What Mental illnesses do you have robots?

What Mental illnesses do you have robots?

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Some kind of personality disorder, but the DSM's no help beyond that.

Non specified concentration disorder, told by my kid doctor
Below average intelligence
Also slight hint to a bunch of disorders that are not significant but are still felt in my behavior
Basically just a weirdo but my doc says I should attempt therapy

bipolar with schizoaffective

Severe PTSD.
>forgetting where you are, coming to under a restaurant table, shaking
>have to sleep in a bathtub because it's better than a bed
>wake up screaming and flailing, afraid to go back to sleep
>died years ago and only getting deader

I have a huge inferiority complex
Ive always been a straught A* student but thats never been enough plus ive become really elitist about films anf books etc although i try not to be

ADHD and depression

only ones I know for sure are gender dysphoria and chronic depression
I have the symptoms of a ton of other ones but I'd rather not self-diagnose

How can you still be depressed? ADHD meds ate practically antidepressants.

Did you transition or no? I have gd too but I'm looking for alternative solutions.

Bipolar disorder and ADHD

Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality for sure.

Have also at times been diagnosed with BPD, Addention Deficit Disorder (Innatentive), and some others.

Put in mental hospital twice. Several group therapies and individual therapies. All types of medication - the only ones of any use are the ones people abuse like benzodiazepines.

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Psychosis, Depression, and anxiety. Lots of doctors and randoms say I have ASD but never been officially diagnosed.

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Bi-polar 1/psychosis, schizotypal personality disorder/paranoia-delusions, autism, Anxiety. Thats diagnosed but i have symptoms of ADD, PTSD, and depression.

im taking lamotrigine for bi-polar and paliperidone for psychosis.

Paranoid delusional schizophrenia and anxiety due to that. Taking Latuda and Paliperidone. What really helps me though is the supplement Sarcosine. Starting taking that a few months back and it's like I got my brain back after 8 years of it being broken

Nothing, I'm a health human being. How it's possible to a person to have more than one mental problem?

Usually they're interrelated. They use the same drugs to treat bi-polar, schizophrenia, and schizoid affective disorder and are usually accompanied by anxiety disorders. ADD and Depression are something different. I'm not versed on borderline luckily. I think that pretty much covers the big ones.

Bipolar disorder, but my doctors assure me my neurology is all weird, apparently this is really rare but it does happen.

So many names to lack of self control and discipline.
Are first worlders really this paranoid about being a well behaved normie that fits 100% in society?

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Better to be on drugs than wandering the desert with no pants because the gay agenda is out to kill me.

Paranoid shizophrenia allegedly "diagnosed" take anti-psychotics
ocd, tics when i get too excited n stuff
depression take ssri's
brainlet, i consider being a brainlet as an illness

Was also bullied quite allot which prob did some mental damage like low self-esteem and all that

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Dude, learn some self control and really basic social skills, you don't need to be drugged into normiedom because you're weak

hmmmm i would like the sauce

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The only reason you would consider me weak is because I take terrible bait like this.

I consider you weak because you have five "mental illness" and have to take sedatives to exist.
Someone that cannot try the basic way (sleep well, eating well, doing exercises, taking sun,...) and instead run for drugs and self pitting is not only weak. It's a complete failure.

I do all that and take drugs that keep me sane. In fact I'm just about to lift. I'll continue talking to you between sets. You really have no earthly idea what you're talking about but act like you do.

ADHD and Depression, probably some social anxiety but those two are the diagnosed ones.

Severe OCD bordering on insanity

I was diagnosticed with depression and BPD, I ignored the doctor, learn how to have self control and stop being a pussy and suddenly I was healthy again.
Have you ever tried to stop with computer and masturbation for a week?

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NPD, hypochondria and insomnia

So you're not fine. You're mentally ill and have no room to talk. The only difference between us is you afflict your mental illness onto others while I'm doing bench.

i really don't know anymore but i wish i did

Imagine being such a faggot that you believe you're sick because you don't know how to deal with live.
Anyway, I hope you like the place your live is going, drug + self pitting is a one way road.

