Are you addicted to junk food?

Are you addicted to junk food?

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Yes, I eat too much fast food

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I use to be.

My parents were/are redneck trash that only fed us fast food never got my siblings and I into drinking water at all, just sugary shit. Made a lifestyle change after moving out at 18 in drinking water 95% of the time and forcing myself to eat wayyy healthier and got into the habit of working out religiously x6 a week. Managed to drop 100lbs in 6 months from it starting out.

I asked my mom why they did that a few days ago and her reasoning was "Oh I didn't know it was unhealthy, I don't anything about nutrition." Really noggins my joggin that we didn't get diabetes, heart disease, and other things and that people like this are allowed to have kids.

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I don't even like fast food, I just go out and get some to gtfo of my house once in a while. What else can you do when you live in suburbia and want to get out but have no friends? I started going to the gym too so there's that.

Just candy. And soda. And fritos. And potato chips. I guess corn chips and salsa, too. I do like Oreos, too. And Girl Scout cookies. And tater tots. Oh, and I put like 2 tablespoons of sugar in my coffee 5 times a day. Oh, and I've been hitting up Carl's Jr. since they got a veggie patty. And I like Sonic. And those fruit pies from gas stations. And Mcdonald's pies.
But mostly just candy and soda.
Fuck, are noodles junk food? What about pasta? Fuck, I want spaghetti now.

I don't eat it all that often, but boy do I fucking love it. If I didn't have to worry about making my stomach fat or my wallet thin, I'd get takeout literally every day. Abstaining from it doesn't make me desire it any less.

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Try anorexia with binge-eating disorder.

Was fiending super hard for fast food tonight even though I got a sandwich and potato wedges from KFC earlier in the day. Crazy part is I didn't even know what I wanted. I just wanted to go to the drive thru and order something.
Luckily I powered through and just made myself a turkey and cheese sandwich. I think it's time to take a break from last food tho

Yes it's all or nothing with me, i can cut that shit out for years when at my worst. But the moment i get that taste of over-saturated sugar/spices nothing will hold me back. So glad my stomach can't even handle soda. I can't even have sugar cubes in my house, i will just make it syrupy with water and pour it on whatever.

only eat fast food like once in 2-3 months

Modafinil has removed all desire to eat.

Beaner chow is fucking amazing nutritionally if you dont shove 5 lbs of rice and tortilla down your gullet with it

No, I try to avoid it. Probably drink more coffee and tea than I should though, even if I put nothing in it.
I have no idea how anyone can stomach those beyond sugary drinks that are popular in the South/amongst rednecks, that shit is fucking nasty.

>drive passed McDonald's
>forget that McDonald's now use brain signals
>Drive passed anyway as I'm late for work
>My normally diversion will mean I'll be late
>Blank out
>Wake up back at home surrounded by emtpy McDonald's packaging
>Four big Macs, four large fries, 2 x 20 mcnuggets, seven mcdoubles

ITS NOT FAIR how can I lose weight when they are doing this shit to me. I don't even get to enjoy it either as I blank out. They are scum criminals reeeeee

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Well i like fast food. I eat it every once in a while. But i still love my own cookings and would rather eat that. I only go grab something quick when im in a hurry or too tired to make anything

no, i'm in control of my body. is fast food delicious? yes, but it's bad for you, so avoid eating.

is this junkfood? there is all sorts a vegetables and such.

I am addicted to sugar in any form, junk food is just the easy way to get it. Also I love any food that is rich or greasy so I eat fast food probably once a week.
It's been easy to abstain from candy lately because my roommate was sick and stuck his cough and diarrhea hand into the candy jar. It was so gross and I need to throw it all out but then I know I will just buy more. Have you read anything about willpower? there is a lot of interesting research on it.

I think I have this. I never binge and purge, I binge and starve.

You could argue the tortilla chips are because they're fried, but it just looks like texmex cuisine which isn't inherently bad for you. there's a lot of vegetables and fats in it.

Is beef jerky junk food? I eat that shit all the time god damn. It always cheers me up when i'm having a bad time.

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No it's good for you. Packed with protein and iron and only 100 calories for a regular convenience store-sized bag.

junk food and candy is for children. much too salty/sweet for my tongue, which is probably why i'm always cooking my own (shitty) food

Not really as long as you arent eating multiple bags at a time. It can be a pretty good extra source of protein, especially if you make your own which isnt really hard, just a little time consuming.
I prefer bitter personally.