/mbti/ bland and inoffensive edition

Lets try not to make more drama.
>MBTI notes

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What do you guys think of Enneagram types?

Post all your ENFJ girls RIGHT NOW

By your logic, I'm xNTJ, which is about correct. Really based on mood. I do talk about music like mad, but almost all the shit I listen to is obscure ass dark- and hard-vapor ambient, black metal, cassette rips from satanist folk and normal edgy garage bands, and dreampunk. Also, extensive neurofunk playlist gang gang.

this thread seems nice, I'm a intp girl

INFJs are deceptive, manipulative scumbags

Too close to home there

>be infj
>get literal harem randomly
>be infp
>no one loves me but the girls sucking INFJ dick say im unique

I hate being INFP and I want to kill myself

Fattest doubt.

same INFP again
being unique is not worth anytyhing,literal worthless consolation prize for being unlovable

Fuck ENFPs, never trust an ENFP.

>Cries after watching infinity war

Its 3:10am and Im tired as all hell
I'm graduating soon, yeah?
I keep getting all these words of congratulations and all and such from my teachers and family and everything
And I'm supposed to be happy that I'm finishing school and that I did well and getting out in the real world, finally having the time to do stuff
But in reality, I feel hollow and that I've achieved nothing
I keep looking back at the things I've done and shouldve done and I feel nothing but regret and I feel miserable
I feel like I've wasted so many opportunities over these past few years doing nothing but play video games, sleep, tripping on psychedelics and watching youtube videos
I've reached a milestone but I cant see myself going anywhere again. I wanted to go to college and get a good career but the more I read into it the more I feel my goal is unrealistic. The more these days pass by the more and more I want to just wither away and die and for no one to remember me or what I did. I dont care anymore. I want off the ride.

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INFJ chads ww@
We're deceptive, manipulative, and evil. And it's fucking awesome.

This is a thread theme I can get behind!

They're cool. There's also some correlation between enneagram and MBTI types, which is interesting.

I'm right here, my friend!

>Post all your ENFJ girls RIGHT NOW

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Is there no other ENFJ outside Monika?

Sakura is one too.

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huh, interesting graph

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God I wish I had a friend who'd put up with my bpd INFP ass

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ENFP men are some of the most loyal friends I've got. Women ENFPs are the kind of girl that cheat on you and proceed to say that you have to understand her side

>edgy shit
>satanic shit
You're my nigger

I'm sorry
I wanna kill myself too
T. Intp

infps are alpha lad. much more passionate. infjs get harems because the girls idolize them in a certain light that the infj maintains and observes, cultivates. if they are alpha lads though; quite a lot of beta infjs as well. as an infp you just need to set your own mind straight and have a good outlook on things that isn't too based in fantasy. you need to practice self care and be attentive to what your relationships mean or they can control you. plenty of chicks want that infp dick deep in their pussy because they know you like being called daddy, you just have to execute and not let your self consciousness get the best of you

INTJ reporting in.

I listen to mostly Boomer/Bloomer music.

has it occurred to anyone mbti is literally identity politics

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>tfw INFP
>tfw obsessively collect music and love prog & jazz
What am I?

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thats kind of the point isnt it? it's informative, not necessarily meaningful unless it's attributed to be, but the concept of sociology can help with personal insights and a means of guidance, whether it's a static thing to be understood or not. i think personally that personality also needs to be aligned with the turbulent vs assertive, it tells a lot about mental condition as another variable in behavior that can be translated to all peoples

what specifically do you enjoy about music or those genres in particular

evil is a subjective thing. i am not manipulative deceptive or evil. unless you consider persuasive in what i believe to be of intendedly good moral compass, accepting polyamory;love for all, and truth and speech with other people to explain myself or show reasoning, manipulative deceptive or evil. i abstain from harming anything where i can, including other people and animals. i'd say i align more with a loving buddhist approach to existence. athough it's true that everyone is compulsive, especially in thought, that doesn't make you specifically evil unless acted out upon, also in which can be atoned in many cases (whether in this life or not, whatever you may believe). i think that being evil for feeling is an uncool way of sharing yourself with other people or existence at all