>You should be sedated and do whatever you are told to do like me. If you "have" a "mental illness" you must not have a normal live, a gf or do anything good.
Maybe your ignorance is a mental illness after all

>Imagine not knowing the difference between "live" and "life"

Lmao tard

My life is better than ever man. I'm no longer suicidal. Have an income. Mentally the best I've been in a decade. I don't pity myself. I used to be in sales too so your trying to peg me down as inferior to yourself because you have subpar social skills which is better than most robots is laughable. You're weak but have a hero complex about it.

You're cracking at the mental seams for a reply. Have a (You).

>I have five mental problems, I live on drugs, I'm lonely and my live is miserable, but you made a mistake
What ever, you are not worth respect, faggot

The tard's white knight, if only you knew mental problems have simple solutions

I'm the guy you're talking to subhuman. I know you have a room temperature IQ but try to keep up.

>Typical BPD overreaction
Keep telling yourself you're "healthy" just because you did a no-fap lel

Keep giving excuses to your weakness, and why you need to take drugs to keep living.
I don't know how you where raised, but I imagine you it was a really shit childhood.

Autism, OCD, ADHD, and anxiety. My brain is chaos and I await death.

>If I'm broken and weak, so everyone else must be

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I was pretty much perfect before the illness. The illness knocked me down but I got back up. You're perpetually living it though and need to score points against imaginary character traits of people you meet on the internet to feel good about yourself. Honestly you're pathetic but have such an ego it warps any chance at self reflection.

>I was pretty much perfect before the illness.
And grass is pink
>The illness knocked me down but I got back up.
Yes, now you are well behaved, sick and on drugs
>You're perpetually living it though and need to score points against imaginary character traits of people you meet on the internet to feel good about yourself.
No need to project, my weak friend
>Honestly you're pathetic but have such an ego it warps any chance at self reflection.
So if I don't behave like you, it's because I lack self awareness, this is a bad way to cope with your own bad decisions.

You really should not believe anything people tell you

recurrent depressive disorder (or whatever they call dysthymia now), major depressive disorder, anorexia, social anxiety

You're the real rebel. Having sanity and peace is the real enemy. You listen to a lot of Rage Against the Machine? You don't even realize how crazy you are.

A bit of autism
Bit dislexic
Bipolar disorder

>Having sanity and peace is the real enemy.
That's why you should learn how to be normal, instead of be on drugs that make you tolerable to normies

You don't exactly come across as normal so I don't think you're in any position to give advice about being one with society. You're crazy as fuck man. I take the drugs not to sedate (they don't do that retard) myself to become more tolerable to others but because they help me think the way I want to think. Cleared headed and without worries.

>I take the drugs not to sedate
>I want to think. Cleared headed and without worries.
That's all folks

ADHD, adjustment disorder with anxiety, major depression, 50% of undisclosed cluster A personality disorder, and pedophilic disorder.
i guess i'm doomed robros

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Once again you're crazy as fuck and really, really stupid. Can you imagine that as an actual point in an argument?

user, i'm not arguing with you, I'm laughing at your weakness and failure

You're projecting. Whatever you have to do to keep yourself from going crazy. If it makes you feel better to think you're better than others as a defense mechanism for the inevitable break down. I'm going to live a normal life whereas you have two options: dying in the gutter pissed on by dogs or in a looney bin sedated to the gills so people don't have to take part in your rebellion against the very thing that would have prevented either of those options.

>I'm BPD but I'm okay now! Really! You just need to get away from the computer!

Frendo you're either in complete denial about your issues (although nobody with your type of disorder would be that right?) or you really don't have BPD

>You're projecting.
First I read this, but then I read this:
>Whatever you have to do to keep yourself from going crazy.
>If it makes you feel better to think you're better than others as a defense mechanism for the inevitable break down.
>I'm going to live a normal life whereas you have two options:
You even said how you cope with being drugged and broken:
>dying in the gutter pissed on by dogs or in a looney bin sedated to the gills so people don't have to take part in your rebellion against the very thing that would have prevented either of those options.

I know English isn't your first language but you're literally not making sense right now. Are you having a break down?

>I don't have self control, so nobody can have it
user, just learn how to don't do anything you feel like all the time, and you'll be "cured"

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I read part of the DSV like 4 years ago and I was "self-diagnosed" to be part avoidant part schizoid.

