Iq thread

whats the iq of Jow Forums?
Post your iq down below!

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i remember it being 145

official or online?

128 online Norway mensa
Slightly below average irl, not officially tested but I'm dumb as a rock

obviously online, there's no way in hell i have that

no you arent.
Most people with high iqs think they are dumb because the havent achieved anything... YET

how old are you?
If you make an official iq test and its above 125 you have the privelege to go to another school where you can basically learn whatever you want... at least in my country

I just see me as a self aware idiot. There were times I thought of myself as smart but age has made me realise how dumb I am or at least made me stop coping with my stupidity
Also not joking when I say nutcase tier dumb, I have trouble with simple math, struggle with logic at times, am a slow thinker and can't concentrate

When i enter Jow Forums, the IQ drops to room temperature

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that sounds nice, but in america you're just a dunce

138. It' I know folks smarter than I am.
Also, please tell me you're not Cringelord McNofriend from that other dumpsterfire of a thread. You got your sticker.

I hardly tried on a real IQ test, was supposed to be 2 hours long and I did it in 30 minutes because I thought I wouldn't get done in time.

My result was 120.

probably 90. idk what determines iq

Second-guessing and agonizing over questions actually lowers your score on any given test.


preetty smart eh

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which thread do you mean?

I used to be a bit smarter but I got brain damage.

Hush, user. Let us allow it to sink, bumpless, into the abyss.

enough IQ to be a millionare hehehe

143, officially tested because they thought I was retarded when I was younger

Haven't gotten tested, but I'd say my IQ is around like 5 or so

Got the max score on that norwegian online test, think it was 150 or something. Not going to test myself for real though, IQ seems arbitrary and inaccurate, and I have always felt like a retard anyway. Most everyone says I'm smart, but I'm pretty sure it's because they can't think of any other even semi-plausible compliment.

Good evening, I am a retard, thank you, pee pee

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