You guys do fear death, right?
You guys do fear death, right?
>hate the idea of missing out on anything interesting in the future
>other hand I often want to fall asleep, stay that way and never wake again
Not sure anymore, Op. Not like life has much need for me or much to offer but some diversion.
Not really, i kind of want to off myself just to see what's on the other side. There's just a lot of stuff i want to do here first though
Missing out on some days by sleeping is one thing, but missing out what is gonna happen in the next few decades would be just sad. Think about the wondrous things that are gonna come up with the advancement of technology and tell me you'd be ok missing out. There will be so much new shit. Also, death is scary.
More pain then death. The idea of slipping into eternal nothingness is oddly comforting to me
it's the dying part that makes death scary
pretty much this, im eager to see what mysteries of the universe physicists will unveil in the next decades but fuck man im so tired of it all
more powerful computers, faster and better cars, immersive vr, small medical advancements. same shit but better though same shit at the end of the day, truly radical lifechanging advancements will hit mainstream in close to a century desu. on the other hand the inmediate future is a totalitarian dystopia, there will be no happening or big wars. wish i could believe in cryonics and sleep for a century then wake up
>The idea of slipping into eternal nothingness is oddly comforting to me
I will never understand what you guys mean by that.
>it's the dying part that makes death scary
Ye, and all the "eternal nothing was" part too.
I think you're wrong. Who knows if there will be some radical paradigm shift in computers in a decade or so. Something truly radical. I believe it will.
Looking forward to it everyday . I hope a 18 wheeler hits me hard enough or die of an heart attack in my sleep
Just die already you faggot.
>die of an heart attack in my sleep
Do people actually have heart attacks during their sleep?
Not so much death but more so the thought of dying. I'm not sure whether anything 'happens' after you die but even if it is nothing, that doesn't seem all that bad. If it's anything like the void before birth it'll be fairly comfy desu. That being said I'd still definitely scream like a bitch at any oncoming doom as I'm sure the transition is terrifying.
I'm also not edgy enough to moan about how hard life is on my basket weaving forum. I don't mind being alive, although sometimes I wish I could turn off my consciousness and sleep forever while my outer body continues as normal. In a way I guess that is wishing for death.
>Eternal nothing
How can something that exists become nothing that doesn't exist forever?
I don't know. Does non-existence exist?
Cardiac arrest actually I think, a heart attack would wake you up. Look up the difference.
t. grandfather died in his sleep a room away from me while on vacation
Not really.
Death is boring though, but so is living. I have no desire to live nor die.
Kind of, to be honest. I'm more scared of only half-living for the next 40 years tho
Everyone fears death some people are better at hiding it
you didn't exist for millions of years before your conception and you won't exist for the billions of years after your heart stops. only brainlets and normalfags fear death
I want to die being old while I sleep. That's my fantasy
I don't want to die but I don't really fear death. It still scares me from time to time but I try to embrace it instead of fighting against it.
>other side
Fucking makes me sick that people use this rational to justify suicide like it's real. My fucking sides.
I fear that I'll go to a very bad place when I die. What I don't understand is how people aren't afraid of life.
>you do fear the inevitable, right
Why fear what you cannot affect. Imagine going through life, scared of something you have no power to change.
I mean most of us here live a pretty miserable life as it is but I think paranoia of death is a step above in misery as you can't even enjoy yourself anymore and base your life around irrational thoughts
Life is what you make out of it. Being afraid of life is being afraid of yourself and at least on this board there are more than enough people who are even afraid of their shadow not to mention their selves.
>I will never understand what you guys mean by that.
Imagine being alive as you are now. Then imagine your life was the kind that would make you want to stop being alive.
>Ye, and all the "eternal nothing was" part too.
What makes it scary? Imagine eternal SOMETHING. Imagine actually existing forever. Imagine experiencing all the bad things reality has to offer.
Guys this beings me to ask, what are we? We're kinda like those animals outside, right? Where did we go right? Where did we go wrong? Where are we? Where do we go? How did I get here?
Take the Epictetus Stoic pill
>people aren't afraid of life
You try not to think about it; when you are truly in the present, it is a really aware and perfect feeling. Fearing death is a trivial for there is nothing you can really do it about it except prolong the inevitable.
>fearing the inevitable
Pointless, I will accept death with a smile on my face.
>The idea of slipping into eternal nothingness is oddly comforting to me
That's too bad because it's definitely not an eternal nothingess.
What the hell is there to fear? I'm not leaving anything I care for, I constantly pay for shit I should need to pay for, work my ass of for a job I hate, and everyone I know doesn't love me. It's not some "feel bad for me" shit, everyone is going through this. Death is a paradise, no matter what you believe happens, it's better than this.
You don't know that. But I hope to fucking Nixon himself it's nothingness.
It's counter intuitive, sure, to accept that death is a change in state rather than just nothingness, but it is surely the truth. Something cannot come from nothing, the idea that your consciousness will just cease to be is just a daydream of people who find life meaningless. Your memories, thoughts and rationality may well all vanish but that core conscious part of you will simply change state.
Nihilism is a comfort for the pointlessness of modern life, not a truth because it is simple or more believable.