You guys do fear death, right?

You guys do fear death, right?

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>hate the idea of missing out on anything interesting in the future
>other hand I often want to fall asleep, stay that way and never wake again

Not sure anymore, Op. Not like life has much need for me or much to offer but some diversion.

Not really, i kind of want to off myself just to see what's on the other side. There's just a lot of stuff i want to do here first though

Missing out on some days by sleeping is one thing, but missing out what is gonna happen in the next few decades would be just sad. Think about the wondrous things that are gonna come up with the advancement of technology and tell me you'd be ok missing out. There will be so much new shit. Also, death is scary.

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More pain then death. The idea of slipping into eternal nothingness is oddly comforting to me

it's the dying part that makes death scary

pretty much this, im eager to see what mysteries of the universe physicists will unveil in the next decades but fuck man im so tired of it all

more powerful computers, faster and better cars, immersive vr, small medical advancements. same shit but better though same shit at the end of the day, truly radical lifechanging advancements will hit mainstream in close to a century desu. on the other hand the inmediate future is a totalitarian dystopia, there will be no happening or big wars. wish i could believe in cryonics and sleep for a century then wake up

>The idea of slipping into eternal nothingness is oddly comforting to me
I will never understand what you guys mean by that.

>it's the dying part that makes death scary
Ye, and all the "eternal nothing was" part too.

I think you're wrong. Who knows if there will be some radical paradigm shift in computers in a decade or so. Something truly radical. I believe it will.

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Looking forward to it everyday . I hope a 18 wheeler hits me hard enough or die of an heart attack in my sleep

Just die already you faggot.