>tfw so intelligent it makes me unlikable so I have to dumb myself down to make friends
Tfw so intelligent it makes me unlikable so I have to dumb myself down to make friends
Keep living in that illusion fag
yeah but sauce on pic pls
same. It sucks being like this
but you're really a sub-90 iq, user. do you live in africa then?
Does this apply to you by any chance?
>tfw am actually noticeably more intelligent than most people around me but also am not an arragant narcissist who's probably pretty unlikable because of that trait coupled with possibly many other negatives so I manage to politely get along with everyone and am effectively able to use my intelligence to explain difficult subjects in layman's terms because I actually know what I'm talking about as opposed to some incel on Jow Forums that thinks hes sooo smart but can't just find a solution to their boo-hoo crybaby bullshit
>tfw dude actually stop holding other people to the standards you hold yourself to and this won't be a problem
>tfw tfw
>tfw nobody knows how to properly greenest
>tfw I remember a day when greentext wasnt a thing
tldr; OP was a huge fucking niggerfaggot.
>pic related
not OP
holy shit thats me except I'm not a virgin what the fuck WHAT
Congratulations, you feel the same way every sixteen year old who has ever lived has felt. Maybe you don't have any friends because you are an insufferable cunt? No, it must because I am just so incrediblly intelligent (by my own observations, which is a totally valid measurement).
Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
I usually feel this way when I talk with people who didn't passed highschool since I have bachelors I see them as lower IQ
and yet I see those muh big dick daddy paid my college retards the same IQ as me except they got another shit diploma advantage to show at work and brag
Lol because using an education someone has spoon-fed you in a first world country makes you so intrinsicly intelligent? Go try and survive 100 miles into the Amazon rainforest and try to survive, those dirty uneducated savages have been figuring that out themselves for thousands of years without the cannon of western knowledge since Socrates being handed to them already discovered and formatted to be taught. Memorizing equations and ideas someone else thought of does not make you intelligent.
we train in school to survive in this society why the fuck would I got in the forest if wasn't born there
compare a 4 degree tyrone and a 12 degree average guy who adapts faster in a city society?
this is me. but what is my mental illness?
I've been diagnosed with depression and social anxiety but I feel my core problem is much deeper
Why though? I mean many people feel dead inside when depressed, is there something you have that is deeper than that?
WWWOOOOOSSSHHHH. That rainforest tribe example was to highlight for you receiving and education is not a measure of intrinsic intelligence, just proof someone can follow directions, like assembling a helicopter in a factory. The guy bolting the parts together did not discover math proving flight with centrifugal air-displacement lift. You memorizing things other people taught you just means you can pay attention for a bit.
You are not intelligent. You are at best average or slightly above it and it makes you feel better than everyone because a huge chunk of people have IQ's between 100-105.
I'm actually the exact opposite, I'm such a huge retard that I can't make friends at all and it sucks because i cant make myself seem smarter to get friends like you can make yourself dumber :(
every job requires to pay attention nowadays what the fuck
forests don't exist anymore they are replaced with farms and factories soon we will wear masks like half of asia
This is me but I have 2 friends and am not a virgin
You're a really fucking genius OP, never changed because you're going to go far in life. That IQ, which is measured by solving shape-puzzles and some pure math equations someone else taught you is like claiming you developed a language because someone taught you to read.
>hey guys, i'm smart!
Like a clockwork. Literal brainlets always reveal themselves because of their hissy fits.
Repeat after me:
>learning to listen and be receptive is not dumbing yourself down
>learning to be patient with people who are slower than you is not dumbing yourself down
>being open to learning from people who are tangibly dumber than you is not dumbing yourself down
>occasionally tuning out of your own autistic headspace and interacting with people without being too irritated by it is not dumbing yourself down
>finding a way to convey concepts that make sense to you such that other people can also understand them is not dumbing yourself down
>everybody was the smartest kid in their high school and you're not some hotshot
>everybody was given some form of confirmation that they're a genius and can do anything growing up
>finding people who want to discuss what you like is not dumbing yourself down
>not every idiosyncrasy of normal people is indicative of them being dumb
>people dumber than you can still teach you things
And don't even get me started with the "you don't get it, I'm a special snowflake" crap. You're not, and I do get it. People are slow as shit, they don't think, they don't make connections, they're slow to learn and quick to forget, their judgement is terrible, they can't comprehend the most basic level of abstraction, their minds are occupied with stupid shit, I know. It's all true.
>realistically-speaking, brilliance is actually pretty cheap to come by, if not in proportion than in sheer volume
>realistically-speaking, you're not Newton or Tesla, you're just smart-ish and bad at interacting with people
>even if you are a genius, your problem is more likely that you're an autistic head case than it is that everyone around you is too dumb to talk to
Cheers, faggot.
