London edition
shit picture
shit edition
made by a fucking phoneposter
I am udderly conminced that youron will kill cersay for the throne.
Going to watch game of thrones now, keep quite pls
>London edition
Hahaha rip m8
>Iondon mongs
Wasnt in the last thread, it was a pretty good episode imo. Thought the build up to the battle was great and the ending was satisfying. Wont spoil any of it because I am not that much of a cunt.
> it was a pretty good episode imo.
> and the ending was satisfying
lol the episode was a pile of shit mate
not one good moment
It was mildly entertaining schlock with too much plot armour and fan service
Technically, the episode was a fucking mess. The directing and editing was terrible and the lighting was fucked. Could barely tell what was happening half the time in the battle scenes
Pushups hurt my wrists more than anything.
I can't do more than 10.
>the lighting was fucked.
watching it now and it's awfully dark can barely see people faces
So you didnt like it? Is that what youre trying to say?
I'm saying I was mostly entertained but underwhelmed and think it was a bad episode with bad writing
You must be doing it wrong if it's hurting your wrists lad
Fair enough, I enjoyed it. I know what you mean about the lighting but I watched it on my tablet, looking forward to rewatching the series on a tv next Monday night when im back from holiday.
Yeh I've got season one - 7 on BD for a rewatch in the future and will probably get season 8 on BD too
I can barely remember most of the shit that happened before season 8 it was all so long ago
>paying for anything past season 3
I got them as a gift, lad
I'll be compelled to get season 8 just because I have the rest
Plan B is Poley making threads with a silly OP image
>he pays for anything
The loose women objectifyng male celebs on their show
Imagine the outrage if it was a panel of makes talking about female celebs tits and ignoring their eyes for their tits
Absolute MADNESS
>watching Loose Women in the first place
Fucking state of you lad, of course its gonna push your buttons
Shut the fuck up you fat annoying prick
Why don't you go swim in a volcano
This is how it was for years, every summer it livens up and everytime there's a new tripcunt but for the most point it's quiet, that's how we like it. /brit/ was made for fast paced conversations
Who pissed in your cornfIakes?
How about i replace your tits with eyes
Absolute CUNT
Just walked all the way to the butchers to get some grass fed beef because co-op doesn't sell it and I feel too guilty when I buy grain. Flipping great that, cost me a fortune as well
Think we're witnesses to a miracle lads.
Sulkanon only bloddy loves loosewomen
Ok now that's just rude. Apologize to him. Now.
Took my meds today and i've had kind of a fever lately lads
Resting heart rate is currently 122
You shut up bellend
Imagine the outrage when I deck you one
Absolute TWAT
weatherfu spazzing out again kek
Who's yer favourite loosewomans sulky?
Grass fed, grain fed I just can't stomach beef. Isn't it like the healthiest meat as well?
What outrage... I deserve it.
Goodbye lad
Have you took any paracetamol? Could you have an infection somewhere? Urine or chest if you dont have an obvious gaping dirty wound somewhere?
>had to filter the word summer on Jow Forums because summer cut threads kept reminding me of time passing by
Janice street porter of course phwoarr
Meant to be meeting a girl in 5 hours for a date, never been on one in my life and am very tempted to cancel it because i don't know what the fuck i'm doing
Let her conduct the conversation, when it gets to a lul, question her about the food "are yu enjoying it" etc. Let it branch off from there
I'm beat any of you Faggots in a fight
no, no and no as far as I know
nothing unusual down there and I've had no cough or anything
My heart rate is higher than normal anyway, couple that with the meds and the fact I'm now ill I guess it's bound to be high
Dont men like being objectified anyway?
don't reply to normalfaggots
you couldn't fight your way out of a plastic bag
Name a pub. I'll meet you in the carpark
Well take a paracetamol and check your temperature. Should take the edge off whatever it is a bit. Dunno what meds you mean but ive been on a few different ones for my heid too and some definitely made me feel a bit weird/shit
How you lads holding up?
None of you been gashed wide open by pakis with knives yet?
I'm outside your house, open the door.
uh mate its the blacks who have the knives
pakis have acid
This man is THE all time master of pop music and you should all be listening to him
how many of you can tell me his name
Ok cool, Yea have been doing that so should keep it up
I'm on ritalin, it's not meds for being ill
Dunno but looks a bit like Roddy Frame from Aztec Camera.