accept reality, that your standards are being held too high. understand many suffer in this world lives far removed from your own perhaps. your one job in life that would make those that truly loved you proud,including yourself, is living your life how you feel you want to. don't let anything hold you back in your decisions for yourself, even if you have to make mistakes to learn who exactly you are in any moment. as long as you attempt to really reach deeply inside, you won't disappoint anyone, because you'll be able to say at least you contemplated instead of giving up like just another shit down the drain. you can hold it together, existing is what life is about. making that existing tolerable is work for most

>tfw you realize the INFJs are deceptive and manipulative meme is just to keep them from being bad people and remind them that they can indeed be bad and they aren't special snowflakes

Being good to other people is also evil in a way
They become soft and vulnerable
The truest course is not the buddhism but daoism
No action is good, but no effort is gone

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You realize someone's dominate functions will differentiate depending on what they are doing in their life, right?
The whole reason people end up with the same personality type for years is either because they arent doing jack shit in life or because of their own personal bias when answering questions
Mbti is just about as useful as the 69 something genders.

Thoughts on INFP girls?

Cant say anything good about them, Satan

Unlike what some think, both genres are actually full of emotion. But that only isn't what draws me to music, it's the soul. When the artist is clearly being fully sincere and enjoying the music themselves, that's when I enjoy it the most. This is also why I love watching (and listening) to live performances.
This all applies to prog and jazz as well of course. But I also appreciate the obvious hard work put into the music, the abnormal song structures, etc etc. Anything that makes it more interesting that regular pop music, really. Suffice to say, music that can't be just listened to on the background tends to be enjoyable for me. This is why I don't enjoy most cool jazz for example.
A part of the main interest for me in these genres is the 'controlled chaos' aspect as well. But for prog especially, the grandiosity is a big draw for me. Here's a good example of that if you're interested: youtube.com/watch?v=4B76mnzf4Wo. Usually that can mostly be found in symphonic prog though.

i know like 7 years ago we established that most people on /b/ were intp

i would like to say that that just doesn't really reason with me, particularly because there's nothing wrong with being soft and vulnerable when it comes to accepting love from others, and how does what i said previously go against wu wei or taoism at all? i think that it would provide the opposite of making someone soft, but rather strengthening them

yes thats what i literally said in my post, sorry if you couldn't understand. and those claims are a bit daft, you could say that some types are more easy to mistype *because* of their functions and who they are

Please elaborate. Did you get abandoned?

Am I the only S heree?

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Strengthening people with good intentions can sometimes bite you in the ass, or cause other things you didnt intend to happen. Its good only in general sense, but beyond it lies future that you can only predict, in best case, majority of outcomes. Sometimes you have to pull the plug.

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they're strengthening themselves, i merely am a reflector for what is already within others, it's maybe more about turning the reflection towards an area that needs healing or light, filling my role as it is or is needed. intending things to happen is certainly not taoism. no plug to pull when i am synchronized with naturalness and spontaneity

this is pretty interesting stuff. thanks for sharing

You are never the only one.
There are way more N people around here though.

You just have not completed your path to individuation and shadow integration yet, so you're just coping by saying good things about yourself. I think the best way to describe my evil is in the sociopathy of my relationship door slams. I have already judged almost everyone, even my own family, is destined to Satan's hell based on my religious system I use, because many people have not integrated their shadow yet. So I can abandon my family if I need to because they are sinners. My allegiance is to God not to my family, so if a sinful family keeps me away from God, I will abandon them. So one of my evil traits is my sociopathy. Your door slams are the same sociopathy, but you really hate door slamming people because you see the goodness in mankind while I have no qualms about doing door slamming everyone cause I see everyone as subhuman sinners.

