Gym gloves: should you use them?

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yes, be sure to be an indian and wear a polo shirt too cupcake

Earn your callouses

only betas wear this shit

Some unknown black guy was doing muscle ups with them so maybe?

Of course, it helps avoid injury and wrist strain.

If you don't use gloves at all eventually your wrists may get very painful. Same for weightlifting belts


literally everyone in my gym wears one so you might as well

Doesnt sound like the best role model to me.

Only if you want your boyfriend to enjoy it when you jack him off.

>earn them callouses

I use them and girls comment regularly how jacked I am but my hands are so soft

the haters in the thread can jerk each other off with the callouses as I'm fucking their women

Been in fairyland a long time peter pan?
You dont fucking need these. You should be spending gym money on steroids, HGH, IGF1, earphones, powerlifting shoes/good shoes, decent gym clothes.

Not being a bitch.

Also suplements. Considering how much some of this shit is a vial u shouldnt have money left over for faggoty gloves. That $15 will get u a bottle of bac water or several boxes of sterile wipes. The fuck are u doing dog?

No. Reduces your grip strength. Real men lift with no gloves, straps or any other reinforcements.

whatever cope you need man

If you want to keep your hands smooth for some reason, sure. I like my callouses though.

Im pretty sure theyre for keeping your wrist straight and not preventing callouses.

I think he just wears surgical gloves. he is also hilarious streaming fornite now

ok boomer

opinion discarded pathetic faggot

Sure that way you will have silky smooth palms for giving handjobs

Why not just get wrist wraps then?

>YES, you wouldn't have such soft hands!

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Yeah. The gym is unhygienic as fuck and calluses are gross. Literally haven't gotten sick at the gym once since wearing them

Literal retard. Go ahead and look like a woman wearing them because your frail weak body can't handle the POWER OF THE IRON TEMPLE

Nah they’re for scrubs and they look retarded

>pic related

Only reason for lifting gloves is to keep your buttery man paws nice and soft so you can jerk off your boyfriend fag. I’ve literally fucked twinks, but if you wear lifting gloves you’re gayer than I am

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Massive faggot cope post
>implying your post is of value

>uses lifting gloves
Your argument is invalid bruh

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Only people i see wearing them are skellys that bench 5kg


I got a pair for deadlifts. Ended up only using them for shoveling because they breath better and have better padding than regular work gloves.

a better question is:
>dicks: should I suck them?

Im not trying to gain callouses in the gym like most fucktards here.
If you can train without gloves and callouses train harder.
If you still dont get callouses good for you.

If you do get callouses and that shit starts to hurt when you are working out get gloves.
Pain is for the muscle im trying to train not for my fucking hands.

What a bitch, if you can't stand a little pain don't go to the gym. Gay ass twink.

Don’t listen to the rest of them. I started using gloves and all my lifts when up. Also my hands weren’t getting torn up so I could go to the gym more often and for longer

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just make sure they match your purse

it makse whatever you are gripping thicker, so it increases grip strength you dyel ass faggot.
Gloves are based on all pulling excersies

>Train chest, feel pain in hands.
>Im such a macho.

they're fine if your gym is anti chalk but chalk is generally preferable

western-union bandana wearing incel dickheads will mock glove-wearers unironically and without any self-awareness

> Also my hands weren’t getting torn up so I could go to the gym more often and for longer

this was a problem for you?? what the fuck i never used gym gloves in all my time at the gym and this has never been a problem

train with something other than pink dumbbells then

>"""man""" who needs gym gloves trying to make fun of me on an anonymous gay imageboard


Is there a standard radius for the bar? I've noticed that at my old gym I would get callouses very quickly and from pretty much any exercise, but now that I'm back home and going to the gym here I'm not having any issues at all. The bar feels like it's thicker and has a longer radius but I was under the impression this was all standardized so there shouldn't be any differences.

keep training "body" weight with your faggot friends in the sauna


You wouldn't wear sunglasses in the house of the Lord so why would you wear gloves to the temple of gains

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If your callouses start stabbing your poor little tender hand skin, bite off the sharp edges

planet fitness?

I tried using them for a month, was horrible. I couldn’t really feel what I had in my hands and this was bothering me when doing deadlifts. I worked to improve my grip and this greatly improved the problem with callouses, never used the gloves again

Only if they match your purse

Ok 4srs now, I used to work in moving and one blacc guy was a slayer. Just a happy smooth dude. He always wore gloves. His explanation:
>What if you're tryna get the pussy and she says no cuz your hands are rough?
>It ain't her fault!
Maybe something to it lads

I wanna get into them cause i got calluses now. Is it too late? Do they not affect how much you can lift?

I use toenail cutters to cut the fuck out of my callouses, I go into that special zone where I sit and cut my hands for an hour, like some kind of weird meditation on a sunday afternoon.

I use these. People judge you less and they never rip and need replacements. Don't listen to these faggots having open wounds on your palms and sandpaper hands is retarded

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The callouses becomes a problem when the spots below your fingers begin to peel off. But I dont like wearing gloves. Instead I scrape it off every once in a while with a footfile.

If you're doing shitloads of pulls. Deads, Clean pulls, cleans and snatches. Snatchgrip stuff essentially. I wouldn't blame anyone for wearing them.

found a retard

Found the incel

Pls respond

Gloves and shoes are markers of a pussy in the gym.

It's like a belt.shoot a disc across the gym is for spine is callus

Nice Dom Mazzetti reference

You have callouses why would you need gloves

These gloves cost less than $2 where I live

I have super sweaty hands. I could start a narrow grip bench press and end up with a wide grip without my beloved gloves

im not that guy but i was literally with a girl a day ago and she commented on how nice my soft my hands were.

>I could start a narrow grip bench press and end up with a wide grip without my beloved gloves

this, I think I might start wearing gloves again, my hands sweat like a fountain

Bars at my gym have a variety of thickness, the thicker ones tend to fuck up my hands on DL

>Limiting your gains for what a pussy might think


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You should use them for covering an injury, but generally you should use chalk

What the fuck is that

Who knows man? What if the Societs come back and start killing the “lazy” (aka people without calluses from labour) again

yeah use them to keep your hands smooth to rub your boyfriends dick. make sure you pick one that matches your bra.

Are you the fucking guy smearing chalk all over the fucking gym?

Anyway, been thinking of getting gloves because I have slight wrist pain when OHP'ing(had bad form, corrected it but the pain lingers) Would gloves help until my wrist has fully recovered?

>I'm so cool and hetero for not wearing gloves
>nevermind the fact that I am posting in the gayest part of this Mongolian accordion-making forum

will go well with your polo shirts and cargo shorts

Is this you?

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7/10 troll. Good job!

they're not

I use them but I'm a gay trap and want to keep nice soft hands for my boyfriend.

come to this thread to see this post

no. you'll look super gey


Its not too bad yet since i havent been licfting that long. I dint want them to be worse that they already are

>tfw found out I have a metal allergy
>have to wear them to avoid getting rashes all over my hands
feels bad

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If your grip is shit then yeah of course. However you should use them for more safety un powerlifting and a better 1Rm.

If you're a woman, work as a chiropractor or at a spa

Been lifting since I was 12 and used gloves around 15-16 because i was simply exploring what works for me

Didn't get better grip, they start to stink way too quickly and felt uncomfortable with arms with exploding gruesome hard pump making my hands boiling hot makes texture of any fabric extremely uncomfortable.

Gloves won't do shit for you unless you've got the hands of a woman

>he is that powershitter that chalks up for 1 pl8
>makes a huge mess and leaves white shit everywhere