Like clockwork, some user announced what a smart genius he is with absolutely nothing to back that claim up with but circular arguments and misinformed beliefs about how their capabilities compare to others.
Not fucking even. I'm just sick of this horseshit. I was raised on it, and it's toxic. Not everybody likes hanging out with a bunch of egomaniac psudointelllectuals circlejerking about how smart they are. It's cringy, and brilliance isn't half as hard to come by as you'd think.
What do you want, a cookie? A gold star sticker on your report card? Do you want a shiny for being such a smart boy?
Bad news, fucko, "gifted" and "unique" and "different" were just slang for being functionally on the spectrum. Congratulations on being in the top 20% of the misfits and congratulations for being the biggest brain in whatever piece of shit town you grew up in; now go meet the other 10-20 million people on Earth that smart and get in line.
well thats it the board has been taken by edgy teens
You fucking brainlet. They're taught how to survive as well, no way could they fucking survive there without their parents and tribe teaching them how to.
Anyone able bodied here could survive there if they were taught like those savages and vice versa since they'd probably starve if transported to a 1st world country.
Just like anyone else could learn the things that you having learnt makes you so much smarter than everyone, right? Circular arguments in effect.
guys stop I'm having an high IQ emotional laugh with tears reading all of this.
It's also amusing how wrapped up in the material mechanics of an abstract comparison to illustrate a common theme you are. It's the concept that being intelligent is how well a person can problem solve with nothing but their own login, not how well you memorize facts and figures other people assembled for you over centuries and centuries. I'm sure there are plenty of people bellow high school in formal education around the world that are light years ahead of you in that regard. And I'm the brainlet for informing too-smart-for-friends here about a more accurate perspective of reality than the one he is ego-stroking himself off to.
I mean, not OP, but to be entirely fair, there are some things that you probably couldn't teach anyone beneath a minimum threshold of intelligence. I don't really expect to teach Forrest Gump theoretical physics. It's an extreme example, but still.
But, to be fair to the other side, I have basically seen Forrest Gump do speed math. Sometimes Forrest is Rainman in disguise.
I'm glad somebody feels something other than cringe, bitter cynicism, and rage here.
This is actually a solid point. There are definitely dudes out there who could memorize everything from Euclid to Einstein but who couldn't come up with it on their own without tradition to draw upon. And who probably couldn't function- period-without help.
You mean people that are retarded cannot be taught some things because their capabilities are limited from genetic deformity in their brains? Good point, thanks user.
>know math professor growing up
>man is well-versed in everything from computer science to history to mechanics, chemistry, theoretical physics, politics, religion, speaks multiple languages, works at a university doing research, etc.
>can absolutely smoke me in chess
>this guy can math so fucking hard that he's actually got his name on papers and a Wikipedia article and is like 2 degrees removed from John Nash
>drop him off in the middle of the Amazon fucking rainforest without gear, preparation, or other human beings
>he dies because there's no fridge and no supermarket and no wife to boil him some carrots
>and also because of exposure, predators, infection, insects, and a total lack of experience with the terrain
meant for
Honestly, there are some concepts only geniuses CAN get, but they're rare and usually it's because nobody knows how to describe something that abstract yet. Half the time it's because the geniuses have a largely murky conception of it, too, but get it intuitively.
I'm 30 above the average in my state.
It's more that I don't even want to make friends with most people. People are, as a rule, stupid, immature and really shitty. I wouldn't want to make friends with myself either, I'm not trying to be pretentious. I'm perty smurt, but I don't feel any need to dumb myself down for friends, I just straight up don't feel any need for relationships with people who don't meet my (unrealistic) standards.
I guess some people don't like cocky people
Yes user I'm sure that's exactly why nobody likes you.
me except I'm helluva ugly and don't have big eyes
Oh my, another Rick and Morty fan, I too enjoy being the smartest being alive
141 IQ here, felt the same for a long time desu.
Started smoking weed/doing other drugs since they bring you to the same level of feelings/thoughts.
Started socializing & learning how to talk to other people (even the ones on lower educational levels).
Now I can talk to basically all people without problems, even sober.
Honestly, it all comes down to experience & not acting like you're on a high horse just because you have some arbitrary genetic IQ points more than the other person.
If you're around other people, simply learn to adapt to their niveau of speach/thought and you should be fine.
It would be stupid to talk to lower IQ people in over technical terms & specialist vocabulary or about deep philosophies.
If you only can/want to talk about those topics with other people, then you have to learn how to simplify the things you are talking about so the one opposite to you can actually understand them and add to the conversation themselves.
thanks for saying that out loud, someone had to be the one.
That's pretty pompous of you mate. I'm not saying it isn't true, you could be very smart, but can you prove it here?
There are people in this thread who believe
>educated and well spoken = intelligent