wait man, i forgot to put in the crystals. alright. i did mention what i dubbed obtrusive thoughts, which are all thoughts not controlled. could you then include controlled thoughts about those thoughts being inherently meaningless or blameless, as they would be directly related to an obtrusive thought, yeah? as they all return to baseline awareness. a clear mind. so you could perhaps say that those thoughts are meaningless and hold no weight, including your narrative larp and ego that you are clearly plagued by, lest you let your narrative larp and ego take your reigns and convince you otherwise. perhaps you're the one who needs to open up his eyes a bit to who you're condemning or prophesying yourself to be

What I'm trying to convey, that sometimes even inherently good actions can create really bad situations.

being alive means you're going to die maybe ; ^)

Breathing oxygen cases death

>i did mention what i dubbed obtrusive thoughts, which are all thoughts not controlled. could you then include controlled thoughts about those thoughts being inherently meaningless or blameless, as they would be directly related to an obtrusive thought, yeah? as they all return to baseline awareness. a clear mind. so you could perhaps say that those thoughts are meaningless and hold no weight
This is a bit cryptic to interpret. Saying something about your conscious thoughts vs your unconscious thoughts I'm guessing. So you are trying to invalidate these unconscious thoughts to acquire a clear mind or enlightment as according to a Buddhist mindset. I disagree, your unconscious dreams having meaning and value, but they are very difficult to decipher. Your moral system is just different from mine, so I'll leave it at that. I won't lie I'm a pretty awful person judging people to damnation and salvation. I don't mind it, it's the only truth that works for me. Do what works for you then.

I always liked this word.

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Understanding your unconscious thoughts and dreams can reveal clues in understanding your shadow. So rejecting the unconscious is like rejecting the shadow, so you are trapped in your ego. The shadow will fight back against the ego with illusions and projections. Enlightenment is when you understand the unconscious, and it no longer controls you rather you now control the unconscious. I don't know if interpreted it right, but that's what I got out of it.

in no way was i implying there was no meaning. they can be quite beautiful thoughts, the most surreal of fantasies. i'm talking about not holding power to our fantasies of fantasies. lest you are an idolator of your own graven images. you would miss what heaven truly is(now)

Consuming water causes death
There is no meaning
Beauty is subjective
Brb gonna kill myself

linked to wrong post woops

I am merely a small humble servant of God. A speck in the history books. I'm just following orders from God's instructions, I'm not making my own instructions. If I was following my own instructions, I would've murdered my own family already for their transgressions towards me. But I don't do that cause God tells me I shouldn't. I would have stabbed them in the back a long time ago if God didn't instruct me not to.

Nice, glad I could provide you with some insight.

I'm an ENFP man and I have to say the thought of my female equivalent is an odd one. I've always thought of this as a masculine personality, even though I know the stereotype is the opposite. Frankly, all ENFPs are sexually depraved, but we never intentionally betray anyone - you just have to hold our interest for a long time, and that takes maturity on both sides.

Why is everyone chuckling and what I say and claiming I'm funny?
I almost never try to, I'll just say something as a response to someone and then people chuckle or giggle at it because it was really goofy or something like that.

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I've gone from ENFP to ISTP what the fuck, this test a shit

did you have your heart broken or something? that's quite a shift.

Holy shit how'd you know, yeah got my heart smashed real good

>Fill in different answers 2 times
>Get 2 different results

Your personality made a drastic change when you faced a difficult life problem thrown at you. Your ego could not solve the problem, so you are forced into your shadow and you suck at using your shadow functions. It hurts a lot to use them, so you're depressed, angry.

I wouldnt say I'm depressed or angry, just jaded af and can't be fucked to deal with people anymore

ahh why do I have such a thing for enfps ahhh sdfjaso;idjaisdj

>Post a song, others try to identify your mbti
I'll start


ESTP (?)


A song? favourite? least favourite? first song you heard? last one?
how could one deduce anything from a song that's relation to me is unknown?