Years passed and I think a differential diagnosis would yield different results. I do not care though, at this point I consider the DSV classification practically irrelevant and useless to my problems as I realized the true root causes of them.

>me cannot understand
>me must be smart
You didn't had to explain yourself like this:

>Whatever you have to do to keep yourself from going crazy. If it makes you feel better to think you're better than others as a defense mechanism for the inevitable break down. I'm going to live a normal life whereas you have two options: dying in the gutter pissed on by dogs or in a looney bin sedated to the gills so people don't have to take part in your rebellion against the very thing that would have prevented either of those options.

Why you project user?

Thank you doctor Phill

I can't understand you because you don't speak English well enough. It's like talking to a toddler that's having a break down. Are you having a break down? Do you need help?

Suck it up puristbro. I have an ADHD diagnosis and it lets me collect Adderall every month paid for by my completely ass healthcare plan.

gods how fucked up is it for me to be envious of someone for being type 1 bipolar
it seems like a fucking superpower from my perspective

> Are you having a break down? Do you need help?
This is how you cope with an argument? No surprise you need drugs to keep living.

Acute stress reactions and issues with attachment. Literally this guy.

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You aren't arguing. You're having a mental break down right now. Calm down. Breathe.

You are pretty repetitive, do you have some sort of autism?

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how the fuck is mental illness real hahahaaha nigga just walk away from the psych like nigga take charge of your life hahaaha

Done lifting. Have fun with your mental break down, loser.

>Are you having a break down?
>Are you having a break down? Do you need help?
>You're having a mental break down right now. Calm down. Breathe.
>Have fun with your mental break down, loser.

This is you on drugs

I've been keeping up on the conversation. I believe you more than him. Life has many challenges, and people sometimes have to face these challenges to keep going. But at the same time, they also have to keep their own sanity intact as well.

But not everyone uses the same solutions to overcome their challenges because we all have different personalities and experiences.

>because we all have different personalities and experiences.

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diagnosed mid-level depression and neuroticism

>first guy states a rational claim
>other guy doesn't like it, so he randomly labels him as delusional or sick

Ladies and gentlemen, this is called the Martha Mitchel effect.


Depression anxiety and it hasn't appeared yet but I'm in the 90th percentile for developing schizophrenia

>first guy label himself as sick
>first guy try labeling second guy sick, because second guy say he's not sick

>Ladies and gentlemen, this is called the [insert name] effect

A marvelous cocktail of doses of multiple cluster /b/ personality disorders, mixed with depression juice, served on a tall glass with a slice of paranoia

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Autism, anxiety, OCD, slow processing speed.

Haven't been diagnosed with anything but im sure i just have schizoid personality disorder and maybe some mild paranoid episodes

First worlders are under a constant pressure to fit the mold or be homeless, at least here in the U.S. So, those of us that are a little mad try desperately to try and be normies.

I'm happy I live in a shithole, at least I can live my live in peace

Personally, I fucking cannot. I mean, I can keep on a mask at times, but pretending to be a normie is almost impossible.

You're the one throwing accusations around. Get help dude, seriously

I'm not even the same guy as above, please take your paranoid meds.

Dissociative (multiple) personality disorder

>There are people ITT who haven't been in an institution for a prolonged period of time

depression, anxiety, avoidant personality disorder


The worst one I'm suffering with at the moment is the BPD due to the impulses which are manifesting in anger and destruction of stuff. I fucking hate it with a passion and I'm trying to get on some meds to calm it down.

I found the cure bros help us

Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Tourette's, ADHD

Assburgers, depression, and social anxiety. Although, I suppose those things go hand in hand. Might have mild ASP because I tend to not to care about other people but haven't been diagnosed.

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Not properly diagnosed yet, waiting in line but assuming ADD.
What I do have on paper so far is depression and anxiety triggered by people and stress.

>high functioning autism
>dysthymia (maybe full blown depression by now)
>social anxiety
>some sort of math disability

I am taking risperdal and Vortioxetine.

Diagnosed autistic but it's probably aspergers
Anxiety/Social Anxiety
Severe explosive anger
Not diagnosed but I suspect ADD

Gee, everyone is so desperate to be special they gotta self diagnose mental illnesses or make up some bs story of going to the doctor. Then again, maybe everyone here is absolutely telling the truth and not trying to be a special snowflake.