Why are so many white girls addicted to BBC (big brown cock)? Will Pajeets become the Tyrones of the 2020s?

Why are so many white girls addicted to BBC (big brown cock)? Will Pajeets become the Tyrones of the 2020s?

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m8, you can't be serious

Because people have their prefrence you fucking incel.
Stop expecting girls to throw their vaginas into your face.

m8 we are serious

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we are very serious

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they are just friendzs

digits confirm that this is bbcc(big brown cock century)

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>big brown cock
Pick one dicklet.

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cute asf. to be honnist

pressing F to doubt user

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It makes sense. They have the masculine features and personality like black men, but they are also industrious and intelligent like whites. Dating a pajeet is literally easy mode

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it seems to be enough for these bitches

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hell even the uglies aren't doing to bad for themselves

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>lt makes sense. They have the masculine features and personality like black men, but they are also industrious and intelligent like whites. Dating a pajeet is literally easy mode

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here is another for you boyo

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dat smile kek


yes of coarse it makes sense, Indians are the peak of masculinity

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this kills the pajeet

chinkcels and cumskins...we taking azn bitches away from you too

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ok. fight the good fight.

hmm think for a minute...BBC...Britain is just man we are overcoming their colonial rule

we just getting started homie

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BBC just took on a whole new meaning

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or bsc , big subhuman cock

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because some of us are aryans

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how about cum in the white bitch instead of poo in the loo

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imagine what the next generation will be like?

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thats a strong attitude

They have to make it past 5 foot 4 first

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"Taking a selfie with an ugly taxi driver to boost my self esteem, YOLO"

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we let the women have a choice while we make ours already they lose we don't.

was about to post this, literally never seen a brown dude with a big dick in armature porn and there are tons of white, black and even some Asians with actual big dicks

money > height

Poo shills are now trying to fan white genocide. Disregard all indian people from now on

What's the problem with the first guy on the left?

It's a phase. Plus, they like being assfucked by dirty pajeets.

>white genocide
Back to plebbit or 8ch*n you underage cringe

Another thing they seldomly have.

In addition to shoes and toilets

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>It's a phase. Plus, they like being assfucked by dirty pajeets.

no, theyre pure, theyre pure

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what did you say silly nigger

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they seem to have take lots of selfies together then

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pajeets have tons of money bro. in the west

lots of selfies

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something smells broke in here

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as if Jow Forums would be more then just pol.

Or they're pedo sex offenders

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sorry we are not degenerate and post our dicks online for you to fap too

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lel. hes like

>" i give no fucks, Mr Hansen"

just a reminder for the haters

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what's wrong my buddy?

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cute couple!

hes a lucky man

these are what pajeets concider "big" lmaoing@urlyferightnow

Indian women are better than white women so idc

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They are suitable to please a woman who cares more about money and security

jesus she's hideous

You can poo in white vagoo as invade curry pussy

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All non-white women need colonization, so why not start with Arabs, Persians and Aryans, which share the most genes with us as Caucasians?

>itt: pajeets trying to cope with being the most beta of all races
even insect people are more appealing to western women

arent you the guy married to an "insectoid", idiot?

>cope the post
>average size being enough to please most women ishygdbt
>admitting to being betabux providing nothing but money
just accept your natural role as a paypiggy and let the chad/jamal bulls handle the sexual side of your wives/gf

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>arent you the guy married to an "insectoid", idiot?
...no? idiot?

I find brown curry girls more appealing overall. They are probably the most intelligent femoids and best at math and hard sciences and medicine.

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> life is a porno
> cucking is a real thing outside porn

whatever you say, idiot.

plus there are far more of them than white women

i'm not the one posting rambling nonsense, pajeet

the way pajeets obsess about sex and women is fucking gross. they're like the worst case of inceldom except every man in india is like that

not a pajeet. and youre just ashamed of being married.

meanwhile brown desis get an upgrade fucking alpha white chads

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>wasting my time talking to a pajeet with a room temperature iq
time to get the hell out of this thread

>the guy who married a woman of the race he calls "insectoid people" gets btfo and admits hes leaving.

gg bud

she was rasied by white parents thats how she ended up such a degenerate

Indian people smell of literal shit and curry. If degenerate women want them they can have them; they're allowed to choose whoever they want to fuck.

>not posting Jai Wolf, a talented EDM artist

epic fail, curry bros

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>Will Pajeets become the Tyrones of the 2020s

That cock is so unaesthetic