Any of you lads ever donated sperm? I'm considering it at the moment just so I can have kids without raising them.
I donated a nice thick, creamy load over your girlfriend's face last night and some in her cunt
walked in to the place and the receptionist took one look at me and said 'nah'
Nice trips but I don't have a gf
No you're not I just checked
It's Brian Wilson
Please lads if you ever bother to check out anything I post let it be this. It will genuinely change your life
'ate london me
'ate manchester too
want to live in the woods
Not anymore you don't. After last nights clotted cream she's addicted.
hi im virgin. never had a shag
> The GayBoyz
> The Sound of Dick
It changed my life for sure. I wasn't thinking of hairy fairies beforehand, but now I am.
Cheers poof.
take good care of her lad
*Puts the kettle on*
*brings a big plate of biscuits*
I just want you lads to know, we're all in this together
> Paki smashes through the door
We're on the evening news, lads.
*we were all just holograms*
The perfect place for a meet up.
bloody bastid shirts been inside out, hasn't it
Anyone here familiar with Airbnb?
How often do requests get denied or ignored? I've made a booking request and it's been nearly 24 hours without a response. Would be gutted if I didn't get it because the apartment is basically perfect for my needs
lol that wee bossy bitch just got swatted by a zombie gaint
Yeah don't use AirBnb.
They have let a lot of pedos and nonces stuff hidden cameras in rooms to watch people.
Posted this in last thread without realising there was a new one
Anyway lads, I had a fucked up dream where I met cola in a hotel roo m.
When I woke up I had a wank to the thought.
Am I gay?
Well I'm not a child so I don't have to worry about that though I will now be sweeping the place from top to bottom for cameras
> Am I gay?
Here's a quick test.
Do you find pic related attractive?
Plan B is Poley hiring a flat, wiring it for sound and video, then renting it out via Airbnb
can you still be gay even if you don't like hairy acne arse?
Find it horrifying how quickly SCEA turned on Tim like that. What a monster.
Lads, quick question:
Just trying to renew my driver's licence and they're asking for every address I've lived at in the past three years. The thing is, I've lived in about 4 different flats in that time, but my registered address (on my payslip etc) has been the flat I first moved into in London in 2014.
Am I fucked if I submit all the subsequent addresses now?
wow you are such a homophobic faggot
No, but I find that "leaked" pic of cola in underwear attractive.
unironically if you're on /y/ and say you don't like uber ripped hairy muscle chads then you get called not a real gay
I bought a motorbike after all guys.
Gonna have a pretty broke month and I'm fucked one step closer to being a normie now that I have some wheels.
It's 16 miles away so bit worried about riding it home. It's a lovely bike I can't wait to have it. A wee silver CG125. All but pristine. Can't wait to have it but I feel nothing but stress today.
Here's the list of gayness
Cola: not gay
Crona: unknown
Poley: gay
Assuming you'd bone them balls down. As we all know, balls up is GAY
How would they tell its not true.
What a bunch of autists. Attraction is subjective, it's like saying to a bird she is not straight because she prefers skinny lads.
Dunno. Though the fact I haven't updated my address since 2014 may mean they'll see if I've underpaid council tax or something. I just moved from rented room to rented room across London.
I wouldn't worry. You overestimate the deskjockies.
you're going to jail buster
Do you lads think being a postman would be a comfy job?
Every postman I've ever had have been lovely. Some of them jog around their route to finish quicker.
my postie really looks like techno viking
Sick pension, good pay, good exercise, enjoyable.
Only shit part would be being in the depot.
If you're out and about it would be fucking ace.
Just watched the GoT episode, I loved the majority of it, it was some proper fantasy kino. Ending was retarded though
I secretly wanted Alison to fall into the gorilla enclosure on our zoo visit so I could watch her get mating pressed by the gorilla
>Only shit part
lot of postman fuck up their knees and need surgery
GOT stopped being kino half way through season 4. Only NPC normies watch it now
I fucked a postwoman once in the back of her van.
Really cute blondie. Ahhh I miss her.
We don't care about your wank fantasies