What are you doing to honor the temple God has given you, user?

What are you doing to honor the temple God has given you, user?

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I masturbated last night and came into a sock.

that's tragic user, repent and you will be saved

Gf got me into church, slowly opening up my parents to the idea as well. Small local church, old folks love having a cute young couple among them, it’s like hanging out with sweet grandparents for an hour and a half once a week.

God bless you.was it your sock.

I am trying to sleep while sitting in the lotus position. This is something that has stuck in my mind and I made it a goal for this year. To achieve this I am doing a progression:
1 - sleep on the floor (mastered this technique for three years now)
2 - sleep on the floor without blanket/anything to serve as a cover.
3 - sleep while siting.

I decided to begin step 2 yesterday. My first night ended with me going to bed at 10 pm and waking up at 2am. I feel slightly tired but not much. I think the shortness of this sleep is due to the body temperature being too cold. Will monitor this from now on to see how it will turn out. Am kind of used to cold showers now so I reason I will strengthen the body if I do it for a longer period.

what the fuck

Like this.

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I figured it is the most optimal position for sleeping in the wilderness. One day I may be forced out of home with no place to go, so I am just trying to maximize my chances of survival.

Lol that girl is gonna devastate your soul

I sell my body to a greater degree than most hookers in exchange for good pay and benefits.

Of course. It needed to be since I intend to bring my kids everywhere with me. I am not a bad father.

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I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

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>doing set of 5 deadlifts
>first 2 reps okay
>3rd rep hard
>4th rep even harder
>inspired to cry out to Ishtar
>5th rep fucking easy
Is divine aid natty?

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Enjoy having your ass raped by demons for eternity if you don't repent.

>Worship Jew god and crucified Jew son
>Worship Goddess worshiped by Nebuchadnezzar II, conqueror of Jerusalem and BFTO'er of Jews
Real hard choice

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Nothing harder than hell user

God picked the Jews, who He knew were His most irritating and retarded creation as a way to flex on nerds like you. He chose them a d they betrayed and killed His Son. Jews hate Christ.

Lift to kill all the canaanite jews like Yahweh commanded us.

Attached: Aryan victory prayer.jpg (430x554, 50K)