There are no signs of God's existen-
There are no signs of God's existen-
I'm horny rn
I need her
T rich Asian fag
>Asian male
Sorry, but that's a yikes from me.
That girl in op's pic likes money. She would fuck me.
Are you one of those Chinese tycoons lmao?
He is some gayfag here that every time a girl comes on here he begs them to come live in Texas with him becuase he makes a little bit of money and offers to buy them anything they want
He says girls want money and he could buy them yet he has none. And he has been offfering for years.
Also 140k a year is hardly rich... its wealthy and alright
Maybe with low rent and if you live alone its getting up there but idk
holy fuck that's pathetic
as a big headed tranny I really hope big heads start becoming attractive
He also made you, so no way he's a loving god.
what the fuck is that abomination my eyes hurt thanks lord for the light behind her for shadowing her mutated face
I'm a self made millionaire. Posted my story many times before. Sooner or later, I'll post proof of my beach house, boat, condo, etc... but until then, you're just gonna have to take my word for it.
I'm not from Texas, nor do I make $140k. It's much higher.
And if that girl (whoever she is) saw my bank account, she'd fall in love. They all do.
looks exactly like my cousin who I am secretly mildly in love with
Why don't you post something you own lmao?
Why would a self-made millionaire post on Jow Forums?
>looks exactly like my cousin who I am secretly mildly in love with
Okay, just google pic related and I have to say, yep, definitely my type.
t rich Asian fag
>that booty's enticing. Never had one so small. Would love to taste her pink shitter.
shes so beautiful and perfect she goes back to ugly
Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Pic related is same girl.
Her name's Rianne Van Rompaey
My real estate agent's ass is small, but not that small. Hmmm, pic related is most likely anorexic...
>aren't they all?
I hear anorexic pussy taste muskier due to the lack of nutrition.
>that flat ass looks nice. Would munch for hours
Stop it with the LARPing.
But are you attractive? In the end that is all that matters
Look at this girl.
So fragile and thin.
Like a piece of ritz cracker, she'd snap in half with a single bite
Is $86 million attractive enough for you?
Anyways, found more pics of this Rompaey girl.
Could devour that fire crotch for hours.
>I do it to my real estate agent all the time
So no, you're not attractive. You won't get a model girl that way. They already have plenty of money, what they want is someone as attractive as them.
what was your business again?
Look at this girl.
Look at that thigh gap.
I'm sure she'd let you grab her pussy if you were rich enough.
>$86 million says I can grab it all day long.
Are you only taking is as a sign of God's existence or also a sign that Jesus really was the son of God and all the stuff written in the Bible is really true?
This is one extensive LARP, desu.
I'm 5'7
6 inch penis
108 lbs
>My shoulders are thinner than pic related
I don't give a fuck about my height. Never have. My concern was all about building my business, selling it, and getting that money.
Anyways, I bet Miss Rompaey never had a tongue up her asshole before.
If god is real, then why do namefags like you exist?
I have a lot of sympathy for christianity and catholicism in particular (I hate Protestantism), but if God exists that doesn't necessarily mean Jesus was the son of God but I'd like to to believe so. I mean, if you accept God's existence then the only choice you have is to pick one of the three abrahamic religions right? I'd have to choose Catholicism.
But recently I've been thinking about religion a lot and I'm sitting more towards Buddhism. There are some flaws withing Christianity that are not easily dealt with and that Buddhism actually work better. I think that Buddhism can actually remedy some things that Christianity can't as easily.
>If god is real, then why do namefags like you exist?
There is nothing wrong with being a namefag,
How does it make you feel that you have to LARP and then come back to your pathetic existence?
Miss Rompaey, how much to model these for me in private?
Ever had a rich Asian bf?
You can tell Miss Rompaey likes money and wouldn't settle for a man who isn't a multi millionaire.
>skinny models think they deserve the world
With that in mind, I bet I can play with her pussy while her parents are in the same room. Lol.
She'd most likely get mad, but then I'd buy her a Vespa or some shit.
>asian guy is so beta and insecure that he has to pay for a gf
Bet if I had a private plane waiting for Miss Rompaey, she'd have her pussy in my mouth no later that day.
FYI: it's very difficult prying my mouth away from tasty white girl pussy. Just ask my real estate agent. Haha.
Anyways, I have work on a couple hours, so g'night.
bitch looks like the first zombie in RE1
>She does holy shit.