Just a song you enjoy, it doesn't have to be your favourite one. That's what I'm doing at least.

it's not in english so here's a little tip
he talks about being very tired sad and just wants to smoke dude weed with his girl
INTP probably

based and infp pilled
inclined to think infp if you spend a lot of time listening to depressing music

posting one that will be obvious, also its just classic

What are some feminine qualities that INFJs have, since some say it's a girl type?

mostly has to do with needing your emotions validated, also having daily identity crises because too much empathy blurs the boundaries between self and other

Sounds less like INFJs are manipulative and more like they're easily manipulated
Are they the most empathetic type?

>Are they the most empathetic type?
it's INFP imo

i think Fe makes INFJ want to validate others the same way they want validation, and Fi makes INFP want to cure others.

Here's the heatmap pic of the MBTI-Enneagram correlations. It's not my OC, but I think the source is in the image.

I will also post another interesting pic, but it's not about enneagrams.

>i think personally that personality also needs to be aligned with the turbulent vs assertive, it tells a lot about mental condition as another variable in behavior that can be translated to all peoples
This is a good point. I agree.

Loops and grips can also do something like this, but not as drastic as in this case.

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INFPs are pure cinnamon rolls, too good for this world, etc. It's ironic that an I type needs a group to survive but that's true especially for poor lil INFP.

"killing with kindness" has never been more true of anyone than INFP

>I will also post another interesting pic, but it's not about enneagrams.
...aaaaaand here it is! Since body types and MBTI were briefly discussed in the previous thread (, , , , ), I thought I might as well post this here!

So it seems ISFPs are between endomorph and ectomorph, and ISTPs are ectomorph! Of course this chart is an overgeneralization, or at least it's not true for all people of all types! U w U

This pic not my OC either. It's from the My Somatotype website.

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What does my broken heart have to do with you having a thing for ENFPs user

Do you think it's possible for an INFP to be racist?

Every type can support any ideology or bias.

I was just pondering since most people seem to think they're the most empathetic/pure type.

They are stereotypes or jokes, being Fi dom doesn't make you more empathetic - all it actually does is making the subject prefer to focus on "subjective" morals, ethics, identity and feelings, typically the Fi dom due to this preference will end up being very in tune with their own self, knowing exactly what they want, what is/should be good or bad, how they personally relate to ethics and so on.

>half way between endo and ecto
sounds creepy, what would that even look like? Skinnyfat and rectangular?
now that's just silly.
>lol F type = fat
I think there might be an agenda here

empathetic and pure are like opposites or something lol. How can you be pure and understand someone else's feelings as if they were your own? Purity requires a divide, separation, not closeness.

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the INFP's "purity," and i think you'll agree with me given your own experience, comes from being familiar with darkness and evil through themselves and others. it's like a reaction to negativity, although because of their familiarity with these forces, they are also susceptible to being controlled by them rather easily.

Can you boys red pill me on what an "ISTJ" is? It seems to be the most based introverted personality from all these infographic memes you guys post.

I'm an ISTJ btw.

>tfw infp 4w5
I'm a walking stereotype

>Can you boys red pill me on what an "ISTJ" is?
The type who does the work without questioning the reason. Ideal military type.

elitist horseshit. functionally the ISTJ is more of a straight-shooter, not unquestioning for lack of insight, but because they rely on less criteria to validate their decisions but are more sure of what they do know.

There is a part of them that is most naturally a low life, scumbag, bottom feeder. It is their true form to take everything and never give. They feel offended that the world requires them to do anything other than exist and receive everything for nothing. The world must clearly be malfunctioning. Their loyalty is shit (I saw a butterfly bye bye now). Male and female, I have family member ENFPs and have seen many others.

I'm an INTP and I make most of the gentlemen threads on their. Almost everything else on the board is kinda shit.

>mfw i went from INFP to INTP

One of my friends is the most stereotypical istj i've ever seen. All he does is work, and his life is extremely self-structured. Wish I had that kind of discipline, really.

t. entp