Need advice Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums. New here. Read the sticky. Still need some advice.
Here's the story:
>26, m, 5'9", 322 lbs as of today, estimated bodyfat at around 35-40%
>started weight loss June 7 at a peak of 342 lbs
>two weeks ago, started developing sleep apnea (at least noticeable when trying to go to sleep)
>moved onto recliner, getting much better sleep
>working my way up in exercises, currently focused on cardio so i can build my heart health
>general routine is 4 miles of brisk walking a day broken into 3 segments, morning afternoon and evening at 2 miles, 1 mile and 1 mile, averaging 20 minutes per mile and averaging 130 bpm heart rate
>under brother's advice (RN, former navy fitness freak), added in an abbreviated MARSOC Short Card workout doing 5 of each exercise sans pullups 3 times weekly.
>since sleep apnea started, have lost 5-6 lbs.
>diet consists of about 1500 calories with whole grains, lean proteins and fruits/veggies and light dairy split into two meals a day.

Goal is primarily simple weight loss. Need to lose weight quick to recover from this sleep apnea so i can sleep in bed with my wife again. I will be transitioning to weight lifting in a couple weeks when i get a gym membership.

Am I doing anything wrong?

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Only thing you're doing wrong is wanting it to be quick. You should want it to last. Losing all that weight is gonna take at least months, probably more than a year. But you can do it if you really care about your wife.


Ok now serious. I'd also say that 1500 calories is too low for you. Calculate your daily calories for maintenance via the sticky and then subtract ~500 from that.

>estimated 40%
you're a 55-60% sphere
also, what you're doing is correct for the most part. only thing I'd change is less walking since i imagine that would be destroying your joints

if you stick to this regimen hard you will absolutely lose weight
the real difficulty is being this consistent over a long, long period of time


>imagine forcing a meme with 2 other people all day with no one joining

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You fucking wish, maybe in like 60-70 pounds
>1500 calories
That's retarded low, either go -500 under TDEE or if you have retarded willpower, water fast instead

Also lift weights faggot

>Am I doing anything wrong?
you're sleeping upright in a chair instead of getting a cpap machine, if the sleep apnea started after you were already losing weight there are probably other factors at play

No insurance
Aiming to hit 300 by October 31 and focus more on building muscle after

Why is that so bad for calories when fasting is no calories

not necessarily. Apnea from obstruction can start after a long period of time being obese even if minor weight loss occurs. The ten or 15 lbs op stated wouldn't make that much of a difference. Maybe 30 or 50.

I'm not trying to lose 200 lbs overnight. I'm aiming to lose about 10 lbs a month on the low end.
I understand doing that is more for muscle mass building. I don't want to focus on that right now, I want to breathe.
advice heeded on the bodyfat. I have no access to swimming and am too fat for biking in regards to my joints which actually have bothering me less than when i was sedentary.
Aiming to do this short to moderate term. 3 months or so. After this I will change my regemine to better suit longevity.
Is 1500 really bad compared to 0? My BMR is supposed to be around 2700, should I really keep at 2000+ for short term results? Like I said, I'm trying to drop weight for breathing purposes up front, with long term weightloss to be focused on afterwards.

Bumping for time.

>estimated body fat
>not at least 50%
LMAO you're delusional. You're not 190lbs solid muscle at 5'9

Unironic snake diet.

I was clearly wrong. Sorry.
Unironic my heart can't handle that salt shit. Even when I was 200 lbs 6 years ago, I had high BP, somewhere in the 140 systolic range. I'm hovering around 160 now.

these faggots will say that whatever you're doing isn't optimal and get you to push harder and harder until you eventually snap and call it quits
they don't give a shit about you, they just want to argue with each other about "the ultimate" regime and use your fat ass as a test bed

if what you're doing is working then keep doing it

Thanks for the red pill. I guess since this is such an important thing for me that I'm sweating the details. Thanks for the balance. Where I'm at is comfortable in the sense that I feel better than I have in months. I'm worried about my sleep apnea, but I feel good and energetic in the mornings.

If you're the sort of person that uses the term red pill unironically you'd be better of choking to death in your sleep.

You posted body even though you knew you'd be criticized and mocked. While there is a lot going wrong, you've made an important step in the right direction. Don't stop moving forward.

instead of wasting money on a gym membership get a gastric sleeve.

Get a gym membership as soon as possible. Keep it pretty simple. Force yourself to go 3x a week, minimum (no excuses). Trade out the walking with elliptical training (less demanding on your knees).

Do your miles on elliptical and then lift, I'd recommend you start with machines (watch all the noise that comes from this), just bc you're not accustomed to moving. Do full-ish body each day: chest, legs, shoulders/back. 3-5 sets of each exercise. Switch up with different exercises each gym trip.

Again, your goal isn't to go beast mode, it's to build up muscle that's atrophied and to get your heart pumping. Track your reps/weight pushed (there are free apps out there) then every 2 weeks add a little more weight (using 45 plates, add those 10s or push the weight pin down one setting, adding 10 pounds).

If you do this at least 3x a week, you'll feel the difference in the first 2 one will see it, but you'll notice your posture changes and your arms/legs feel strong. Movement gets easier. Breathing will be less labored.

For diet do low carb high fat. Tons of info out there. Your weight will drop fairly quickly. You want feel starved (which leads to setbacks and old habits). Drink shit tons of water, flush that system. Buy some probiotics, take them religiously with each meal.

Do not give up. You're entering a new life. I believe in your user!

>imagine the smell.

Join /fat/, lotta great tips

Hey Oney

user, it seems like you are off to a great start. most importantly, you are taking responsibility and admitting that you need to change for yourself. you should be proud of every pound you lose and keep pushing. sounds like you have all the basics - diet, cardio, strength training. just keep doing what you're doing, and keep dialing it up as you keep losing weight and getting more energy.

Good job user, proud of you. Ignore any rudeposters in this thread.

You wanna lose weight and you are walking 4 miles a day. Try the Keto Diet I've lost 200 pounds in 4 years. Protein makes you feel full and once you get into ketosis you'll not only be burning fat but all that walking will be helping your muscles. Stick with Rye, Spelt, or Dave's 21 grain bread, these will help you. Be very limited on pasta unless it's whole grain, but still pasta, white bread, & potatoes are starches that turns to sugar. If you want chocolate go as dark as you can without any additives. Read up on Using the Keto Diet/Diabetic Diet. Hope this helps. Stick to your plan and don't worry about what others think or say.

20lb loss in 2 months at 1500 cals while doing exercise is ridiculously low for your weight. and you probably aren’t even factoring in the water weight so it’s more like 10

>Read the sticky
Don't tell me what to do you piece of fat shit.

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