have with yourself about its not is wishful thinking at its worse.
Chad won't take your girl because he doesn't need to, but he could if he wanted to. Your girl doesn't want chad because that's not what she's used to.
It's that simple.
You could have the most beautiful woman as your girlfriend. Chad won't take her because every girl likes him and he only wants whatever is specific to his taste. Guys who need to surround themselves with 10 women all the time aren't chads. They might be good looking, but they're obviously overcompensating for the one that got away.
Even if chad does take your girl, he will only have her for one night because he can literally get any other girl he wants the next day.
All of your insecurities projected onto an ideal figure that you can never live up to. Chad is everything you are not and everything you wish you could be. It's something you created for yourself so you don't have to work to get things in life. This way you'll always have a reason to stay in your comfort zone where your feefees are safe. After all, "Chad", your fictional creation, will always be better than you so might as well not even try.
You'll never even find chad in real life. Only in your retarded little head.
Chad is an attitude. I am not going to bother debating with you retards because all you do is seethe and reject the truth. Gonna go fuck my mommy gf now, bye.
chad = 50% family and money , 40% genetics , 5% brain 4% personality , and 1% skill
To me Chad is just a guy that has most if not all of the desirable male traits. Tall, handsome, masculine, confident, assertive, motivated...etc.The kind of guy that all men would ideally like to be and the kind of guy that women are generally attracted to. It's really that simple.
Pure aesthetic looks